
《照片级渲染引擎》(Indigo Renderer)v2.2.12/x86+x64/含注册机和补丁[压缩包]

王朝资源·作者佚名  2010-01-26
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中文名: 照片级渲染引擎

英文名: Indigo Renderer

资源格式: 压缩包

版本: v2.2.12/x86+x64/含注册机和补丁

发行时间: 2010年

制作发行: Indigo

地区: 美国

语言: 英文





应用平台:Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 support. (32 and 64 bit)





Indigo使用反向或双向路径跟踪的MLT(Metropolis Light Transport)算法来替代传统的光线跟踪算法。


An introduction to Indigo renderer

Indigo is a photorealistic renderer which simulates the physics of light to achieve near-perfect image realism. Incorporating an advanced physical camera model, a super-realistic materials system and the ability to simulate extremely complex lighting situations through Metropolis Light Transport, Indigo Renderer is capable of producing the highest levels of realism demanded by architectural and product visualisation.

Supported 3D modelling programs

3DS Max



Cinema 4D

Technical Specifications

Integrated Network Rendering

* Render a single image efficiently across multiple machines - Needs only a TCP/IP network, such as a typical Local Area Network. (LAN)

Participating Media

* Sub-Surface Scattering (SSS)

* Unbiased multiple scattering - for the ultimate in realistic SSS.

* Wavelength dependent scattering and absorption coefficients.

* Henyey-Greenstein, Uniform, Rayleigh phase functions.

* Atmospheric scattering model including Mie and Rayleigh scattering.

Full Spectral Rendering

* All light transport calculations use spectral colour instead of RGB colour.

* Rendering parameters, such as material colours, accept arbitrary spectra instead of RGB triplets.

Support for Complex Geometry

* Support for large meshes. (Tested with 28 million triangle model)

* Instancing support - A mesh can be repeated in a scene thousands of times with only minor additional memory usage.

Physical Camera Model

* Realistic aperture for accurate depth-of-field simulation.

* Focal distance - automatic or manual.

* Can set sensor width and exposure time.

Advanced Tone Mapping

* Multiple methods for tone mapping a HDR image to a LDR image.

* Reinhard tone mapping for fully automatic tone mapping.

* Camera tone mapping for accurate simulation of real camera films.

High Performance

* Written in SSE-optimised C++ for optimum performance.

* Multi-threaded to take full advantage of multi-core CPUs.

* Efficiently parallelises over all your computer's cores, and over any other render nodes in the network.

Multiple output image formats

* Including High Dynamic-Range (HDR) Formats

* 16 bit per component EXR output. (HDR)

* 32 bit per component Indigo Image (.igi) output. (HDR)

* PNG, JPEG, TIFF output. (LDR)

Physically-based Sky and Sunlight Model

* Efficient spectral sky and sunlight model.

* Realistic time of day effects - sunrise, sunset etc...

Realistic Physically-based Materials

* Accurate dielectric reflection and transmission, including dispersion, total internal reflection, etc...

* Accurate reflection from rough and smooth metal surfaces, using measured material data.

* Lambertian material.

* Lambertian material with rough or smooth dielectric coating.

* Oren-Nayar material for rough, backscattering materials such as clay.

* Diffuse transmitter material for fast SSS approximation for thin objects.

* Blend material for creating arbitrarily-complicated material trees.

* Rough transparent dielectric material for simulating frosted glass etc...

Online Material Database

* Browse, download and share Indigo materials with other Indigo users.

Shader System

* All material parameters can be controlled by a shader program written in Indigo Shader Language. (ISL)

* Just-in-time (JIT) compiled shaders for maximum performance.

Motion Blur

* Camera and object motion blur.

* Completely accurate, unbiased motion blur.

* Non-linear paths even during a single frame.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

* Simple and intuitive, yet powerful GUI.

* Open, close scenes.

* Pause, resume or save render progress.

* Control network rendering.

* Pack or unpack a scene or material.

* Simple licensing dialogue for licensing the free version, in order to unlock the pro version

HDR Environment-Map Lighting

* Load an EXR map for simple and realistic scene lighting.

Camera Aperture Diffraction (Glare)

* Realistic camera aperture diffraction (glare) based on accurate optics simulation.

* Works with arbitrary camera apertures and obstacle maps.

