中文名: 国家地理频道 罕见的解剖学 第一季
英文名: National Geographic Channel Rare Anatomy Season 1
资源格式: HDTV
版本: 更新至第1集
发行时间: 2010年03月22日
制作发行: National Geographic Channel
地区: 美国
语言: 英语

每集节目中,我们将审视两个过着非常人生活的病人,他们因为骨骼、肌肉或其他组织发育异常,而承受着常人难以想象的压力和危险。例如,9岁的Jake Gry,全身上下没有一块骨头是完好的。只要轻轻一咳嗽,就可能折断肋骨。(文:life_is_good@YDY)
Each episode follows two extraordinary individuals whose anatomy has transformed their lives. In the first episode about bones: 9-year-old Jake Grys might break a rib just by coughing and has broken practically every bone in his body; 28-year-old Holly Pullano has her muscles and tendons turn to bone after the slightest impact. In the second episode about blood: 12-year-old Son Pham has abnormal blood vessels, causing a huge balloon-like mass that has taken over his face; 16-year-old Michael Politzer has a vascular system that has mangled and reshaped his organs, causing bone and tissue overgrowth.
Source: National Geographic Channel
RELEASE DATE........: 2010.03.22
GENRE ..............: Docu
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