中文名: 世界鸟类图鉴
原名: Birds of the World
作者: Colin Harrison
Alan Greensmith
图书分类: 教育/科技
资源格式: PDF
版本: 影印版
书号: 1564582965
发行时间: 1993年
地区: 美国
语言: 英文

It is hard to imagine a raison d'etre for this book, for its pretentions to be a field guide, as bruited on the dust cover, are absurd and are surprising coming from the authors, two highly respected ornithologists. What we have instead are species accounts of 800 birds, nine percent of the world total. These very brief accounts include a few sentences of general commentary; very small sections on range and nesting; a range map, color photo, and drawing showing scale; and one or two other small illustrations.