
Pat Metheny & Anna Maria Jopek -《Upojenie》[FLAC]

王朝资源·作者佚名  2010-03-16
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专辑英文名: Upojenie

歌手: Pat Metheny & Anna Maria Jopek

音乐风格: 爵士

资源格式: FLAC

发行时间: 2008年11月10日

地区: 波兰

语言: 波兰语


PAT METHENY & ANNA maria JOPEK 超好听!!大才子制作,加上才女的飘渺的声音。

这张专辑是ANNA maria JOPEK和爵士乐坛的巨星Pat Metheny一起合作的,Pat Metheny对她的评价就是,“Anna Maria Jopek是一个极有创造力、独特的、与众不同的歌手,也是一个优秀的、谦逊的、坦率的音乐家,她永远在追求更好、更完美。”



Pat Metheny的音乐生涯已超过了30个年头,赢得无数个『最佳爵士吉他手』票选和奖项,其中包括三张金唱片Still Life Talking、Letter From Home、Secret Story。Metheny横跨多种曲风、不胜枚举的作品为他赢得十七座葛莱美奖,而且涵盖许多不同奖项,如『最佳摇滚演奏』、『最佳当代爵士专辑』、『最佳爵士独奏』和『最佳演奏曲作曲』奖。而他以The Pat Metheny Group之名发行的连续七张专辑赢得连续七座葛莱美奖,为乐坛创下史无前例的惊人记录!Metheny在这些年间渐渐从主流爵士音乐延伸至许多不同乐风,开发自己无限的可能性,其具影响力的眾多作品,跨足於许多范围、也以不同形式推出专辑,包括三重奏专辑、个人专辑、好莱坞电影配乐专辑,以及跟萨克斯风手Ornette Coleman、作曲家Steve Reich、爵士贝斯手Charlie Haden、和吉他大师JimHall等等重量级音乐人一同录制许多爵士大碟。

才华与面貌兼具的波兰女歌手Anna Maria Jopek,她研习古典钢琴并毕业於华沙音乐学院,之后又到曼哈顿音乐学院进修爵士乐,视KeithJarrett为景仰的目标,她多次代表国家参加欧洲歌唱大赛(Eurovision Song Contest),从1997年开始便持续发行个人专辑,成绩斐然,且受到波兰民眾的爱戴;Jopek是继Joni Mitchell、挪威女歌手Silje Nergaard、以色列歌手Noa后,第四位与Metheny合作的女艺人,Metheny看中Jopek对音乐的十足热忱,双方合作灌录Upojenie专辑,波兰语Upojenie就是英语的intoxication(陶醉),由此可见,Pat Metheny与Anna Maria Jopek的合作大胆下了预告 - 是张令人不由自主陶醉其中的专辑,专辑中Jopek运用她可谓天籟的曼妙歌声唱出波兰民谣,与Metheny的爵士乐相互碰撞产生意外惊喜的火花,Metheny也使用了他独有的42弦Pikasso吉他弹出多种音色,其中也挑选了Metheny的1997年歌曲「Follow Me」并赋予人声的全新詮释,此外,也邀请波兰卓越的钢琴手Leszek Moz.dz.er参与录音。此张专辑最初在2002年於波兰发行,当月即开出八万张的销售佳绩,隔了几年华纳终於有版权发行此张专辑,此再版还加收「Lulajze Jezuniu」、「Na Calej Polacisnieg」、「Szepty i Lzy」等3首歌曲,久等的歌迷请把握收藏机会!

