中文名: PDF文件阅读软件专业版
英文名: Tracker Software PDF-XChange Viewer Pro
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: v4.0178 And v2.048
发行时间: 2010年
制作发行: Tracker Software
地区: 美国
语言: 简体中文,英文
Windows 2000 & Later
应用平台:Windows 2000 & Later
问题反馈: Sales@docu-track.com
网站链接: http://anonym.to/?http://www.docu-track.com/
PDF-XChange Viewer是一款多功能的PDF阅读器,它完全免费(也有专业版)。它具有丰富的标注功能、多页签显示、强大的导出图像功能、批量搜索、放大与导航功能。支持中文注释。
- 支援多分页浏览,还可以像 IE7 的缩图索引一样,将开启的文件产生缩图于一页,让你方便点选。
- 程序启动速度不慢,PDF 档载入速度很快,就算是大档案也能很快载入。
- 可以显示中文文件。
- 可以加文字,加注解,画箭头,画线段,画多边形,还可以储存修改后的档案,不会加上浮水印。
- 可以将文件输出成图片。
- 可以自动检查更新.
The PDF-XChange Viewer is a FREE product and may be used both for private and commercial use - provided it is not redistributed or bundled with other software - without prior consent. Please contact us for distribution enquiries. Please read the license for more information.
* Add/Edit/Move Bookmarks
* Delete pages
* Scale Printing
* Move Pages - By Drag&drop in Thumbnails View.
* Custom Stamps (Text and Image)
* Insert/Import Pages (from existing PDF files)
* Extract pages to a new (PDF/Image File)
* Crop Pages/Files
* Customize User Interface (Toolbar options etc)
* Flatten Annotations/Comments
* Insert Blank page
* Measurement Tools
* Summarize Comments
* Export Comments
* Link Editor Tool
* Improved JBIG2 Compression
* Measuring Tools (perimeter and area)
* Scan Direct to PDF
* Convert Images Direct to PDF
* Convert Text files direct to PDF
* Print PDF as booklet, nUP, tiles, etc.
苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圮 苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹? 苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹?
咣圹圹圹? 咣圹圹? 圹圹?咣圻圹圹圹?圹圹?捋圹圹哌哌圹圹圹圻哌咣圹圹?
咣圹圹 苒圹圻 咣圯 圹? 圹圹圯 捋圹? 咣圹? 圹圹? 捋圹?
圹圹? 苒圹? ?圹? 圹圻 苒圻 咣圯 圹圹? 捋圻
圹圹? 苒圻 圹? 哌 苒? 圹 圹圹? 圹
圹圹蒈圻 苘? 圹? 苒?? 捋? 圹圹? 咣?
圹圹捋圹圹圹圹? 圹? 苒? 苒圹 圹圹?
圹圯圹圹圹圹圹圯 捋圯 苒? 捋圹圯 圹圹?
? 圹圹葸哌? 哌 圹圹圻 圹圹? ? 圹圹?
甙? 圹圹? 捋圹? 捋圹圯 甙? 圹圹?
圹圹? ? 圹? 圹圹? 圹圹?
圹圹? ? 甙? 捋圯 捋圹圯 圹圹? ?
圹圹圯 甙? ? 圹圹 圹圹? 圹圹? 甙?
圹圹圹苘 苒?捋圹圮? ? 捋圹圯 圹圹?
苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圯捋圹圹圯 甙? 苒圹圹? 苒圹圹?
苒圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹圹? 圹圹圹 苒圹圹圹圹? 苒圹圹圹圹?
哌圹圹哌哌哌哌咣圹圹哌 咣圻 咣圹哌咣圹? 咣圹哌咣圹?
? 苘馨避卑苘?
甙? 苘苒圻哌甙卑哌哌圹苘? ?
苒圻? ? 哌圹? 甙?
炳? SINCE 2000 唼?
? ?
? E A T P R E S E N T S ?
? ?
苘? 苒? 捋? 苘?
苘圹辈鄄圮? 捋? 圹? 苘鄄鄄臂圮?
槽槽苓圻斑策圮 圹? RELEASE INFO 捋? 苒卟甙咣哕鄄鄄
捋策 咣曹 捋? 圹? 懿圻 卟圯
圹? 咣圮 鄄? 薏? 苒圻 捋?
槽? 卟圮 捋? 圹? 苒策 圹?
