中文名: 高效邮件管理软件
英文名: Postbox
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: v1.1.0/含破解补丁
发行时间: 2010年
制作发行: Postbox, Inc
地区: 美国
语言: 英文

应用平台:Win XP, Vista,7
问题反馈: http://postbox-inc.com/contact
A better way to work with email messages and content.
Postbox lets you spend less time managing messages and more time getting things done. But what makes Postbox really useful is the way it lets you find and reuse all kinds of content hidden deep within your email. After all, it’s your email... make the most of it!
°²²²±±±² Postbox v1.1.0 ²±±±²²²°±
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² Released on 01/18/10 for exclusive usage by ²² ²²²
²² ° members of the release scene. This isnt something ° ²²
° ² ° to share with your school mates and not for sale. ° ² °
² °²±² ° Go and ask mommy to buy this app if you like it! ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° ° ±²²²
° °± Company ..: Postbox, Inc ±° ° ±
±° Url ......: http://postbox-inc.com °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²± ±° ° ±
±° ² ² ±± Release Information ²± ² ² °±
° ² ° Meet Postbox ° ² °
² °²±² ° A better way to work with email messages and ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° content. ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° Postbox lets you spend less time managing messages °± °
²² ²² and more time getting things done. But what makes ²² ²²
²²² ²² Postbox really useful is the way it lets you find ²² ²²²
²² ° and reuse all kinds of content hidden deep within ° ²²
° ² ° your email. After all, it’s your email... make the ° ² °
² °²±² ° most of it! ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Powerful Message and Content Search ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° * Ultra Fast SearchView larger version of this °± °
²² ²² image ²² ²²
²²² ²² Ultra-Fast Search ²² ²²²
²² ° Postbox makes it easy to search for almost anything ° ²²
° ² ° across all of your email accounts. Use the Search ° ² °
² °²±² ° Panel to quickly search by message criteria, or for ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° the power user, use search operators such ° ±²²²
° °± "from:Mary" or "subject:vacation" directly within ±° ° ±
±° the search box. Postbox even understands search °± °
²² ²² terms such as after "last Monday" or before "June ²² ²²
²²² ²² 2009." And if you want to find a specific word or a ²² ²²²
²² ° phrase, there’s a Text Preview mode that helps you ° ²²
° ² ° zero in on exactly what you're looking for. ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° * Image SearchView larger version of this image ° ±²²²
° °± Direct Access to Files, Images, Links and More ±° ° ±
±° Use Postbox’s Content Tabs to instantly find °± °
²² ²² attachments, images, links, and contacts – without ²² ²²
²²² ²² having to dig through messages to find what you ²² ²²²
²² ° need. The Action Bar at the bottom of each search ° ²²
° ² ° tab lets you do useful things from your searches, ° ² °
² °²±² ° like create a new message from a document you’ve ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° found. ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° * Compose SidebarView larger version of this image °± °
²² ²² Search within the Compose Window ²² ²²
²²² ²² Get fast access to your email content when you need ²² ²²²
²² ° it most - writing messages. A handy Compose Sidebar ° ²²
° ² ° lets you find attachments, images, and links ° ² °
² °²±² ° directly within a new message window, which makes ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° it easy to do things like resend project documents ° ±²²²
° °± or incriminating photos from the company party. No ±° ° ±
±° more saving to the desktop, moving windows around, °± °
²² ²² or other tedious actions that take up valuable ²² ²²
²²² ²² time. ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° * Contacts PanelView larger version of this image ° ² °
² °²±² ° Find by Contact ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Search for recent messages, attachments, images or ° ±²²²
° °± links from your email contacts. Within the message ±° ° ±
±° header, click a contact to bring up the Contacts °± °
²² ²² Panel, then chose which recent content type you ²² ²²
²²² ²² would like to view from this person. Search results ²² ²²²
²² ° will conveniently open in a new tab. You can also ° ²²
° ² ° search by contact from the Inspector Pane, ° ² °
² °²±² ° accessible via the blue tab on the right side of ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° the message header. ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° * Contacts PanelView larger version of this image °± °
²² ²² Powerful Address Auto-Complete ²² ²²
²²² ²² The Addressing Widget will enable you to search for ²² ²²²
