专辑英文名: My Fair Lady
歌手: Shelly Manne & His Friends
音乐风格: 爵士
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 1996年7月3日
地区: 日本
语言: 英语
发行公司:Victor Entertainment
Shelly Manne是50年代兴起的以洛杉磯为中心的西海岸爵士乐的核心音乐家,然而出生于纽约鼓手世家的Shelly Manne却早在30年代就在纽约52大街两旁林立的俱乐部裏开始演奏者这种当时美国最流行的音乐,当40年代波谱运动开始改变爵士乐的时候,他又有幸成为了Charlie Parker以及Dizzy Gillespie的鼓手,不过在接下来Woody Herman以及Stan Kenton乐团中的经历,Shelly Manne确定了他那注重音色和感觉的演奏风格,才真正成为了一名明星乐手。50年代初,Shelly Manne和妻子离开了繁华喧嚣的纽约,前往西海岸洛杉磯僻壤的乡下,在他人生接下来的30多年时间裏经营牧场,过著养马演奏的双重生活。
从这时候开始,Shelly Manne开始成为了所谓"西海岸爵士乐"最重要的乐手之一,以他的年龄和声望来说,Shelly Manne是其中的灵魂人物。许多人会把50年代兴起的以Dave Brubeck四重奏为最具代表性的酷派爵士("Cool Jazz")与西海岸爵士乐等同起来,而爵士乐字典裏所描述的酷派爵士其实只是西海岸爵士乐的某一面而已,在当时也并无这样的称呼,或许后来是为了同东海岸纽约的硬波谱(Hard Bop)对应起来的缘故吧。那个时候的西海岸洛杉磯群星闪耀,确实是纽约之外另一片绚烂的天空,在Shelly Manne长期演奏生涯中一起合作过的乐手包括Shorty Rogers, Hampton Hawes, Red Mitchell, Art Pepper, Russ Freeman, Frank Rosolino, Chet Baker, Zoot Sims, Bob Gordon, Conte Candoli, Sonny Criss等常年在西海岸生活和演奏的音乐家,他们演奏的波谱爵士乐,展示了西海岸特有的阳光,沙滩以及太平洋暖湿海风熏陶的风味。
该专辑发行厂商和版本众多,原盘录制于1956年8月17日,为“西海岸鼓手”Shelly Manne的热门之作。演奏者为安德列·普列文。
While jazz musicians had long drawn an essential portion of their repertoire from the Broadway stage, this jazz version of Lerner and Loewe's My Fair Lady was something new in 1956. Drummer Shelly Manne leads a trio with pianist Andre Previn and bassist Leroy Vinnegar here, and they bring a lightly sophisticated touch to the material, which had debuted just a few months before the recording. It's a testament to the quality of score and players alike that the tunes already feel like standards in their hands, both in the arrangements and in the solos. "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face" is the shimmering ballad that one might expect, but the trio applies a similar approach with almost equally successful results to the unlikely "With a Little Bit of Luck." Tempos are pushed toward the bop dimension for "Ascot Gavotte" and "Danced All Night," and Previn acquits himself well, generating imaginative lines. Vinnegar is a rock-solid timekeeper, while Manne provides brisk brush work, a lively beat, and creative accents. He's not obtrusive, but Manne's superb drumming is a focal point in this trio, highlighted by the 20-bit K2 super coding. --Stuart Broomer