卟曹 哕郾荥苒圯 捋圮臂苓 懿策
苒圮 圹埝 卟?捋? 捋?卟? 圹 苒圮
厕苓圮卟埝 ? ? 策苒哕莶
鞭膊 咣圻 ? ? 咣圻 膊荼
鞭槽 ? ? ? ? 鄄荼
鞭圹 ? ? 圹荼
稗圯 ? ? 捋莅
佰? ? SUPPLIER ....: TEAM EAT ? 圹?
圹 ? LANGUAGE ....: MULTI ? 圹
圯 RELEASE DATE.: 2010-03-16 捋
? ? ? ?
? ? CRACKER ......: TEAM EAT ? ?
? ?
? FORMAT ......: ZIP/RAR ?
? ARCHIVE NAME.: eatp248a.zip ?
? No OF DISKS .: [XX/05] ?
? ?
? REQUIREMENTS .: Win9X/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista ?
? PRICE ........: $34.50 ?
? WEBSITE.......: http://www.docu-track.com/home/prod_user/ ?
? PDF-XChange_Tools/PDF-XChange_Viewer_PRO ?
? ?
圯 捋
圹? 苒?
圹圹苘馨 败苘苒圹臂?
咣鄄圹圹曹? 苘槽圹圹圹槽?
哌膊圹咣圹圹圹苘? ? 苓圹圹鄄策?
苒?苒圻卟圹?苒圹圹圮? 苘苘苘苘圹圹圮 苒圹? ?
苘槽哌哌哌圹苘? 咣鄄?咣圹槽苘苘苘苘苘苘懿苒圻 咣圹圹圹圹圻哌卟 苘圻
苓甙 卟鄄?圻圹苒苓郾薏圹圹圹圹圹圹臂哕圮圹? 苒圹圻?
苒策 甙薏圻卟莅 稗策咣草? 懿圻?
? 卟圮? 败鄄? 甙
圹鄄 槽圹
苘圹策 卟圹苘
?策哌 哌卟 ?
? ?
? ?
苘? 苒? 捋? 苘?
苘圹辈鄄圮? 捋? 圹? 苘鄄鄄臂圮?
槽槽苓圻斑策圮 圹? RELEASE NOTES 捋? 苒卟甙咣哕鄄鄄
捋策 咣曹 捋? 圹? 懿圻 卟圯
圹? 咣圮 鄄? 薏? 苒圻 捋?
槽? 卟圮 捋? 圹? 苒策 圹?
卟曹 哕郾荥苒圯 捋圮臂苓 懿策
苒圮 圹埝 卟?捋? 捋?卟? 圹 苒圮
厕苓圮卟埝 ? ? 策苒哕莶
稗膊 咣圻 ? ? 咣圻 膊莅
稗槽 ? ? ? ? 鄄莅
稗圹 ? ? 圹莅
稗圯 ? ? 捋莅
佰? 圹?
捋? ? ? 捋?
圹 ? ? 圹
圯 捋
? The PDF-XChange Viewer PRO extends the functionality ?
? of our award winning FREE PDF viewer to include ?
? additional features and options - essential to ?
? anyone creating, entering data to forms or modifying ?
? PDF files. ?
? ?
? Whilst no product can replace Adobe's own Acrobat ?
? Professional product if you have complex PDF file ?
? editing needs - if your requirement is any of the ?
? following, you can save $100's in unnecessary ?
? expenditure and you will find the PDF-XChange Viewer ?
? considerably easier to use! ?
? ?
? In addition to all the existing features in the Free ?
? PDF-XChange Viewer - the PRO release currently ?
? offers: ?
? ?
? * Add/Edit/Move Bookmarks ?
? * Delete pages ?
? * Scale Printing ?
? * Move Pages - By Drag&drop in Thumbnails View. ?
? * Custom Stamps (Text and Image) ?
? * Insert/Import Pages (from existing PDF files) ?
? * Extract pages to a new (PDF/Image File) ?
? * Crop Pages/Files ?
? * Customize User Interface (Toolbar options etc) ?
? * Flatten Annotations/Comments ?
? * Insert Blank page ?
? * Measurement Tools ?
? * Summarize Comments ?
? * Export Comments ?
? * Link Editor Tool ?
? * Improved JBIG2 Compression ?
? * Measuring Tools (perimeter and area) ?
? * Scan Direct to PDF ?
? * Convert Images Direct to PDF ?
? * Convert Text files direct to PDF ?
? * Print PDF as booklet, nUP, tiles, etc. ?
? * Shell Extensions including Ifilter Searching! ?
圯 捋
圹 圹
捋? 捋?
圹圹苘馨 败苘苒圹臂?
咣鄄圹圹曹? 苘槽圹圹圹槽?
哌膊圹咣圹圹圹苘? ? 苓圹圹鄄策?