²² ° contacts by either first name, last name, or ° ²²
° ² ° domain. Additionally, the Addressing Widget will ° ² °
² °²±² ° pull in any profile pictures it finds within the ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° address book, matches against your Facebook ° ±²²²
° °± friends, or the people you follow on Twitter (if ±° ° ±
±° you are currently logged into those services within °± °
²² ²² Postbox). ²² ²²
²²² ²² To pull in profile photos from Facebook or Twitter, ²² ²²²
²² ° select Web Services... from the Tools menu, and ° ²²
° ² ° then enter your login credentials. ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Smarter Message and Content Views ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° * Conversation ViewView larger version of this °± °
²² ²² image ²² ²²
²²² ²² Conversation Views Make Sense of Email Threads ²² ²²²
²² ° Postbox enables you to view and process messages by ° ²²
° ² ° conversation. Simply select a summary row in your ° ² °
² °²±² ° message list to see a roll-up of all messages ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° within a conversation. ° ±²²²
° °± Have fragments of a conversation scattered across ±° ° ±
±° your inbox, sent folder, or other folders? You can °± °
²² ²² bring them all together, everything in one window, ²² ²²
²²² ²² in one click. ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° * View larger version of this image ° ² °
² °²±² ° Inspector Pane Summarizes Key Content ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Postbox looks for interesting content within each ° ±²²²
° °± message, then highlights what it finds in the ±° ° ±
±° Inspector Pane. It's like a discovery engine built °± °
²² ²² right into email. And if you’re looking at an ²² ²²
²²² ²² entire conversation, Postbox summarizes everything ²² ²²²
²² ° that has been shared so far - all in one place. ° ²²
° ² ° ° ² °
² °²±² ° * Tabbed Mail Browsing ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Manage Multiple Windows Using Tabs ° ±²²²
° °± Like a Web browser, Postbox lets you view your ±° ° ±
±° message content in tabs - enabling you to create an °± °
²² ²² efficient workspace for everything you’re working ²² ²²
²²² ²² on. Open almost anything in a tab, including ²² ²²²
²² ° messages, folders, searches, or content such as ° ²²
° ² ° attachments and images. You can quickly switch ° ² °
² °²±² ° between tabs, or even reorder tabs to customize ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° your view. ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° * Simplified Account and Folder Browsing °± °
²² ²² Postbox lets you slice and dice your account and ²² ²²
²²² ²² folder views in ways that reduce clutter and ²² ²²²
²² ° simplify your life. When you select an account, ° ²²
° ² ° only the most relevant folders are displayed, which ° ² °
² °²±² ° helps to minimize distractions from activity in ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° other accounts. And since the location of your ° ±²²²
° °± common folders is always preserved, it makes ±° ° ±
±° switching from one inbox to another a breeze. °± °
²² ²² ²² ²²
²²² ²² Better Organization ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° * Focus by Topic ° ² °
² °²±² ° Organize Messages and Content by Topics ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Use Postbox to organize your messages by Topics. ° ±²²²
° °± This allows you to focus your attention on one ±° ° ±
±° thing at a time, while minimizing interruptions °± °
²² ²² from new messages outside of your current topic. A ²² ²²
²²² ²² topic can be anything - a project, important ²² ²²²
²² ° client, an event, or even priority. ° ²²
° ² ° To view messages by Topic, just select from your ° ² °
² °²±² ° favorites in the Folder Pane. It’s like creating a ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° mini-Inbox for just the messages you want to work ° ±²²²
° °± on. Combine Topics with Search Tabs to find ±° ° ±
±° attachments, images, links, or a list of contacts °± °
²² ²² that relate to the Topic in view. ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° * Quick TaggingView larger version of this image ° ²²
° ² ° Easy Topic Creation ° ² °
² °²±² ° Assigning a Topic is easy. Type in any word or ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° select from a list of your favorites. Unlike ° ±²²²
° °± folders (that force you to make decisions on where ±° ° ±
±° to file), you can assign as many topics to a °± °
²² ²² messages as you like. And here’s the best part - ²² ²²
²²² ²² when you assign a topic to a message, it gets ²² ²²²
²² ° applied to all other messages in the conversation, ° ²²
