
《无厘头太空战役》(Gratuitous Space Battles: The Tribe The Order The Swarm)三资料片整合版[压缩包]

王朝资源·作者佚名  2010-05-10
 说明  因可能的版权问题本站不提供该资源的存贮、播放、下载或推送,本文仅为内容简介。

中文名称: 无厘头太空战役

英文名称: Gratuitous Space Battles: The Tribe The Order The Swarm

游戏类型: RTS 即时战略游戏

资源格式: 压缩包

版本: 三资料片整合版

发行时间: 2010年

制作发行: Positech Games

地区: 美国

语言: 英文


















64 MB 3D Video Card

1024x768 Minimum Resolution

DirectX 9.0c








version 1.37

1) Bug Fix: Random distribution of damage impacts is more random than


2) Bug Fix: Plasma torpedoes and ECM effects no longer animate for a

while after pausing when at high speed.

3) Usability: All battle sounds now stop when you end the battle.

4) Bug Fix: random loading screen choices are now more truly random.

5) New Feature: Complete overhaul of the post-battle statistics screen

with better charts and graphs showing who damaged who.

6) Bug Fix: Frigate tractor beam now correctly displays all its data

on the ship design screen.

7) New Feature: For mods... Game now supports variable parallax

terrain items to allow fixed backgrounds.

8) New Feature: Flickering nebula lightning effect in background of

selected scenarios.

9) Ship engine noise is now also controlled by the sound effects

volume slider.

10) Balance: A number of balance changes have been made.

11) Bug Fix: The list of ship name categories no longer spills out of

the rename window if you have too many lists.

12) Bug Fix: If you uninstall an expansion or mod with the current

race set to a now not-installed race, the game defaults silently back

to federation now.

13) Bug Fix: Fixed crash bug (rare) when splash damage from ship

detonations detonated an already just-exploded ship.

14) Bug Fix: The retaliate button at the end of a challenge now

correctly only appears if you won.

15) The original four races now have twice as much variation in their




The galactic war has gone on long enough. There is only one power in

this galaxy that has the common sense to bring the fighting to an end,

and now that power is about to be unleashed. Ladies, Gentlemen,

Entities, I present to you the almighty power of the pan-species

collection of idealistic space-hippies and bringers of galactic peace

(through a short-term period of intense furious stellar warfare) - The


The Tribe are the latest race to enter the fray in Gratuitous Space

Battles. Known for their patronizing attitude and their use of kinetic

weapons, plus their cunning ability to somehow squeeze auto-repair

systems into frigates, the tribe are here to sort out the warring

factions and bring peace in our time.

The Tribe is an expansion pack for Gratuitous Space Battles. It's for

people who have played the original game enough that they crave new

ship designs and scenarios, and want more variety in the game.

Expansion packs and DLC often get a bad press, so I'll be 100% up

front about exactly what this pack contains and let you decide for

yourself if you think it's worth getting:

What The Pack Contains:

11 New ships. 4 Cruisers 3 Frigates and 4 fighters, all in a new

graphical style by the same artist who did the original GSB artwork.

1 New weapon type: The kinetic weapon. Basically autocannons,

howitzers etc. These fire rapid-fire bursts which are good at short

range, not so good at long range

Enhanced repair modules. The tribe are great at repair, and their

repair modules are race-specific and out-perform everyone else's.

New ship bonuses. The tribe ships have only half the shield and armor

strength of everyone else, but they have twice as strong hulls as

their opponents. This means Tribe ships seem to be on-fire and falling

apart for half the battle. It also means you need to re-think your


2 New Scenarios. Two maps for you to fight against the tribe, or for

you to use in uploaded challenges with whichever fleet you like.

What The Pack does NOT contain:

Completely new gameplay modes, and major features that change how the

game plays, any new AI orders... basically anything that is not listed

in the list above. This is basically a data-pack with new ships, not a

sequel or gameplay re-write.


Be warned heathen un-believers. The Galaxy is not your plaything.

