
《神秘博士 2005 第五季》(Doctor Who 2005 Season 5)[幻翔英剧]更新S05E01[RMVB]

王朝资源·作者佚名  2010-04-06
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中文名: 神秘博士 2005 第五季

英文名称: Doctor Who 2005 Season 5

别名: 异世奇人,下一站博士,超时空博士

资源格式: RMVB

版本: [幻翔英剧]更新S05E01

电视台: BBC

首播时间: 2010年4月3日

导演: Adam Smith

演员: Matt Smith ... The Doctor

Karen Gillan ... Amy Pond

Caitlin Blackwood ... Young Amy

Olivia Colman

Arthur Cox

Annette Crosbie ... Mrs. Angelo

Arthur Darvill ... Rory

Tom Hopper ... Jeff

地区: 英国

语言: 英语



该剧已被列入吉尼斯世界纪录成为世界上最长的科幻片,其已经成英国流行文化的重要组成部分。该片早年,以其极富想象力的故事,创意的低成本特效而被大家认可,而且,其也是电子音乐应用的先驱(早年音乐由BBC无线电工作坊制作)。在英国和其他地方,该剧受到大量爱好者的追捧,影响了一代又一代英国电视制作人,他们中的许多人是看着该剧长大的。该剧赢的了包括2006年的BAFTA和最受欢迎电视剧(Best Drama Series)在内的,无数评论人员和公众的好评,成为英国最好的电视剧之一。

神秘博士最初播出从1963年到1989年,电视电影/秘密飞行(backdoor pilot)在1996年制作,该片2005年由BBC Wales内部制作,获得巨大成功。(一部分资金由加拿大广播公司(CBC)赞助,他们以合作者身份投资,但是他们并没有参与该剧的制作。) Doctor Who还有各种不同形式的延伸产品,包括最近的电视剧《火炬木小组》(Torchwood)和《莎拉简大冒险》(The Sarah Jane Adventures)。

对于英国电视迷来说,《神秘博士》(Doctor Who)这套电视剧集的确是经典中的经典,在经过一段时间后便会拿来重拍,尤如美国的星际旅行〔StarTrek〕。2005年,英国 BBC 电视台便找来David Tennant及Billie Piper再一次饰演聪明绝顶的Doctor Who及女拍挡Rose Tyler。虽然现时的拍摄技巧及计算机动画已非常的进步,但因为要保持着Doctor Who的一贯风格,故在剧中很多道具以及场景等都刻意做成怀旧味道,例如外星人Dalek就继续设计成肥肥大大的样子,非常有趣!

该剧是一个内容丰富、极具追看性的科幻历险故事。故事主人翁the Doctor是一个机智英勇,能穿越时间空间的冒险家。他与其亲密拍挡Rose在进行紧张刺激的宇宙探索之际,竟遇上了有意毁灭地球的外层空间怪物 - Dalek。凭着the Doctor的机智及能力,究竟他能否阻止 Dalek 侵袭地球,避免这场浩劫的发生?

英国长寿科幻剧《Doctor Who》早在1963年的11月首次于英国广播电视台登场跟观众朋友见面,多年来受欢迎程度一直不减,《Doctor Who》陪着一代又一代的英国人成长,更被投选成为二十世纪英国最伟大电视节目的第三位,足见其经典地位绝不下于美国同类型的电视剧《Star Trek》。

《Doctor Who》的故事围绕着拥有神奇力量、可以纵横时空、穿梭宇宙、主宰时间的外星人「博士」。博士表面上看来跟平常地球人没半点分别,却背负着保护地球的使命。原来一向平静安宁的地球危机四伏,多个外太空星球的入侵者都对拥有丰富资源的地球不怀好意,经常想伺机征服,若然不是博士总在危急关头出手相助,相信人类早就成为外星人的阶下囚。陪同博士出生入死的除了他那部装成是公共电话亭的时空机外,还有一位勇敢机智的地球人罗莎。博士与罗莎合作无间,遨游于宇宙无尽的空间,经历一段比一段刺激的科幻旅程。

博士除了拥有控制时空的能力外,亦能改装易容。1963年到1996年间,演出过这位异世博士的演员就有7位。《Doctor Who (1963)》在1996年从英国广播电视台退下,暂与观众作别。一直到2005年,请来在英国着名电视剧监制RussellTDavies制作新一辑的《Doctor Who(2005)》,观众才再有机会欣赏异世博士的风采。

高尖的特技配合逼真的化妆,《Doctor Who(2005)》成功创造出一个超现实的科幻世界于观众眼前,规模之大、制作之认真为英国电视史写下新一页。推出以后,《Doctor Who(2005)》的收视亦不负所望,平均吸引超过七百九十万的观众收看,占总市场40%,更打破了自七十年代开始由第四代博士TomBaker所保持的收视纪录。

Doctor Who is a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC. The programme depicts the adventures of a mysterious alien time-traveller known as "the Doctor" who travels in his space and time-ship, the TARDIS, which appears from the exterior to be a blue 1950s police box. With his companions, he explores time and space, solving problems, facing monsters and righting wrongs.