Review: How many Pat Metheny fans know "Tam. Gdzie Nie Siega Wzrok" is one of his most popular songs? I'm willing to bet less than one fan in 1,000 recognizes the title, yet nearly any listener would immediately recognize it as one of most intriguing versions of "Follow Me" (from Imaginary Day ) he's performed. That's the lure of Upojenie, an album recorded in Warsaw by the guitarist with a group of Polish musicians led by singer and keyboardist Anna Maria Jopek. The revamped "Follow Me," a pop-jazz instrumental in its original form, gets a lyrical interpretation here from Jopek's lilting voice, backed by what apparently is a children's chorus. The album is filled with familiar Metheny tunes that get similar treatment, along with collaborative efforts on Polish folk songs and several originals written by Jopek and her husband. One listen to the lyrical world-beat rendition of the Metheny standard "Are You Going With Me" reveals him playing with an intensity and creative spark often missing from his studio albums with the Pat Metheny Group in recent years. His guitar synth solo during the second half of the song features the familiar runs of arpeggio-dominated riffs into the higher registers of his fretboard, yet there is a sense of extra energy infused by the different context. Much the same holds true for the other songs—familiar and strange, slow and upbeat—with Metheny performing on his now-usual variety of guitars ranging from acoustic to the 42-string Pikasso. Adding vocals to pop-jazz is often a dubious prospect, turning what may or may not be a strong instrumental song into soft rock mush. For that reason it's almost certainly a blessing for American listeners that the Polish lyrics on Upojenie are likely to be indecipherable. They apparently deal largely with matters of a darker nature, such as betrayal and sex as a metaphor for dying, but it matters little whether they are substantiate or silly. So does the fact that Jopek delivers a consistently soothing and pleasing effort, without ever achieving any performance landmarks. Her voice and those of others become part of the instrumentation and in such a context the consistency makes for a much better listen than any attempts by them to stretch vocal boundaries are likely to produce. ~ Mark Sabbatini (All About Jazz)

Product Description: One of the hallmarks of guitarist Pat Metheny's career is his willingness to connect with a wide variety of musicians, from avant-garde legends Ornette Coleman and Derek Bailey to master drummer Roy Haynes and pop-rocker David Bowie. Previously released in Europe and Japan only, UPOJENIE (Ecstasy) is the result of Metheny's collaboration with Polish singing star Anna Maria Jopek, an album of originals and re-workings (plus lyrics!) of older Metheny tunes. The album is unusual but charming, as Metheny's melodious approach dovetails beautifully with Jopek's sophisticated vocals and influences from traditional Polish folk songs. UPOJENIE is fairly unique in the Metheny canon, but open-eared fans (especially those with world music leanings) who yearn to hear him in a song-oriented context should jump on it.

Recording information: Pueblo People Studios, Warsaw, Poland (07/??/2002-12/09/2002); S1 Concert Hall, Warsaw, Poland (07/??/2002-12/09/2002); s4 (07/??/2002-12/09/2002); Sala Kongresowa, Warsaw, Poland (07/??/2002-12/09/2002).


Arrangers: Anna Maria Jopek; Pawel Zarecki; Marcin Kydrynski; Henryk Miskiewicz; Pat Metheny; Leszek Mozdzer.

Artists: Pat Metheny: 42 string Pikasso guitar (1, 6), electric guitar (2, 8), baritone guitar (3, 9), classical guitar (3, 7, 13), soprano guitar (4, 14), Roland guitar synthesizer (5, 6, 12), keyboards (5, 10), acoustic guitars (6, 10, 15), guitar synth (16, 17), soprano acoustic guitar (16, 17); Anna Maria Jopek: voices (1-10, 12, 13, 15-17), choirs (4), "soap opera" vocals (5), backing vocals (6, 8, 12, 15), Fender Rhodes (6); Leszek Mozdzer: piano (2, 4-8, 11, 13, 15-17), Pawel Bzim Zarecki: keyboards (2, 4-6, 8, 12, 15-17), percussion (4), loops (4, 5), keyboard programming (10); Bernard Maseli: vibes (2); Darek Oleszkiewicz: acoustic bass (2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12-14); Cezary Konrad: drums (2, 4-8, 10, 12, 13, 15-17); Piotr Nazaruk: backing vocals (2), recorder (2), flute (4-6, 15), additional shaker (4), hammered dulcimer (5), additional male voices (15); Wojeich Kowalewski: shakers (2, 4-6, 15), temple blocks (2, 6), timpani (4), crotales (4, 6, 12), bongos (4, 6), tambourine (5), bells (5), vibraslap (5, 12), congas (6), claves (6); Mateusz Pospieszalski: keyboards (2), loops (2, 12), orchestral chart (2, 12), conductor (2, 12); Marek Pospieszalski: turntables (2), classical guitar (8); String Ensemble: strings (2, 12); Marcin Pospieszalski: Fender jazz bass (6, 15), loops (15); Henryk Miskiewicz: soprano saxophone (8, 9); Mino Cinelu: udu drum (8), triangle (8), shakers (8, 12), crotales (8), conga (12), wavedrum (12), percussion (16, 17); Marek Napiorkowski: strumming guitar (16-17); Robert Kubiszyn: double-bass (16, 17).

