
非线性控制系统的分析与设计(英文版)(Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems)

非线性控制系统的分析与设计(英文版)(Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems)  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 图书,英语与其他外语,英语读物,英文版,
  品牌: Daizhen Cheng


·页码:545 页








·外文书名:Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems


内容简介《非线性控制系统的分析与设计(英文版)》全面介绍了非线性控制系统的分析与设计。全书共分为两部分。其中第一部分为第1~4章。第1章介绍了拓扑空间,第2章介绍了微流形,第3章介绍了代数、Lie群和Lie代数,它们为《非线性控制系统的分析与设计(英文版)》提供了研究数学背景。第二部分包括12章,即第5~16章,这些章节涵盖了可控性、可观测性、稳定性、解耦、投入产出的实现、线性化、中心流技术、输出调节、耗散系统、H∞控制、切换系统和非平稳控制等方面,并给出了有关的详细设计技术。 《非线性控制系统的分析与设计(英文版)》可供理工科大学自动控制专业的教师及研究生阅读,也可供自然科学和工程技术领域中相关专业的研究人员参考。

作者简介Dr. Daizhan Cheng, a professor at Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been working on the control of nonlinear systems for over 30 years and is currently a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of IFAC, he is also the chairman of Technical Committee on Control Theory, Chinese Association of Automation.

编辑推荐《非线性控制系统的分析与设计(英文版)》:Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems provides a comprehensive and up to date introduction to nonlinear control systems, including system analysis and major control design techniques. The book is self-contained, providing sufficient mathematical foundations for understanding the contents of each chapter. Scientists and engineers engaged in the field of Nonlinear Control Systems will find it an extremely useful handy reference book.


