
《CGtalk艺术家MK、MD作品大图收录(陆续更新)》(CGtalk Artworks)CGtalk收录

王朝资源·作者佚名  2010-05-12
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中文名: CGtalk艺术家MK、MD作品大图收录(陆续更新)

英文名: CGtalk Artworks

别名: Michael Kutsche、Marta Dahlig 作品收集

版本: CGtalk收录

发行时间: 2010年

对白语言: 英语

文字语言: 英文




Michael Kutsche:Michael Kutsche的工作包括角色设计,概念设计和插图,在以下的插画作品中便能欣赏到他为玩具做的角色设计,为电影画的概念设计,为网站及杂志制作的插图等等。他的作品大多在PainterX 和 PhotoshopCS3中完成。Michael Kutsche笃信,一幅好的艺术作品能为自己说话,在观者还未阅读参观手册亦或作者简介时,作品本身就应该发挥效用。艺术家要做的只是提供一些故事的线索,以便为作品留下自由解释的空间,完全自我解释的艺术是枯燥的,因为它不涉及观众的心灵。

Marta Dahlig:Marta Dahlig是波兰杰出的插画家,素有美女高手之称。介绍文字少只是因为国内关注的少..我没找到更多的介绍。


以下是Michael Kutsche每幅作品的文字叙述:



July 2009

This is a commissioned piece I did for "Neo York", a collaborative art book project by New York based design studio Freestyle Collective http://www.freestylecollective.com/ and IdN http://idnworld.com/books/ , to be released in the next couple of months. Completely done in Corel Painter X. I truly believe that an artwork should speak for itself, it has to work even if the viewer doesn't read an instruction manual or the biography of the artist.

Curious about your interpretations of the image!

(49)Alice in Wonderland-Madhatter

Painter, Photoshop

February 2010

This is one of the early Madhatter concepts I did for Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland".

I did the drawing before Johnny Depp was cast in the role, that's why there's no similarity.

All done in PainterX and PhotoshopCS3.



January 2008

This guy is a genetically manipulated prize fighter. It started as a research for an uncommon characterdesign. For my personal stuff i prefer this style where the brushstrokes are still visible, rather than getting too realistic. Completely done in painter.

(47)Coming Home

Painter, Photoshop

December 2008

Commissioned workshop I did for ImagineFX magazine issue 33 (http://www.imaginefx.com/02287754330696859102/imaginefx-issue-33.html). 95 percent done in Painter, some tweaks in Photoshop. I believe that an artist should always leave some free space for interpretation, giving only some hints on the story behind it- completely self-explaining art has a tendency of being boring, because it doesn't involve the viewer's mind to complete the puzzle.

(46)Fabelheim Cover Art

Painter, Photoshop

November 2009

Cover artwork for "Fabelheim" by Brandon Mull, published by Penhaligon, you can order the book here: http://www.amazon.de/Fabelheim-Roman-Brand...64530227

Some leaves on the ground and the tree on the right are from a photo, the rest is all drawn in Painter, few tweaks in Photoshop. Hope you like it!

"I react strongly to images that have no obvious answer to their mysteries. If there is a key to their construction, they are simply illustration. Meaning is meaningless to me. I do not care for symbolism and I paint what I paint without meditating on a story"-Zdzislaw Beksinski

(45)Viking: Battle for Asgard (Pack Art)

Painter, Photoshop, XSI

October 2008

This is an older version of the Pack Art of SEGA's/The Creative Assembly's title Viking: Battle for Asgard.

All done in Painter X and Photoshop CS3, only the warriors in the background are 3d models.


Painter, Photoshop

October 2008

Personal work, patrolling robot drone. Completely done in Painter and Photoshop. Started with the lasso tool, for playing with silhouettes.

(43)SEGA's VIKING - Hel

Painter, Photoshop, XSI

June 2008

Hel, Skarin's evil opponent from the recently released Sega/The Creative Assembly title Viking: Battle for Asgard.

The task was to achieve a rather realistic and more detailed feel of the in-game character. Since it was used for life-size standee prints, the artwork has an extremely high resolution, it was a challenge to bring in all the details while preventing from a too stiff and unnatural look with that huge size. 95 percent done in Painter X and Photoshop CS3, only the chain whip is 3d.

(42)SEGA's VIKING - Skarin

Painter, Photoshop

April 2008

Skarin, the main character of Sega's/The Creative Assembly's new title Viking: Battle for Asgard.

The task was to achieve a rather realistic and more detailed feel of the in-game character. Since it was used for life-size standee prints, the artwork has an extremely high resolution, it was a challenge to bring in all the details while preventing from a too stiff and unnatural look with that huge size. Completely done in Painter X and Photoshop CS3, no use of 3d software.