Pat Metheny

jazz, fusion, guitar, jazz guitar, 和jazz fusion...

1954年8月12日,Pat Metheny出生于美国堪萨斯市的一个音乐世家。Metheny从八岁开始学喇叭,十二岁改学吉他。到了十五岁时,他和堪萨斯市一些最杰出的爵士乐手固定演出,在非比寻常的年轻年纪就获得宝贵的乐团演出经验。

1974年,Metheny首度登上国际爵士乐坛。在与铁琴大师Gary Burton合作的三年里,这位年轻的密苏里州人已展现出即将成为他正字标记的演奏风格。这种风格融合了两种特色,一种是通常为喇叭手使用的慵懒、伸缩自如的语法,另一特色则是前卫且敏锐的节奏和和声。在当时,这种演奏和即兴方式在观念上相当创新,但其根本却仍深植于旋律、摇摆和蓝调的爵士传统。 Metheny以1975年发行的首张专辑「Bright Size Life」,为新一代的乐手革新了传统的「爵士吉他」风格。在Metheny整个音乐生涯中,他持续以使用新技术来重新诠释这种乐风,并不断地发展他的乐器的即兴和音速潜能。

Metheny的多才多艺几乎是任何种乐器的乐手都无法出其右的。这些年来,他和各式各样的歌手或乐手合作,包括Steve Reich、Ornette Coleman、Herbie Hancock、Jim Hall、Milton Nascimento和David Bowie。二十多年来,他一直和键盘手Lyle Mays合作写歌,乐评和乐迷曾把这一组写歌搭档拿来和披头四的Lennon/McCartney,以及同是爵士乐界的Ellington /Strayhorn比较。Metheny写了包括为吉他独奏、小型乐团、电子和原音乐器、大型交响乐团和芭蕾舞剧写的曲子,风格包含现代爵士、摇滚和古典。

Metheny除了是一位出色的乐手,也是一位音乐教育者。十八岁时,他是迈阿密大学有史以来最年轻的老师。十九岁时,他成为Berklee音乐学院有史以来最年轻的老师,二十多年后(1996年),他也获得了这个音乐学院的荣誉博士学位。Metheny也在全世界各地举办音乐讲座,其中包括荷兰皇家音乐学院、Thelonius Monk爵士学院,以及亚洲和南美洲的音乐班。此外,他在电子音乐的范畴中,也是一位真正的音乐先驱,他是头几个将合成乐器视为正格音乐乐器的爵士乐手之一。早在MIDI技术发明之前,Metheny就用Synclavier合成键盘来作曲。在数种新形式吉他的研发中,他也扮演举足轻重的角色,这些吉他包括高音原音吉他、42弦Pikasso吉他、Ibanez1s PM-100爵士吉他,以及其它多种乐器。

以乐手之姿受到大众的欢迎是一回事,但Metheny还获得乐评和乐手同侪的肯定和赞美。多年来,Metheny赢得无数「最佳爵士吉他手」票选和奖项,其中包括三张金唱片—「Still Life Talking」、「Letter From Home」、「Secret Story」。他也赢得十四座葛莱美奖,而且涵盖许多不同奖项,例如『最佳摇滚演奏』、『最佳当代爵士专辑』、『最佳爵士独奏』和『最佳演奏曲作曲』奖。 The Pat Metheny Group以连续七张专辑赢得连续七座葛莱美奖,这在乐坛是史无前例的。这一生大多数时间,Metheny都在各地巡回演出,自1974年以来,平均一年要举行120至240场演奏会。在此同时,他仍旧是爵士乐界最闪亮的明星之一,他不但创作自己的作品,也致力于与新进艺人和资深前辈合作,帮助宣传他们的音乐,也帮助他们实现自己的音乐理念。

Pat Metheny Biography:

One of the most original guitarists from the '80s onward (he is instantly recognizable), Pat Metheny is a chance-taking player who has gained great popularity but also taken some wild left turns. His records with the Pat Metheny Group are difficult to describe (folk-jazz? mood music?) but managed to be both accessible and original, stretching the boundaries of jazz and making Metheny famous enough so he could perform whatever type of music he wants without losing his audience.