The programme is listed in Guinness World Records as the longest-running science fiction television show in the world and is also a significant part of British popular culture. It has been recognised for its imaginative stories, creative low-budget special effects during its original run, and pioneering use of electronic music (originally produced by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop). In the United Kingdom and elsewhere, the show has become a cult television favourite and has influenced generations of British television professionals, many of whom grew up watching the series. It has received recognition from critics and the public as one of the finest British television programmes, including the BAFTA Award for Best Drama Series in 2006.

The programme originally ran from 1963 to 1989. After an unsuccessful attempt to revive regular production with a backdoor pilot in the form of a 1996 television film, the programme was successfully relaunched in 2005, produced in-house by BBC Wales in Cardiff. Some development money for the new series is contributed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), which is credited as a co-producer. Doctor Who has also spawned spin-offs in multiple media, including the current television programmes Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures, and the 1981 pilot episode K-9 and Company.

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Doctor Who新任女主角Karen Gillan访谈录




当大家都把注意力集中在新鲜出炉的博士身上时,(如果)你忽略了我们同时还迎来了一名新的同伴,倒也可以理解。到目前为止我们对Amy Pond所知甚少,仅仅知道她是一个有着红色头发,喜欢穿超短裙的苏格兰女孩。为了能尽早对她有更多的了解,我们连线了DW的新任女主角Karen Gillan。








“对这两位我不能讲得太多,但存在于两者之间的绝对不是浪漫的火花。她是一位很有个性的女生---而并非只是博士的同伴,她是Amy Pond---而且我觉得他们对彼此的依赖程度相同,两人之间的关系是平等的。”













With all of the hoohar surrounding the arrival of the new Doctor, you could be forgiven for forgetting that we're also getting a brand new companion, too. Thus far little is known about Amy Pond, save that she's Scottish, she's ginger and she has a penchant for skimpy outfits. Keen to find out more, we hooked up with Who's new leading lady Karen Gillan.

How did you feel when you found out you had got the part?

"Well, being chosen as the assistant was the most insane thing that's happened to me and one of the most exciting things. I worked on Doctor Who before, playing a small part in an episode called 'The Fires of Pompeii'. I went to Rome to film it and I remember watching David and Catherine filming. Never in a million years did I imagine that I would be invited back to play the companion - it's incredible!"

Were you approached for the role?

"I just auditioned like everyone else. I did two auditions - one with the casting director and the second one I read with Matt and that was it, really. They were very secretive about it - I didn't even know the character's name until the recall! I think they knew what they were looking for and just hoped that someone would come in and fill that."

How would you describe Amy?

"Amy is a sassy lady - a force of nature. She really keeps The Doctor on his toes and is very feisty. She has all the components of someone who can go on these adventures with The Doctor but she kind of rivals him and doesn't take his word as gospel all the time. She will question him. It's an interesting dynamic between the two."

Is there any physical attraction between Amy and The Doctor?

"I can't really say too much about them, but the dynamic between them is definitely not shaped around romance. She's a person in her own right - she's not just the Doctor's companion, she's Amy Pond - and I think he needs her as much as she needs him. It's a very equal relationship."

How does she meet The Doctor?

"She meets The Doctor very early on in episode one in a brilliant way but I can't say how exactly. Very quickly into the episode she gets involved in this big adventure with The Doctor and it becomes clear she's an adventurer just like him. It takes off with a bang!"

And the policewoman's uniform?

"Yes indeed! Well Amy has to do lots of things to ensure her and the Doctor are successful in their missions so perhaps that was one of the things she needed to do."

How's the filming schedule?

"It's a really intense schedule but I'm really enjoying it so I can't complain!"

Is it confusing filming episodes out of order?

"It is a bit strange filming it out of chronological order but that is just generally the way things are done, so it's okay. You've just got to make yourself aware of what's going on throughout the episodes."

Finally, are you doing lots of running?

"Yes! Definitely. Lots of running."

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