1. Introduction

1.1 Linear Control Systems

1.1.1 Controllability, Observability

1.1.2 Invariant Subspaces

1.1.3 Zeros, Poles, Observers

1.1.4 Normal Form and Zero Dynamics

1.2 Nonlinearity vs Linearity

1.2.1 Localization

1.2.2 Singularity

1.2.3 Complex Behaviors

1.3 Some Examples of Nonlinear Control Systems


2. Topological Space

2.1 Metric Space

2.2 Topological Spaces

2.3 Continuous Mapping

2.4 Quotient Spaces


3. Differentiab!e Manifold

3.1 Structure of Manifolds

3.2 Fiber Bundle

3.3 Vector Field

3.4 One Parameter Group

3.5 Lie Algebra of Vector Fields

3.6 Co-tangent Space

3.7 Lie Derivatives

3.8 Frobenius' Theory

3.9 Lie Series, Chow's Theorem

3.10 Tensor Field

3.11 Riemannian Geometry

3.12 Symplectic Geometry


4. Algebra, Lie Group and Lie Algebra

4.1 Group

4.2 Ring and Algebra

4.3 Homotopy

4.4 Fundamental Group

4.5 Covering Space

4.6 Lie Group

4.7 Lie Algebra of Lie Group

4.8 Structure of Lie Algebra


5. Controllability and Observability

5.1 Controllability of Nonlinear Systems

5.2 Observability of Nonlinear Systems

5.3 Kalman Decomposition


6. Global Controllability of Affine Control Systems

6.1 From Linear to Nonlinear Systems

6.2 A Sufficient Condition

6.3 Multi-hierarchy Case

6.4 Codim = 1


7. Stability and Stabilization

7.1 Stability of Dynamic Systems

7.2 Stability in the Linear Approximation

7.3 The Direct Method of Lyapunov

7.3.1 Positive Definite Functions

7.3.2 Critical Stability

7.3.3 Instability

7.3.4 Asymptotic Stability

7.3.5 Total Stability

7.3.6 Global Stability

7.4 LaSalle's Invariance Principle

7.5 Converse Theorems to Lyapunov's Stability Theorems

7.5.1 Converse Theorems to Local Asymptotic Stability

7.5.2 Converse Theorem to Global Asymptotic Stability

7.6 Stability of Invariant Set

7.7 Input-Output Stability

7.7.1 Stability of Input-Output Mapping

7.7.2 The Lur'e Problem

7.7.3 Control Lyapunov Function

7.8 Region of Attraction


8. Deeoupling

8.1 (f,g)-invariant Distribution

8.2 Local Disturbance Decoupling

8.3 Controlled Invariant Distribution

8.4 Block Decomposition

8.5 Feedback Decomposition


9. Input-Output Structure

9.1 Decoupling Matrix

9.2 Morgan's Problem

9.3 Invertibility

9.4 Decoupling via Dynamic Feedback

9.5 Normal Form of Nonlinear Control Systems

9.6 Generalized Normal Form

9.7 Fliess Functional Expansion

9.8 Tracking via Fliess Functional Expansion


10. Linearization of Nonlinear Systems

10.1 Poincare Linearization

10.2 Linear Equivalence of Nonlinear Systems

10.3 State Feedback Linearization

10.4 Linearization with Outputs

10.5 Global Linearization

10.6 Non-regular Feedback Linearization


11 Design of Center Manifold

11.1 Center Manifold

11.2 Stabilization of Minimum Phase Systems

11.3 Lyapunov Function with Homogeneous Derivative

11.4 Stabilization of Systems with Zero Center

11.5 Stabilization of Systems with Oscillatory Center

11.6 Stabilization Using Generalized Normal Form

11.7 Advanced Design Techniques


12 Output Regulation

12.1 Output Regulation of Linear Systems

12.2 Nonlinear Local Output Regulation

12.3 Robust Local Output Regulation


13 Dissipative Systems

13.1 Dissipative Systems

13.2 Passivity Conditions

13.3 Passivity-based Control

13.4 Lagrange Systems

13.5 Hamiltonian Systems


14 L2-Gain Synthesis

14.1 H∞ Norm and//2-Gain

14.2 H∞ Feedback Control Problem

14.3 L2-Gain Feedback Synthesis

14.4 Constructive Design Method

14.5 Applications


15 Switched Systems

15.1 Common Quadratic Lyapunov Function

15.2 Quadratic Stabilization of Planar Switched Systems

15.3 Controllability of Switched Linear Systems

15.4 Controllability of Switched Bilinear Systems

15.5 LaSalle's Invariance Principle for Switched Systems

15.6 Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems

15.6.1 Two Dimensional Agent Model with a Leader

15.6.2 n Dimensional Agent Model without Lead


16 Discontinuous Dynamical Systems

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Filippov Framework

16.2.1 Filippov Solution

16.2.2 Lyapunov Stability Criteria

16.3 Feedback Stabilization

16.3.1 Feedback Controller Design: Nominal Case

16.3.2 Robust Stabilization

16.4 Design Example of Mechanical Systems

16.4.1 PD Controlled Mechanical Systems

16.4.2 Stationary Set

16.4.3 Application Example


Appendix A Some Useful Theorems

A.1 Sard's Theorem

A.2 Rank Theorem


Appendix B Semi-Tensor Product of Matrices

B.1 A Generalized Matrix Product

B.2 Swap Matrix

B.3 Some Properties of Semi-Tensor Product

B.4 Matrix Form of Polynomials




序言The purpose of this book is to present a comprehensive introduction to the theoryand design technique of nonlinear control systems. It may serve as a standard refer-ence of nonlinear control theory and applications for control scientists and controlengineers as well as Ph.D students majoring in Automation or some related fieldssuch as Operational Research, Management, Communication etc. In the book we emphasize on the geometric approach to nonlinear control systems. In fact, we intend to put nonlinear control theory and its design techniquesinto a geometric framework as much as we can. The main motivation to write thisbook is to bring readers with basic engineering background promptly to the frontier of the modem geometric approach on the dynamic systems, particularly on theanalysis and control design of nonlinear systems. We have made a considerable effort on the following aspects: First of all, we try to visualize the concepts. Certain concepts are defined overlocal coordinates, but in a coordinate free style. The purpose for this is to makethem easily understandable, particularly at the first reading. Through this way areader can understand a concept by just considering the case in n. Later on, whenthe material has been digested, it is easy to lift them to general topological spacesor manifolds. Secondly, we emphasize the numerical or computational aspect. We believe thatmaking things computable is very useful not only for solving engineering problemsbut also for understanding the concepts and methods. Thirdly, certain proofs have been simplified and some elementary proofs are pre-sented to make the materials more readable for engineers or readers not specializingin mathematics. Finally, the topics which can be found easily in some other standardtextbooks or references are briefly introduced and the corresponding references areincluded. Much attention has been put on new topics, new results, and new designtechniques. For convenience, a brief survey on linear control theory is included, which canbe skipped for readers who are already familiar with the subject. For those whoare not majoring in control theory, it provides a tutorial introduction to the field,which is sufficient for the further study of this book. The other mathematical pre-requirements are Calculus, Linear Algebra, Ordinal Differential Equation.


非线性控制系统的分析与设计(英文版)(Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems)

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