(41)The Agency


March 2008

Ad campaign illustration for the Art Directors Club Berlin. The task was to caricature the typical advertisers. (from left to right) Art Director, Creative Director, Copywriter. All done in Painter X.

(40)Empire Total War Grenadier

Painter, Photoshop

October 2007

GameStar cover-artwork for the SEGA/ Creative Assembly game "Empire: Total War". Completely done in Photoshop and Painter. I got some reference for the costume by CA's art department. Used myself as a reference for the pose and face (I did some poses with a hoovertube ). Comments and Crits are welcome!

(39)The Wall

Painter, Photoshop

February 2008

An older personal project. Started as an environment sketch, but I went a little further. I've always been a fan of those Science Fiction Movies with a realistic feel, where the world has rather slight modifications, based on thoughts on how society changes, a lot of Science Fiction stuff seems a bit "overdesigned" to me.

(38)Sergej, the false clown

Painter, Photoshop

January 2008

This is a commissioned workshop I did for ImagineFX magazine issue 25 (http://www.imaginefx.com). I did a detailed description on how i took a pencil sketch to the final painting. 95 percent done in Painter, some tweaks in Photoshop. Hope you like it!

(37)The false clown sketch

February 2008

pencils on paper



February 2008

Experimented with painter to achieve an "oilpainting"-look

(35)Conference Room


February 2008

Architecture visualization for company 3deluxe, all done in photoshop

(34)Elephant Man


November 2007

this artwork got lost in my folders in 2003, i just reworked the textures. It started as a 5 Min ink-on-paper doodle. it's inspired by david lynch's film "The Elephant Man" and Chris Cunningham's "rubberjohnny". Completely done in Photoshop. Curious what you think about it!


February 2008

old (1999) character sketch, design marker on board


Painter, Photoshop

August 2007

I first wanted to try out some new custom brushes and ended up with this. Used a photo for the distant clouds. Had a lot of fun with it. Feel free to drop me a comment!



February 2008

very basic robot

(30)Medieval2 Kingdoms Artwork


June 2007

This was a project I did for Sega/Creative Assembly. Fortunately I got the briefing shortly after I saw "Apocalypto".

It's completely done in Photoshop.

Hope you like it!



February 2008

(28)sega medieval2 kingdoms


June 2007

Medieval2 Kingdoms cover artwork for the pcgamer mag, completely painted in photoshop. I uploaded a photo of the mag, cause it really looks nice with just the artwork and no text on it.

personal work, 2004



June 2007

personal project

(26)bigguy thunder maestro


June 2007


(25)The Holy Innocence


June 2007

This is a cover illustration for "La Mer Gelee", an independent french/german artmagazine. I did a sketch with pencils, then went on for shading in photoshop. The dirt layers are photographs of old walls. Hope You like it, looking forward to your comments!

(24)The Otherz


June 2007


(23)Abseits der Wege

Painter, Photoshop

January 2008

audio book-coverillustration

(22)boogiebot closeup

February 2008

animation still, done in softimage 3.0, around 1999

(21)Shattered Bulls


February 2008

Design for a glass sculpture, implementing the red bull-logo



June 2007

character for an animated background of a dance show



June 2007

The famous Tassen-Spot. I did the characterdesign, modeling and setup(shapes).


June 2007

Design, modeling, rendering. Done in Softimage3.0.



June 2007

transformer design, used photo for the background



June 2007

personal work



June 2007

personal work


June 2007

characterdesigns, ink on paper

(13)Love Chains Rockets


June 2007

LP Cover Artwork

(12)Love Chains Rockets Sketch

February 2008

LP Cover Artwork-Sketch, ink on paper



June 2007

Personal project



June 2007

Kiteboard Design



June 2007

Personal work



June 2007

3d Still of an animatable creature



June 2007

personal work


June 2007

animation still, done with softimage3.0

(05animation still, done with sourban legendz

June 2007


toy design


June 2007

space ship for cyberpirates website


(01)frog doorman

June 2007

character design for film project

以下是Marta Dahlig每幅作品的文字叙述:

GlamourPainter, PhotoshopApril 2010This is an image made for ImagineFX issue 54, Painter vs Photoshop review article.Being a bit bored with painting women in dresses, I wanted to make something slightly self-ironic for a change. I don't think I've ever had as much fun painting anything. The trash and chicken took quite a bit of googled reference. Especially the newspapers were hell to get right. linkCompleted in Painter X, Painter 7, and Photoshop CS. If you're interested in the closeups, they're available here:Also, here's some WIPs for anyone who's interested (don't mind the super messy color layout)

