中文名: 软件卸载专家
英文名: Uninstall Expert
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: v3.0.1.2121/含注册码
发行时间: 2010年
制作发行: Uniture
地区: 美国
语言: 英文

应用平台:Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista
Version is a bug-fixing release.
Uninstall Expert是一款容易使用且强大的卸载软件,他可以帮助你彻底的卸载你电脑上任何不需要的程序。卸载速度比电脑卸载快5-10倍。
Uninstall Expert is an easy-in-use and powerful applications that helps you to uninstall unneeded programs completely from your computer. With Uninstall Expert, users can uninstall applications much faster than Windows Add/Remove program, sometimes 5-10 times faster. Still users can pick up the "hidden" programs which can't be displayed by Windows Add/Remove program. It can also appropriately load all applications with hot buttons, so you can easily find the programs you wish to uninstall. Normally Add/Remove program can not uninstall applications completely, but Uninstall Expert can scan deeply into the computer, and then any broken registry keys and unused files on the hard disk can be removed completely.
°± ± ± Uninstall Expert v3.0.1.2121
²± ² (c) Uniture
°° ±±±
± ² Supplier :..................... TEAM MESMERiZE
°° Cracker :..................... TEAM MESMERiZE
°± ° Packager :..................... TEAM MESMERiZE
²² ²²±±° Release Date :..................... 23rd Jan 2010
²° ± Disks :..................... 01 x 5.00mb
° ±± Protection :..................... Serial
°² Requirements :..................... PC
°°²±±± ²°²±°±° Language :..................... English
²± URL :............ http://www.unituresoft.com/
°±±² Uninstall Expert is an easy-in-use and
° ±± powerful applications that helps you to
² ° °°± uninstall unneeded programs completely from
² your computer. With Uninstall Expert, users
° ± ² can uninstall applications much faster than
²° ° ²²² Windows Add/Remove program, sometimes 5-10
±± ±² times faster. Still users can pick up the
± ° ± "hidden" programs which can't be displayed by
° ° ± Windows Add/Remove program.
°°± ²² Normally Add/Remove program can not uninstall
° °² ±± applications completely, but Uninstall Expert
² ° °±²± can scan deeply into the computer, and then
± any broken registry keys and unused files on
°±² °° the hard disk can be removed completely.
° ² Unzip, unrar and install the application.
±± ² When asked for registration information enter
±² ±± details from serial.txt