Cross Platform

* Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 support. (32 and 64 bit)

* Mac OS X support. (32 bit)

* Linux support. (32 and 64 bit)


* Google SketchUp

* Autodesk 3ds Max

* Cinema 4D

* Maya

* Blender


* Documented XML format for integrating with other packages


  Indigo Renderer v2.2.12 *INCL.KEYMAKER.AND.PATCH*  

‏   ‏

 

 Cracked by....: tRiST Release-Name..: CR-AAEE6.ZIP 

 Supplied......: CORE Release-Date..: 2010/01/23 

 Packaged......: CORE Release-Type..: Util 

² Protection....: Serial OS............: Windows64 ²

 Crack/SN......: Keymaker+Patch Language......: English 

 Rating........: [You decide!] Disks.........: 06 

  °² ‏ ²

² ‏ ..: DESCRiPTiON :.. ²

² ²

² ²

² An introduction to Indigo renderer ²

² Indigo is a photorealistic renderer which simulates the physics of ²

² light to achieve near-perfect image realism. Incorporating an ²

² advanced physical camera model, a super-realistic materials system ²

² and the ability to simulate extremely complex lighting situations ²

² through Metropolis Light Transport, Indigo Renderer is capable of ²

² producing the highest levels of realism demanded by architectural ²

² and product visualisation. ²

² Indigo Materials ²

² ²

² Everything in an Indigo scene is coated with a material of some ²

² kind or another. We have made a real effort to make the material ²

² system easy to learn, but flexible enough to let you create ²

² ultra-realistic materials. ²

² ²

² Materials in Indigo are physically based, so that light bounces ²

² around your scene in the same way that they do in the real world. ²

² Many other renderers make gross approximations of the way light ²

² acts, Indigo calculates it correctly. ²

² ²

² A candy material by tungee ²

² ²

² For those of you looking for fine grained control over your ²

² materials, you can edit the albedo, specular, exponent, bump, ²

² displacement, sigma and emission components of each material, as ²

² well as blending multiple materials through texture maps. We even ²

² have a high performance shader language that can be used to ²

² generate textures for any of the material components. ²

² High performance ²

² ²

² Although unbiased is by far the most accurate and computationally ²

² intensive rendering technique available, Indigo makes it available ²

² to everyone in their daily work. ²

² ²

² Indigo has had over 5 years of development with a focus on ²

² building the fastest possible unbiased renderer. To this end we ²

² use SSE, multiple threads and highly optimized C++ code throughout ²

² our renderer. We also use widely respected acceleration techniques ²

² such as kd-trees, bounding volume hierarchies and ²

² metropolis-hasting sampling. Great commercial support ²

² ²

² We celebrate the artistic ability of hobbyist modelers and ²

² students by granting anyone using Indigo for non-commercial usage ²

² a free licence. Simple download Indigo and start using it ²

² instantly with all the great features we offer to our commercial ²

² users. ²

² ²

² The only limitation placed on your work is a 0.7 Megapixel ²

² resolution limit and a non-obtrusive Indigo logo in the bottom ²

² right of your renders. See a sample render from the free version ²

² of Indigo to get an idea of what is possible. ²

² Available for Windows, Mac and Linux ²

² ²

² Indigo is built to fit in with your workflow, so we are available ²

² on all the platforms that you are, whether that is Windows, Mac or ²

² Linux. ²

² ²

² And for high-end users, a 64-bit performance build of Indigo is ²

² available for every platform that we support. ²

² ²

² Physically based ²

² ²

² Indigo uses purely physically based parameters for the materials ²

² and light transport options. ²

² ²

² This means that real life effects such as the bending of light ²

² when it enters a pool of water, the rays of light generated by a ²

² dusty room, or the rainbow emitted from a crystal prism - are all ²

² created accurately by Indigo. As an artist or designer, you just ²

² have to model correctly and specify the material you want - Indigo ²

² will do the rest. Getting great lighting with Indigo means ²

² thinking like a photographer, not a computer scientist. ²

² ²

² http://www.indigorenderer.com/home ²

² ²

  °² ..: iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES :.. ²°  

² ‏ ‏ ²

² ²

² ²

² 1. Press "Patch". ²

² 2. Press "Generate". ²

² 3. ????? ²

² 4. Profit! ²












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