
《来自好莱坞的耶稣》(Jesus of Hollywood)(Adele Reinhartz)文字版[PDF]

王朝资源·作者佚名  2010-03-17
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中文名: 来自好莱坞的耶稣

原名: Jesus of Hollywood

作者: Adele Reinhartz

图书分类: 人文社科

资源格式: PDF

版本: 文字版

出版社: Oxford University Press

书号: 978-0195146967

发行时间: 2010年

地区: 美国

语言: 英文





当很多书已经探索对电影的圣经的场景和性格的翻译时,大多数那些出自电影批评家之手;Reinhartz有对报价不熟悉的事情作为一个新遗书学者。 这里她一直通过梅尔•吉布森从最早的无声电影分析耶稣的叙述《耶稣受难记》(哪个,她说,描绘耶稣非常象一" 块生的肉" 一个人) . 她包括繁重,恭敬的传记体电影(由佛朗哥Zeffirelli 和罗伯托•罗塞利尼) 以及更多的iconoclastic 和引起争论的处理方法(蒙特利尔的耶稣和基督的最后一个诱惑) ,由于感激的点头朝象蒙蒂蟒蛇的布赖恩的生活一样的讽刺的幽默的讽刺诗文方向。 这是一个迷人的题目,并且书充满有理解力的报告,但是组织有技巧,用Reinhartz介绍一个主题,解释那个题目怎样被在福音方面对待,然后唤起那个题目怎样被从电影到电影寄给的例子。 这使书一极好参考适合谁想要大约一两个主题的信息一次的那些读者,但是为把直接的书通读的那些重复的frustratingly。 (1月)


"Reinhartz 好莱坞的耶稣的讨论致力于filmic 主要依据圣经谁演奏在生活和拿撒勒的耶稣的死内的角色的人物的处理。 她显示那耶稣不变与的这' 卷起'相抵触,或者没有支撑通过,依据圣经和历史证据。 这本非常可读的书用文件说明她的信念那个,而不是'真正的耶稣,'耶稣传记体电影的提供准确和担保的表现作为反映出时代的关心的镜子,他们被生产并且在第一跑剧院循环。" --玛格丽特R。 英里,看见和相信的作者:在电影里的宗教和价值

"拉的有洞察力富有从多年研究并且在圣经内教和电影学习,Reinhartz的书在天赋兑一无论学者还是学生。 它在日益增多的宗教和电影的领域必须读。" --提摩西K。 比尔,梅尔•吉布森的圣经的共同编辑:宗教,通俗文化和《耶稣受难记》

"这本清楚的书将使象我自己一样,避免电影的那些人感兴趣,但是读福音。 它将为欣赏电影但是对他们基于古代基督教徒文学的程度有兴趣的那些人更重要。 看的享受将被耶稣电影与他们被做的时间有关的方式意识增加。 历史小说的工作的课,例如传记体电影,写并且与最近一期在心一起制定不能重复也经常。" --E。 P. 撒砂器,耶稣和犹太教的作者和耶稣的历史数字

"从多年研究拉的有洞察力富有并且在圣经内教和电影学习,Reinhartz的书在天赋兑一无论学者还是学生。 它在日益增多的宗教和电影的领域必须读。" --提摩西K。 比尔,梅尔•吉布森的圣经的共同编辑:宗教,通俗文化和《耶稣受难记》

"Reinhartz 好莱坞的耶稣的讨论致力于filmic 主要依据圣经谁演奏在生活和拿撒勒的耶稣的死内的角色的人物的处理。 她显示,以致于这' 卷起'耶稣不变与相抵触,或者没有支撑通过,依据圣经和历史证据。 这本非常可读的书用文件说明她的信念那个,而不是'真正的耶稣,'耶稣传记体电影的提供准确和担保的表现作为反映出时代的关心的镜子,他们被生产并且在第一跑剧院循环。" --玛格丽特R。 英里,看见和相信的作者:在电影里的宗教和价值

"这本清楚的书将使象我自己一样,避免电影的那些人感兴趣,但是读福音。 它将为欣赏电影但是对他们基于古代基督教徒文学的程度有兴趣的那些人更重要。 看的享受将被耶稣电影与他们被做的时间有关的方式意识增加。 历史小说的工作的课,例如传记体电影,写并且与最近一期在心一起制定不能重复也经常。" --E。 P. 撒砂器,耶稣和犹太教的作者和耶稣的历史数字