(文件夹中附带此GIF文件)(19)JudithPhotoshopMay 2009"Judith" is my first personal piece in around 2 years of doing only commercial work. Working on this piece took me a lot of time: many hours were spent on thinking and composing it in my head, 40 hours of pure painting and a dozen hours for preparing the accompanying files.Painted in Photoshop with a Wacom Intuos 4 medium. I used photo and live references for inspiration and stylization. No copying whatsoever. You can view most hereAnyhow, since I've been gone so long, I thought it would be fun to prepare something special. If you liked the image, please check the following:Well, I hope you enjoyed the material, any comments/crits will be most appreciated.PS. Please bare with me on the resubmit, I was asked to write some more tech info on the piece. (文件夹中带此画的参考资料)

Umbrella SkyPainter, PhotoshopOctober 2007Well, that's a quite old piece originally done for ImagineFX Issue 22. It can also be seen in the upcoming Exotique 3. This version, however is quite different, as I came back to the painting after a longer while and reworked it a LOT.Overall, it took many hours in Painter and Photoshop. I also used some references (especially for the fish and the sea).A small walkthrough with some closeups, WIPs and sketches will be available on CGSociety soon. Hope you like it! =)PS. Title's from the song "Summer wind" by Frank Sinatra

(17)ForegonePainter, PhotoshopSeptember 2007Hello fellow artistsThis is my latest work, done for the ImagineFX Issue 23 Style guide workshop.I wanted to depict a typical subject (especially for myself) - "women in gowns", but add a small twist to it. I meant the title to point to what I wanted to picture and how can it all be interpreted, so I believe no more explanation is necessary. Around 60 hours or so spent, done in Painter and Photoshop. Quite a lot of references, which were found through google images. Also, I must admit I was greatly inspired and tried to slightly stylize the character as Cate Blanchett in the role of Elizabeth. You can see the references here.


(16)LockedPainter, PhotoshopApril 2007

A Modern Classical Painting workshop commissioned by ImagineFX, to be found in Issue 17.To be exact, I aimed at an early XXth century stylization. Lots and lots of studying done to get the subject, composition and feeling right... The works of W. Bouguereau and Lord Frederic Leighton were especially helpful For extra fun, I incorporated some elements from works the old masters' paintings: e.g. I placed the character in the same forest as Bouguereau his Biblis. Please check the link below for details! Also, I ended up adding a small surreal twist to the image. I will refrain from outlaying the idea behind it, I hope the picture itself manages to tell the story. The whole image was done in Painter X with Airbrushes, Chalks, Oils and Blenders with slight help from Photoshop. Aside from some live reference, I used many paintings/photos for inspiration and anatomy checks - click hereto see. The images were found through google, goodart.org, art-liquidation.com and (if I remember correctly) getty.The painting technique was quite different from my usual, with much more Airbrush used in the process. Also, when doing the background, I went for a looser look, only hinting details with viisible brushstrokes instead of painting everything precisely.All comments and critiques are most welcome (文件夹中包含此作品的参考图)

The OraclePainter, PhotoshopFebruary 2007This is a Hand Painting Workshop done for the ImagineFX Magazine (check Issue 16). A slight change of style again, but this time I believe it is a direction I am going to shift to. My goal was to create a bold mood without adding too much unnecessary detail.Painted from 0 in Photoshop with some help from Painter.A detailed WIP, along with descriptions, source files and so on will be available in the Issue 16 of ImagineFX. This is no paintover whatsoever and the only photo reference was used for the pendant and marble (which I turned into a custom brush for the face markings). See below for links.Live references before painting in the form of anatomy and lighting studies (my mom ;P), but mainly just looking at my own hands during painting to fix mistakes and so on.Linen done with a custom made brush consisting of a few lines. I guess that's about it?Comments and crits very welcome as always.

The CommodorePainter, PhotoshopFebruary 2007A kind of a necromancer concept, done for ImagineFX Painter X texturing workshop (hints at various uses of different brushes, some tricks etc).Kept looser in some parts on purpose. It was real fun to mix military and tribal styles. Everything done from scratch in Painter X with a teeny-weeny bit of postwork in Photoshop. Some referencing, e.g. for the skull, the jacket (design wise), gold, but nothing major. As always, some studies for the character (the lighting was very hard for some reason...)PS was used for the scars, scratches and wood textures - both made with custom brushes, as an experiment, extracted from a clone leaf (scars), an old bone and a plank (wood & scratches).

(13)DovesPainter, PhotoshopJanuary 2007A commission painting I have finished a longer while ago.Not exactly my style and so I was rather awkward to post it here, but thanks to support of my friends I thought: what the hell The point was to depict an angel but with a somewhat darker past, and so I tried to make the theme subtle yet noticeable, a hint rather than a bold depiction: the character looking rather anxious and thoughtful...Technical:Painted from scratch in Painter and Photoshop in a month(or two) of on and off work.Live reference in the form of anatomy and lighting studies for the character (the same as for Pandora, to clear any confusion). Also, some references for the pigeons and the necklace.