苒?苒圻卟圹?苒圹圹圮? 苘苘苘苘圹圹圮 苒圹? ?
苘槽哌哌哌圹苘? 咣鄄?咣圹槽苘苘苘苘苘苘懿苒圻 咣圹圹圹圹圻哌卟 苘圻
苓甙 卟鄄?圻圹苒苓郾薏圹圹圹圹圹圹臂哕圮圹? 苒圹圻?
苒策 甙薏圻卟莅 稗策咣草? 懿圻?
? 卟圮? COMMENTS 败鄄? 甙
圹鄄 槽圹
苘圹策 卟圹苘
?策哌 哌卟 ?
?? ??
? ?
? Do NOT distribute this release outside of the scene ?
? Keep the scene alive and secure! ?
? ?
All good progs start as freeware,
then things get worse ... ;-)
? ?
哕? 苘?
唼圹苘? 苘苒埝?
哌鄄圹败? 苘佰鄄圻?
哌鄄圹败 馨圹槽哌
咣鄄? 薏圹?
苘圹槽? 咣槽圮?
懿圻哌 哌咣曹
?? ??
? ?
苘? 苒? 捋? 苘?
苘圹辈鄄圮? 捋? 圹? 苘鄄鄄臂圮?
槽槽苓圻斑策圮 圹?INSTALLATION NOTES 捋? 苒卟甙咣哕鄄鄄
捋策 咣曹 捋? 圹? 懿圻 卟圯
圹? 咣圮 鄄? 薏? 苒圻 捋?
槽? 卟圮 捋? 圹? 苒策 圹?
? 卟曹 哕郾荥苒圯 捋圮臂苓 懿策 ?
苒圮 圹埝 卟?捋? 捋?卟? 圹 苒圮
厕苓圮卟埝 ? ? 策苒哕莶
鞭膊 咣圻 ? ? 咣圻 膊荼
鞭槽 ? ? `TLB' ? ? 鄄荼
鞭圹 ? Try it, Like it, Buy it! ? 圹荼
稗圯 ? ? 捋莅
佰? 圹?
捋? ? ? 捋?
圹 ? ? 圹
圯 ? ? 捋
? 1. Unpack and install. ?
? 2. Import the included *.reg file. ?
? 3. Replace the *.exe file with the included one. ?
? ?
? That's all. Have fun using it! ;-) ?
? ?
? ___________________________________________________________________ ?
? ?
? Always remember to block applications (or go off line) from calling ?
? home 'during install'. Once installed, disable 'check for automatic ?
? updates' option if available, so that you don't get it blacklisted. ?
圯 捋
圹? 苒?
圹圹苘馨 败苘苒圹臂?
咣鄄圹圹曹? 苘槽圹圹圹槽?
哌膊圹咣圹圹圹苘? ? 苓圹圹鄄策?
苒?苒圻卟圹?苒圹圹圮? 苘苘苘苘圹圹圮 苒圹? ?
苘槽哌哌哌圹苘? 咣鄄?咣圹槽苘苘苘苘苘苘懿苒圻 咣圹圹圹圹圻哌卟 苘圻
苓甙 卟鄄?圻圹苒苓郾薏圹圹圹圹圹圹臂哕圮圹? 苒圹圻?
苒策 甙薏圻卟莅 稗策咣草? 懿圻?
? 卟圮? 败鄄? 甙
圹鄄 槽圹
苘圹策 卟圹苘
?策哌 哌卟 ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
懿? 卟?
圹? 捋?
槽? ? ? 圹?
?膊? 圯 捋 懿策??
苒圮 圹? 薏 EAT CONTACT 草 捋?苒圮
厕苓圮卟荥 ? ? 策苒哕莶
鞭膊 咣圻 掭 掭 咣圻 膊荼
鞭槽 ? ? ? ? 鄄荼
鞭圹 ? ? 圹荼
鞭圹 ? ? 圹荼
圹 ? ? 圹
?圹? ? ? 捋??
?圹? ? EAT is a closed group. We would consider only: ? 圹??
?圹? ? ? 圹??
?圹? ? ?Excellent reverse-engineers ? 捋??
稗圹 ? ?Experienced coders/scripters ? 圹莅
佰圯 ? ?Supplier of quality software who can do so on a ? 捋郯
捋? ? frequent basis (retail date not older then 6 months) ? 圹?
圹? 捋?
圹? We do *NOT* want... 捋?
圹 ?Distros, Shells, etc 圹
圯 ? ?Carders <You aren't what the scene is & bring even more ? 捋
? security risk> ?