"这本书将使圣经和电影的学者感兴趣,并且将对于耶稣的电影的表现课特别象一份正文一样有用。" --神学的多伦多杂志

"给学者的一种有见识的资源在适应的问题上集中。 ...[Reinhartz的散文全部是证据充分但是易流动的。 好莱坞的耶稣在teh 扩大' 宗教和电影的领域占最可接近和信息丰富的卷之一。' "L --基督教和文学









《纽约客》(The Complete New Yorker)1925-2005八十年合刊[光盘镜像]


From Publishers Weekly

While many books have explored the translation of biblical scenes and characters to film, most of those have been by film critics; Reinhartz has something new to offer as a New Testament scholar. Here she analyzes the depictions of Jesus from the earliest silent films all the way through Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ (which, she says, portrays Jesus more as a "hunk of raw meat" than a man). She includes weighty, reverent biopics (by Franco Zeffirelli and Roberto Rossellini) and more iconoclastic and controversial treatments (Jesus of Montreal and The Last Temptation of Christ), with appreciative nods in the direction of satirical spoofs like Monty Python's Life of Brian. This is a fascinating topic, and the book is full of perceptive observations, but the organization is workmanlike, with Reinhartz introducing a subject, explaining how that topic is treated in the Gospels, and then calling forth examples of how that topic is addressed from film to film. This makes the book an excellent reference for those readers who want information about one or two themes at a time, but frustratingly repetitive for those reading the book straight through. (Jan.)

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


"Reinhartz's discussion of the Jesuses of Hollywood focuses on the filmic treatment of the main scriptural characters who played roles in the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth. She shows that the 'reel' Jesus invariably conflicts with, or is unsupported by, scriptural and historical evidence. This highly readable book documents her conviction that rather than offering accurate and engaging representations of the 'real Jesus,' Jesus biopics act as mirrors that reflect the concerns of the times in which they were produced and circulated in first-run theaters." --Margaret R. Miles, author of Seeing and Believing: Religion and Values in the Movies

"Rich with insights drawn from years of research and teaching in biblical and film studies, Reinhartz's book is a gift to scholars and students alike. It's a must-read in the growing field of religion and film." --Timothy K. Beal, co-editor of Mel Gibson's Bible: Religion, Popular Culture, and The Passion of the Christ

"This illuminating book will be of interest to those who, like myself, avoid the movies but read the Gospels. It will be even more important for those who enjoy the movies but are curious about the extent to which they are based on ancient Christian literature. Enjoyment of watching will be increased by awareness of the ways in which the Jesus movies relate to the time in which they were made. The lesson that works of historical fiction, such as biopics, are written and enacted with current issues in mind cannot be repeated too often." -- E. P. Sanders, author of Jesus and Judaism and The Historical Figure of Jesus

"Rich with insights drawn from years of research and teaching in biblical and film studies, Reinhartz's book is a gift to scholars and students alike. It's a must-read in the growing field of religion and film." --Timothy K. Beal, co-editor of Mel Gibson's Bible: Religion, Popular Culture, and The Passion of the Christ

"Reinhartz's discussion of the Jesuses of Hollywood focuses on the filmic treatment of the main scriptural characters who played roles in the life and death of Jesus of Nazareth. She shows that the 'reel' Jesus invariably conflicts with, or is unsupported by, scriptural and historical evidence. This highly readable book documents her conviction that rather than offering accurate and engaging representations of the 'real Jesus,' Jesus biopics act as mirrors that reflect the concerns of the times in which they were produced and circulated in first-run theaters." --Margaret R. Miles, author of Seeing and Believing: Religion and Values in the Movies

"This illuminating book will be of interest to those who, like myself, avoid the movies but read the Gospels. It will be even more important for those who enjoy the movies but are curious about the extent to which they are based on ancient Christian literature. Enjoyment of watching will be increased by awareness of the ways in which the Jesus movies relate to the time in which they were made. The lesson that works of historical fiction, such as biopics, are written and enacted with current issues in mind cannot be repeated too often." -- E. P. Sanders, author of Jesus and Judaism and The Historical Figure of Jesus

"This book will be of interest to scholars of the Bible and film and would be particularly useful as a text for courses in cinematic representations of Jesus." --Toronto Journal of Theology

"An insightful resource for scholars focused upon questions of adaptation. ...[Reinhartz's] prose is well-documented but fluid throughout. Jesus of Hollywood represents one of the most approachable and informative volumes in teh expanding field of 'religion and film.'" --Christianity and Literature

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