专辑英文名: Luck
歌手: Wiretree
音乐风格: 流行
资源格式: MP3
发行时间: 2010年01月20日
地区: 美国
语言: 英语

资源码率:205kbps avg
Their 3rd - and best - CD. Their last one, "Bouldin" was a huge leap forward from their EP and now "Luck" continues that stratospheric trend of leap-frogging, exponential improvement. It`s just flat-out exciting when bands do this - it just is. I`ve uploaded up a bunch of soundbites to offer up to prove it so take a few minutes and listen below. "Call it pure pop, or Beatlesque, or anything you like - but whatever you call this kind of smartly crafted, beautifully created, insanely catchy music, WIRETREE has it down on Luck the way TV pundits have hate speech. Led by songwriter Kevin Peroni (who also does a TODD RUNDGREN in the studio), the Austin quartet conjures up a luscious mix of JASON FALKNER, the POSIES, ELLIOTT SMITH and the LA`s, drawing elements from the best pop the last couple of decades had to offer. But for all
the familiar signposts in "Information," "Days Gone By" and "Across My Mind" there`s nothing here you`d call a rip-off of other work - beside having a sure melodic touch, Peroni has the remarkable ability to absorb his influences without regurgitating them, adding to the legacy of great indie pop rather than imitating it. The proof is in this delectable. " - The Big Takeover.
"Wiretree`s sound is best described as a hybrid between the Wilbury-era production Jeff Lynne brought to that band as well as Tom Petty and George Harrison and the poppier side of indie rock that artists such as Elliott Smith brought to the table..."Back in Town", the first single (mp3 download below), leads with xylophone reminiscent of Wilco`s "A Shot in the Arm" and its sound does owe a lot to Summerteeth, which in my opinion was Jeff Tweedy`s (and Jay Bennett`s especially) finest moment. That 1-2 punch sets a daunting standard for the rest of the disc, but it`s a challenge met...With any Luck, this will be the disc that propels Wiretree before a much larger audience. It retains their signature sound yet broadens it to point where I could see the intelligentsia of indie rock and the poobahs at Pitchfork giving it a thumbs up if they take the time to check it out. Here`s hoping they do." - Absolute Power Pop blog. EXTREMELY Highly Recommended, a no brainer.