? ? ?Couriers ? ?
? ?
圯 捋
圹? 苒?
圹圹苘馨 败苘苒圹臂?
咣鄄圹圹曹? 苘槽圹圹圹槽?
哌膊圹咣圹圹圹苘? ? 苓圹圹鄄策?
苒?苒圻卟圹?苒圹圹圮? 苘苘苘苘圹圹圮 苒圹? ?
苘槽哌哌哌圹苘? 咣鄄?咣圹槽苘苘苘苘苘苘懿苒圻 咣圹圹圹圹圻哌卟 苘圻
苓甙 卟鄄?圻圹苒苓郾薏圹圹圹圹圹圹臂哕圮圹? 苒圹圻?
苒策 甙薏圻卟莅 稗策咣草? 懿圻?
? 卟圮? 败鄄? 甙
圹鄄 槽圹
苘圹策 卟圹苘
?策哌 哌卟 ?
? ?
苘? 苒? 捋? 苘?
苘圹辈鄄圮? 捋? 圹? 苘鄄鄄臂圮?
槽槽苓圻斑策圮 圹? EAT NEWS 捋? 苒卟甙咣哕鄄鄄
捋策 咣曹 捋? 圹? 懿圻 卟圯
圹? 咣圮 鄄? 薏? 苒圻 捋?
槽? 卟圮 捋? 圹? 苒策 圹?
? 卟曹 哕郾荥苒圯 捋圮臂苓 懿策 ?
苒圮 圹埝 卟?捋? 捋?卟? 圹 苒圮
厕苓圮卟埝 ? ? 策苒哕莶
鞭膊 咣圻 ? ? 咣圻 膊荼
鞭槽 ? ? ? ? 鄄荼
鞭圹 ? ? 圹荼
稗圯 ? ? 捋莅
佰? 圹?
捋? ? ? 捋?
圹 ? ? 圹
圯 ? ? 捋
? ?
? :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ?
? ?
? ?
? ?
圯 捋
圹? 苒?
圹圹苘馨 败苘苒圹臂?
咣鄄圹圹曹? 苘槽圹圹圹槽?
哌膊圹咣圹圹圹苘? ? 苓圹圹鄄策?
苒?苒圻卟圹?苒圹圹圮? 苘苘苘苘圹圹圮 苒圹? ?
苘槽哌哌哌圹苘? 咣鄄?咣圹槽苘苘苘苘苘苘懿苒圻 咣圹圹圹圹圻哌卟 苘圻
苓甙 卟鄄?圻圹苒苓郾薏圹圹圹圹圹圹臂哕圮圹? 苒圹圻?
苒策 ?薏圻卟莅 稗策咣草 懿圻?
? ? ? 甙
? ?
苘? 苒? 捋? 苘?
苘圹辈鄄圮? 捋? 圹? 苘鄄鄄臂圮?
槽槽苓圻斑策圮 圹? GREETINGS 捋? 苒卟甙咣哕鄄鄄
捋策 咣曹 捋? 圹? 懿圻 卟圯
圹? 咣圮 鄄? 薏? 苒圻 捋?
槽? 卟圮 捋? 圹? 苒策 圹?
? 卟曹 哕郾荥苒圯 捋圮臂苓 懿策 ?
苒圮 圹埝 卟?捋? 捋?卟? 圹 苒圮
厕苓圮卟埝 ? ? 策苒哕莶
鞭膊 咣圻 ? ? 咣圻 膊荼
鞭槽 ? ? ? ? 鄄荼
鞭圹 ? ? 圹荼
稗圯 ? ? 捋莅
佰? 圹?
捋? ? ? 捋?
圹 ? ? 圹
圯 ? ? 捋
? All our friends out there ... ?
? ?
? Respect goes out to the competition ?
? and to those who keep the scene secure! ?
? ?
圯 捋
圹 苘圹圹曹槽圹圮? 圹
捋? 苒圹圹圹圹鄄圹圹圹圹圹? 捋?
佰? 苒圹脖膊圹郯鞍鞍圹鄄脖槽圹? 圹?
佰圯 苒圹郾辈圹鄄鞍鞍鞍安圹鄄北圹圹? 捋郯
稗圹 圹鄄脖槽圹舶鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍槽圹脖膊圹? 圹莅
?圹? 圹鄄辈槽圹鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍佰圹膊辈圹? 捋??
?圹? 圹鄄膊槽圹卑鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍臂圹膊膊圹? 圹??
?圹? ? 圹鄄膊槽圹舶鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍槽圹膊膊圹? 圹??