This galaxy was created in a weekend by the one true god, and he has

no room in it for the likes of heathen aliens such as you. If your

species is not listed in the holy book of the one true god, then it's

pretty clear you are a mistake, and the order is here to rectify

mistakes. For is it not written (depending on translations) that the

total destruction of all alien species with devastating radioactive

cannons and nuclear space-missiles is the will of the one true god? So

say us. So say The ORDER.

The Order is the latest species in the universe of Gratuitous Space

Battles. The order are here to do gods work, and it's done primarily

through nuclear missiles, limpet mines and radiation guns. Apparently

leafleting and hymns just didn't get the job done. In any case, the

order have you in their sights. Prepare to be crushed alien swine.

What The Order Expansion Pack Contains:

10 New ships. 4 Cruisers 3 Frigates and 3 fighters, all in a new

graphical style by the same artist who did the original GSB artwork.

The order ships use tractor beams to keep the different components

together. Girders are so 2450's.

4 New weapon types: The radiation gun does impact damage plus ongoing

internal radiation damage as its effects devastate your ship from the

inside. Nuclear missiles provide the same entertainment in missile

form. Firefly rockets give normal cruiser rockets a boost of speed,

and lastly, cunning anti-fighter limpet mines latch on to incoming

fighters and drag them down to speeds where everyone can take pot

shots at them.

New ship bonuses. The order ships have pretty poor engines, but those

big green throbbing powerplants kick out more juice on order ships.

What could you design given more power and less speed? The order is

your opportunity to find out.

2 New Scenarios. Two maps for you to fight against the order, One is a

normal map, but with the fun and games of a nice aesthetically

pleasing 3D style asteroid field (does not affect gameplay but looks

cool), and the other is a 'survival' mode match where you play last

ship standing and try to score higher than other players in the global

high score table.


Pack up your spacesuits and head for the exits. Your time in this

galaxy is over. The swarm is on the way. They are heading towards us,

and like the tide, they cannot be stopped. Your lasers and missiles

may destroy the first wave, but that is the first of many. There seems

to be no end to their numbers and they will never give up. The swarm

have no home to retreat to, no territory to fall back to. They will

attack in wave after wave with suicidal determination. There can be no

negotiation, we must flee. THE SWARM are upon us.

The Swarm is the latest species in the universe of Gratuitous Space

Battles. The swarm will destroy you, but it's nothing personal. They

are just doing what comes natural to them, moving ever-forwards, ever

onwards, always spreading throughout the galaxy, consuming,

destroying, fighting. There can be no negotiation, no surrender, no

peace with the swarm. They are like a virus spreading rapidly through

our galaxy, armed with a bucketload of lasers and disruptor beams.

Flee while you still can.

What The Swarm Expansion Pack Contains:

10 New ships. 4 Cruisers 3 Frigates and 3 fighters, all in a new

graphical style by the same artist who did the original GSB artwork.

The swarm ships are a blend of hotrod sports cars, egyptian pharoahs

and samurai warriors. With feathers.

4 New ship equipment: The swarm have disruptor beams, a slow firing

beam laser that concentrates the power of several hardpoints together

to generate an unusually destructive blast that tears through strong

shields. This is a graphical effect, and the weapon will work in any

turret. The Swarm also have 'nest' crew module for frigates, meaning

you can cram more crew into a smaller space. They also have 'smart

bombs' which detonate all incoming (and outgoing) missiles within

their radius, fighter fusion guns and micro-target boosters for


New ship bonuses. The swarm ships are built on the cheap. They fall to

bits easily and aren't very good at making shields or armor, but they

do churn out those puppies at bargain prices. Swarm fleets will have

large waves of ships, overwhelming the enemy by weight of numbers and


2 New Scenarios. Two maps for you to fight against the swarm, and to

use in online challenges. Specially designed space nebulae to show off

the shiny new golden hues of the swarm!

What The Pack does NOT contain:

Completely new gameplay modes, and major features that change how the

game plays, any new AI orders... basically anything that is not listed

in the list above. This is basically a data-pack with new ships, not a

sequel or gameplay re-write.

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