专辑英文名: Unwritten
歌手: Natasha Bedingfield
音乐风格: 流行
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 2004年09月07日
地区: 英国
语言: 英语
年仅22岁的英国歌手以一曲“Unwritten"征服全世界,拿下全美单曲榜冠军,英国金榜冠军和格莱美题名的Natasha Bedingfield。首张个人大碟Unwritten一推出已成为英国唱片销量榜之冠。高质素的歌曲包括有她请来Guy Chambers合作的两张大热歌曲Single年个和These Words,后者更曾连续两星期雄据英国细碟榜冠军位置,而歌曲正好展现出Natasha在演唱R&B作品的自信。然而在知名音乐猛人如Andy Frampton、Steve Kipner、Mark 'Spike' Stent及她的哥哥Daniel Bedingfield助阵下,大碟制造出众多的音乐元素,有Reggage的Unwritten、大陆柔情的I Bruise Easily、Pink Style式的摇滚小品If You're Gonna……等,都让人听得满心欢喜。特别是同名单曲"Unwritten"(潘婷的广告主题曲)成了继Kim Wilde的 "You Keep Me Hangin' On" 之后,大约20年来年来首位拿下全美流行单曲榜冠军后座的英国女歌手,这首歌也成了全美主流电台在2006年年度播放次数颇高的一首单曲,这首作品也为她获得了2007年葛莱美奖最佳流行女歌手的提名,Vanity Fair杂志称赞她是英国流行音乐新浪潮的潮流先锋,甚至有挑战美国大牌Christina Aguilera 和 Pink的势头。
Natasha Bedingfield,娜塔莎·贝丁菲尔德/娜塔莎·贝丁菲儿,别名:Nat,Tasha,1981年11月26日生长于伦敦,父母来自“魔戒”的故乡——新西兰。娜塔莎是一位真材实料的歌手,她的歌声有超强吸力,她的形象靓中带劲;她对创作和歌唱的专情始终如一,她复兴了沉寂许久的“女力”;她对於“流行”的国际通行密码了若指掌,她甚至还怀抱著成为萨克斯风大师的梦想…,总之,Natasha是位多才多艺的创作歌手,这位才女在发表自己的首张个人专辑前,她的其他作品就已经好到藏不住,先被其他艺人─像是美国新进团体Cherie Amour等等─相中,选为他们的主打歌曲
In September 2004 Natasha Bedingfield debuted smashingly in the United Kingdom. Her first record, Unwritten, went to number one almost immediately and the glowing response established her as an instant pop star. Her ascent mirrored the sudden popularity of brother Daniel Bedingfield in 2001, when his bedroom production "Gotta Get Through This" rocketed similarly up the charts. For Natasha, it's "Single" and the near-perfect "These Words (I Love You, I Love You)" -- tracks that merge the rhythms and flavors of hip-hop and R&B with unique melodies and Bedingfield's vocal confidence -- "Single," for example, suggests Kelly Clarkson's 2003 single "Miss Independent." Bedingfield co-writes all but one song on Unwritten, working with songwriters like Guy Chambers (Robbie Williams), Andrew Frampton (S Club 7), and Danielle Brisebois. And she stays remarkably poised throughout, selling some of the album's weaker arrangements with the dusky grain at the top end of her vocal. "Silent Movie" and "Piece of Me" make moves typical of pop in the 21st century -- the former actually sounds like a Williams song, while the latter tries to energize its chorus with blaring guitars. But it's Bedingfield who does the energizing, intersecting Pink's knowing swagger with the confessional exuberance of youth (typified in the blurted "I love you I love you/I love you I love you!"'s of "These Words"). Even when Unwritten emulates the trends, its tendency to play out like a personal diary put to beats and keys saves it from the soundalike pile. The bubblingly positive title track is another highlight -- "Drench yourself in words unspoken! Live your life with arms wide open! Today is where your book begins!" -- as is the soulful hip-hop of "Drop Me in the Middle," which features London MC Estelle. "I Bruise Easily" is the late-album standout, a ballad that's as epically romantic as you'd expect (keening strings, Bedingfield's voice breaking on the line "Be gentle..."), but it doesn't get out of hand, retaining the tact that the majority of Unwritten has. It's a well-made pop album for the new millennium with star quality at its center.
I Bruise Easily