(12)The Seven Deadly Sins: WRATHPainter, PhotoshopDecember 2006Hi guys,I was supposed not to but eh, decided to submit this one after all. There is a bit of writing to go with it, so I will just paste some technical details from DA. If you want to read about the symbolism etc, please check this link:http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/45063193/technical:- I am aware that the style and the technique is much simpler than what I have displayed in my recent works, but I had to keep the style consistant throughout the series. So yes, I know I haven't painted every wrinkle or skin pore etc. It was fully conscious and thought-through.- art nouveau stylization (A.Mucha); couple of refs used but nothing copied straight nor nothing major (whip for example)- about 30 hours spent in PainterThat's the last one of the series, and I really hope you like it!

(11)Angel's EggPainter, PhotoshopMay 2007Well, here's my latest. This stylization is something completely new to me, so please be kind The main inspiration credits go to the movie of the same title, Angel's Egg, directed by Mamoru Oshii. It is a greatly inspiring picture and I have been planning to paint a tribute to it for years. I highly recommend it. Anyway, this painting was made for the first part (of three) of the Custom Brush Guide, commissioned by ImagineFX and you will be able to find it in Issue 19, which is to be released next month. The tutorial covers useful brushes which I paint characters with (the Photoshop brush files will be included on the DVD).technical:Painting mainly in Photoshop with some aid from PainterX. I intended kept the background looser on purpose, so don't mind the smudginess please.I used a ton of photo references from Google for this piece (including celebrities, models ack!), some live studies and three photo brushes (for the egg texture, background textures and for the dirt in the background). I've lost some, but click here to see the pics! (10)The Seven Deadly Sins: VANITYPainter, PhotoshopNovember 2006The first of my Deadly Sins series.

(9)The Seven Deadly Sins: ENVYPainter, PhotoshopNovember 2006The second of my Seven Deadly Sins series.

(8)The Seven Deadly Sins: LUSTPainter, PhotoshopNovember 2006The third from my Seven Deadly Sins series

(7)The Seven Deadly SinsPainterAugust 2005"Greed, also called Avarice or Covetousness, is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual"A part of my Seven Deadly Sins series.Took around ~50/60 hours, done entirely in Painter7.Comments are very very welcome =)

(6)The Seven Deadly SinsPainterNovember 2005Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual workThis is the fifth from the Seven Deadly Sins series.Symbolism:- She is sitting on a swing and blowing bubbles: it's a symbol of wasting your time on insignificant things; idleness- She is placed above the ground, in the sky: symbol of being separated from Earth and mundane htings (like work etc)- Feathers: to me they symbolize something sleepy and lazy- Color: to me light blue is also a color of sleepiness and idlenessTechnical:Done in Painter in approx. 60 hours.Hope you like

(5)The Seven Deadly Sins: GLUTTONYPainter, PhotoshopNovember 2006The sixth from my Seven Deadly Sins series.

(4)RavenePainter, PhotoshopFebruary 2006Lately I have been working on a series of tutorials for IMAGINEFX by Future Publishing.This artwork was made specifically for the Gown Painting and Decorating Tutorial.The tutorial covers the detailed process of painting the whole dress, starting with a basic sketch to coloring and decorating with lace and embroidery.So... if you want to see how this was done, check out IMAGINEFX Issue 3! The image was done in Painter with some aid from Photoshop CS2 (stone textures); around a week of really hard work here's a 100% close-up of the embroidery:For request, a 50% closeup of the upper torso

(3)LovePainter, PhotoshopAugust 2006I do have a story behind this painting, but instead of words, I leave you with this picture alone. I wonder what your interpretations would be Original size: 6000x9000px; done from scratch in Photoshop with some aid from Painter. This piece was a challenge, mainly to get the technique and mood work together. It took me a LOT of time, especially to get all those little details right.Here are some 50% closeups:

(2)His Only FriendPainter, PhotoshopMarch 2006This time I wanted to paint a child portrait, giving it a subtle, yet sad meaning. That's the outcome.I made this piece mainly to test my patience in painting fabrics... I doubt I will repeat this experiment anytime soon, the details drove me crazy Some closeups:The face closeup and some progress shots:Since I don't want this thread to be too image intense, here are the links to two other progress shots:Three pillowsThe KittyI used three references for this piece, you can view them here (the second is a still from "The Last Emperor" movie):REFERENCES

(1)DisintegrationPainterNovember 2005...When your whole world falls apart.Something a little bit different than my usual, maybe a bit more expressive. Comments and crits are very appreciated

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