° ² ° and all future message replies too. ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Message Handling ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° * Quick Message Archive °± °
²² ²² Want to keep a message around but don’t want to ²² ²²
²²² ²² bother with filing it? Just use Archive. One click ²² ²²²
²² ° and the message is moved out of your way and into a ° ²²
° ² ° dedicated Archive folder. Don’t worry, you’ll still ° ² °
² °²±² ° be able to find anything that you need by using ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Postbox’s powerful search features. ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±
±° * EditView larger version of this image °± °
²² ²² Flexible Message Editing and Annotation ²² ²²
²²² ²² Have you ever wanted to edit an email, or add a ²² ²²²
²² ° note, just as easily as using a word processor? ° ²²
° ² ° With Postbox, you can work with messages like ° ² °
² °²±² ° you’ve always wanted. Use the Edit function to ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° change the subject message, edit its content, or ° ±²²²
° °± add notes. You can even create a copy of your ±° ° ±
±° changes if you want to keep the original message, °± °
²² ²² and everything will be grouped and displayed ²² ²²
²²² ²² together in one conversation. ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° To-Do Tagging ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° * To DosView larger version of this image ° ±²²²
° °± Postbox provides a simple and lightweight way to ±° ° ±
±° use email messages to manage and track To-Dos. °± °
²² ²² Messages marked "To-Do" are conveniently pinned to ²² ²²
²²² ²² the top of your message list, so important work ²² ²²²
²² ° items do not get pushed out of view. Easily create ° ²²
° ² ° new To-Dos and add them directly to your Inbox – no ° ² °
² °²±² ° more emailing yourself notes! Use Postbox’s Edit ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° feature to update the status of To-Dos, or focus ° ±²²²
° °± your To-Do list by Topic. ±° ° ±
±° °± °
²² ²² Customize Postbox ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° * Support for Add-ons ° ²²
° ² ° Postbox also supports add-ons! We’ve been working ° ² °
² °²±² ° with several third-party developers to port some of ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° the most popular add-ons to Postbox, including the ° ±²²²
° °± popular Lightning Calendaring add-on. See the list ±° ° ±
±° of add-ons that are currently compatible with °± °
²² ²² Postbox, and expect more to come in the near ²² ²²
²²² ²² future. ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° * Localized Dictionaries ° ² °
² °²±² ° For our international users, Postbox is now ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° compatible with Mozilla localized dictionaries. ° ±²²²
° °± Please refer to our Extensions page for ±° ° ±
±° instructions on how to install dictionaries within °± °
²² ²² Postbox. ²² ²²
²²² ²² ²² ²²²
²² ° Quick and Easy Setup ° ²²
° ² ° ° ² °
² °²±² ° * Get Started in 2 Minutes! ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° Once Postbox first starts, you'll be presented with ° ±²²²
° °± our Setup Wizard. Enter your name (as shown to ±° ° ±
±° others), email address and password, and Postbox °± °
²² ²² will Postbox will automatically determine your ²² ²²
²²² ²² connection settings for you! ²² ²²²
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° Security ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° * Anti-Phishing and Malware Services ° ±²²²
° °± Postbox helps protect you from viruses, spyware, ±° ° ±
±° trojan horses and more by checking URLs that are °± °
²² ²² sent to you against a database of suspected ²² ²²
²²² ²² phishing or malware sites. The database is ²² ²²²
²² ° automatically updated every 30 minutes, and if a ° ²²
° ² ° potentially malicious URL is identified, a warning ° ² °
² °²±² ° message will be prominently displayed. ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° ° ±²²²
° °± * Automatic Updates Keep You Safe ±° ° ±
±° Your security is important to us, so the Postbox °± °
²² ²² application will keep itself up-to-date with the ²² ²²
²²² ²² latest security and performance enhancements. The ²² ²²²
²² ° update process is automated, so you don’t have to ° ²²
° ² ° worry about a thing. ° ² °
² °²±² ° ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° * Based on Mozilla Technology ° ±²²²
° °± Based on Mozilla® Technology ±° ° ±
±° °± °
²² ²² Postbox is based on Mozilla technology, and as part ²² ²²
²²² ²² of our continuing commitment to keep you as secure ²² ²²²
²² ° as possible, we'll quickly incorporate Mozilla ° ²²
° ² ° security updates as they become available. ° ² °
²² ° ° ²²
° ² ° 1. Unpack & Install. ° ² °
² °²±² ° 2. Use Patch.exe ° ²±²° ²
²²²± ° 3. Have Fun ° ±²²²
° °± ±° ° ±