中文名: Eat3D 次时代高级贴图教程
英文名: Eat3d NextGen Texturing
别名: Eat3D 次时代高级贴图教程
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: Unreal Editor 3
发行时间: 2010年
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文
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供源时间:早上8:00—晚上21:45分 4MB带宽,请大家耐心下载
Eat3D NextGen Texturing 由Eat3D 出品的CG教程,大型游戏次时代高级贴图教程,可应用于设计,游戏行业。应网友要求特提供,时长近5个小时.这是很多网友一直期待的好教程
在这个教学示范里面,作者解释使用Photoshop来制作纹理的基本原理, 他深入的探讨了如何设置高和低分辨率的网格,以便为渲染普通的,AD,或是其它的图形。同样初学者也能从中学到来自于游戏工业的专业技巧。
教程所使用到的软件有: Unreal Editor 3, Photoshop, 3dsmax 2009,是一个综合性很强的CG教学。
This video has almost 5 hours of teaching and demonstration that will serve as the ultimate texturing resource.
What you get:
Project files include:
- Complete 2048x2048 PSD Files of the Finished Scene (1024x1024 for Download Version due to filesize)
- Base 2048x2048 PSD Files for Getting Started (1024x1024 for Download Version due to filesize)
- All Base Textures Used to Create the Final PSDs
- Unreal Scene and Package with a Base Environment for placing your Mesh
- Unreal Scene and Packages of the Final Result
- 3dsmax 2009 file with Final Low Poly and High Poly Mesh (OBJ files included)
- Over 80 Photoshop Custom Brushes
Download Filesize: 1.4 GB
Section 1: Getting Started with Photoshop and the Scene
This section includes:
- An Introduction to Photoshop
- Going over the UI, Masks, Layer Blends, and Adjustment Layers
- Briefly Describing the Wacom Tablet and Common Brush Settings
- Going through the Custom Brushes (Provided with the DVD)
- Demonstrating How to Quickly and Effectively Create Tile-able Textures
- Demonstrating How to Create Better Normal Maps using the Free NVidia Photoshop Filter
- Demonstrating the Importance of "Leveling" Your Textures for a Lit Environment
- Explaining the Importance of Setting Correct Smoothing Groups when Generating Normal Maps
- Using the 3dsmax Scanline Renderer (Lighttracer) for Creating Render to Texture Maps
- Combining the Rendered Textures for a Quick Base for Previewing
- Previewing your Combined Textures inside 3dsmax
- Previewing your Combined Textures inside Unreal Editor 3
Duration: 84 Minutes
Section 2: Getting a Base Diffuse for each Element
This section includes:
- Creating a Quick Base Diffuse for the Cloth Texture
- Creating a Quick Base Diffuse for the Wood Texture
- Creating a Quick Base Diffuse for the Fence Texture
- Creating a Quick Base Diffuse for the Concrete Texture
- Creating a Quick Base Diffuse for the Ground Texture
- Creating a Quick Base Diffuse for the Sign Texture
- Creating a Quick Base Diffuse for the Grass Texture
Duration: 62 Minutes
Section 3: Finalizing the Textures and Polishing
This section includes:
- Creating a Spec Map, Polishing the Diffuse, and Polishing the Normal Maps for the Cloth Texture
- Creating a Spec Map, Polishing the Diffuse, and Polishing the Normal Maps for the Wood Texture
- Creating a Spec Map, Polishing the Diffuse, and Polishing the Normal Maps for the Fence Texture
- Creating a Spec Map, Polishing the Diffuse, and Polishing the Normal Maps for the Concrete Texture
- Creating a Spec Map, Polishing the Diffuse, and Polishing the Normal Maps for the Ground Texture
- Creating a Spec Map, Polishing the Diffuse, and Polishing the Normal Maps for the Sign Texture
- Creating a Spec Map, Polishing the Diffuse, and Polishing the Normal Maps for the Grass Texture
Duration: 140 Minutes