Metheny (whose older brother is the trumpeter Mike Metheny) started on guitar when he was 13. He developed quickly, taught at both the University of Miami and Berklee while he was a teenager, and made his recording debut with Paul Bley and Jaco Pastorius in 1974. He spent an important period (1974-1977) with Gary Burton's group, met keyboardist Lyle Mays, and in 1978 formed his group, which originally featured Mays, bassist Mark Egan, and drummer Dan Gottlieb. Within a short period he was ECM's top artist and one of the most popular of all jazzmen, selling out stadiums. Metheny mostly avoided playing predictable music, and his freelance projects were always quite interesting. His 1980 album 80/81 featured Dewey Redman and Mike Brecker in a post-bop quintet; he teamed up with Charlie Haden and Billy Higgins on a trio date in 1983; and two years later recorded the very outside Song X with Ornette Coleman. Metheny's other projects away from the group have included a sideman recording with Sonny Rollins; a 1990 tour with Herbie Hancock in a quartet; a trio album with Dave Holland and Roy Haynes; and a collaboration (and tour) with Joshua Redman.

Although many regarded his 1994 recording Zero Tolerance for Silence as largely a waste (40 minutes of feedback), Metheny retained his popularity and remained a consistently creative performer. In addition to recording for ECM, he has appeared as a leader on the Geffen, Warner Bros., and Nonesuch labels. Metheny has remained active in the 21st century, releasing Speaking of Now in 2002, the solo One Quiet Night in 2003, Way Up in 2005, and Metheny Mehldau in 2006. Metheny and pianist Brad Mehldau returned to the studio the following year for Quartet. Metheny released the trio album Day Trip in 2008. Orchestrions, which featured a solo Metheny playing several acoustic instruments designed and built for him by Eric Singer, appeared from Nonesuch early in 2010. ~ Scott Yanow, All Music Guide

* Born: August 12, 1954, Lee's Summit, MO

* Active: '70s, '80s, '90s, 2000s

* Genres: Jazz

* Instrument: Guitar

* Representative Albums: "Pat Metheny Group", "The Falcon and the Snowman", "80/81"

* Representative Songs: "Waltz for Ruth", "Third Wind", "The Roots of Coincidence"



jazz,polish,female vocalists,vocal jazz,poetry

Anna Maria Jopek,这个美貌与才艺并重,来自波兰的女歌手,有着迷人的蓝色眼眸,嗓音 温柔多变,她的每张专辑我都喜欢之极。虽然很多人把她的音乐定论为爵士,但Anna Maria Jopek自己却希望人们不要把她的音乐归到爵士、流行、民谣或其他类型。

Anna Maria Jopek Biography:

Born December 14, 1970, vocalist Anna Maria Jopek is a native of Poland, and grew up listening to her native folk music. She studied classical piano at the Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw, and briefly participated in jazz studies at the Manhattan School of Music. She was a contestant in the 1997 Eurovision Song Contest, and is a recipient of the Michel Legrand Award. Her nearly dozen recordings have reached gold and platinum status in Europe. She prefers not to be pegged as strictly a jazz singer, though the influence of Keith Jarrett is quite prevalent in her music. Borrowing from pop music, Polish folk forms, and other ethnic sources, Jopek synthesizes a whirlwind of sound from various contemporary music sources, similar to her acclaimed Polish peer, Grazyna Auguscik. She played Carnegie Hall in January 2004. Collaborators over the years have included Tomasz Stanko, Pat Metheny, Richard Bona, Branford Marsalis, Christian McBride, Dhafer Youssef, Gordon Haskell, Mino Cinelu, and Manu Katche. ~ Michael G. Nastos, All Music Guide

* Born: December 14, 1970

* Active: 2000s

* Genres: Jazz

* Instrument: Vocals

* Representative Albums: "Nienasycenie", "Barefoot", "Jasnoslyszenie"

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