?圹? 弑? 圹鄄膊槽圹郾鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍氨圹圹膊膊圹? 捋??
稗圹 圹圹膊膊圹圹卑鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍臂圹鄄膊槽圹? ? 圹莅
捋? 圹圹膊膊圹圹郯鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍鞍圹圹鄄膊槽圹? 弑? 圹?
稗圹 圹圹膊膊圹圹圹鞍鞍膊圹鄄舶鞍佰圹圹鄄膊槽圹? 圹莅
稗槽? 圹圹膊膊圹圹圹安圹圹圹圹鄄佰圹圹鄄膊槽圹? 捋草?
稗膊圹? 圹圹膊膊膊圹圹槽圹圹圹圹槽圹鄄膊膊槽圹? 苒圮草?
苻哕圻 唼 圹圹膊膊膊膊圹圹圹咣圹圹鄄膊膊膊槽圹? 咣苓蒈
咣圻 鼙? ? 圹圹鄄膊膊膊圹圹圯鞍稗圹圹鄄膊膊膊圹圹? 鼙?咣圻
? 苓苒圹? 弑? 圹圹圹鄄膊膊膊圹圹郯鞍圹圹鄄膊膊膊圹圹圹? ? 苒圹苓? ?
炳?哕脖? 圹圹圹圹鄄膊膊膊圹圹圮圹圹鄄膊膊膊圹圹圹圹? 弑? 弑曹?荥?
? 圮 ?懿圮 圹圹圹圹膊膊膊膊槽圹圹圹圹膊膊膊膊槽圹圹圹? 苒曹 ?苒 ?
? 薏圮圻? ? 圹圹圹鄄膊膊膊膊膊槽圹圹膊膊膊膊膊膊圹圹圹? ? 圻圮鄄? ?
? 佰圻 捋 槽圹圹膊膊槽圹膊膊膊槽膊膊膊膊圹鄄膊槽圹圹? 圯 咣郯 ?
? 苓 苒圯 苒圹圮 槽圹圹膊膊槽圹圹鄄膊膊膊槽圹圹鄄膊槽圹圹?苒圹圮 圹? 哕 ?
? ?苒圻 苒圹圹圹?槽圹圹膊膊槽圹圹圹膊鄄圹圹圹鄄膊槽圹圹?圹圹圹圹? 圹? ? ?
? ?圹? 圹圹圹葸 莶圹圹膊膊膊槽槽圹鄄圹槽圹鄄鄄膊膊槽圹鄄?咿圹圹圹 捋? ? ?
? ?圹 捋圹圹?苘 圹圹膊膊膊膊膊槽鄄膊槽鄄膊膊膊膊槽圹? 苘 捋圹圹? 圹 ? ?
?槽 圹圹圹圹圹?圹圹膊膊膊膊膊槽膊膊鄄膊膊膊膊槽圹?苒圹圹圹圹? 鄄 ?
?鄄 圹圹圹? ?坜圹膊辈膊膊槽膊膊膊鄄膊膊辈槽圯?? 咣圹圹? 槽 ?
捋 圹圹? 炳 圹圹圹郾膊膊鄄北北槽膊脖圹圹圹? 圹圹? 圯
? 圹 ?圹圹? ?圹圹圹脖辈辈辈圹圹圹膊辈北槽圹圹?? 捋圹? 圹 ?
? 捋?弑?圹圹? ? 圹圹圹郾北北北槽鄄北北辈圹圹圹? ? 捋圹? 捋? ?
? 圹 捋圹? ? 圹圹圹郾北北槽圹鄄北北圹圹圹? ? 圹圹? 圹 ?
圹 圹圹? 圹圹圹圹郾北圹圹圹郾北圹圹圹圹? 捋圹? 圹
圹 捋圹? ? 圹圹圹圹圹臂圹圹圹圹臂圹圹圹圹? ? 圹圹輓0!圹
圹 圹圹 ? 圹圹圹圹圹圻苘苘苓圹圹圹圹圹? ? 圹圹 圹 ?
圹捋圹 ? 圹圹圹圹膊蒇圹圹薏槽圹圹圹? ? 圹圯圹 弑?
稗圹? 咣圹圹圹葸咣圹哌捋圹圹圹? 圹圯?
捋圹 ? ? 哌哌哌 哌哌? ? 圹圯
圹郯 弑?? ? 佰圹
圹?? ??NFO LAST UPDATE ON 2009 ?? ?圹?
捋? ? ? 圹?
圯 ? 捋
捋 ? 弑? ? 圯
? ? ? ?
? ?
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