系统分析与设计(英文版·第3版)(图灵原版计算机科学系列)(Systems Analysis and Design Third Edition)

分類: 图书,英语与其他外语,英语读物,英文版,文化教育,
品牌: 丹尼斯(Alan Dennis)
·页码:555 页
·外文书名:Systems Analysis and Design Third Edition
内容简介本书是“系统分析与设计”课程的经典教材,讲授了系统分析与设计的基本理论和知识点,同时强调在实际项目中的应用以及其中的核心技能。全书共分为4个部分,以整个信息系统开发生命周期为主线,详细探讨了规划、分析、设计及实施4个阶段的活动。此外,书中还涵盖了项目团队中需要的各种角色和技能,以及面向对象技术,并介绍了UML的主要元素。 本书适合作为高等院校计算机、信息系统等相关专业的本科生和研究生教材,也可供一些软件开发人员尤其是系统分析师阅读。
CONTENTS CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN1 Introduction2 The Systems Development Life Cycle4 Planning6 Analysis6 Design7 Implementation7 Systems Development Methodologies8 Structured Design10 RapidApplication Development (RAD)12 Agile Development16 Selecting the Appropriate Development Methodology18 Project Team Skills and Roles20 Business Analyst21 Systems Analyst22 Infrastructure Analyst22 Change Management Analyst22 Project Manager23 Summary23 PART ONEPLANNING PHASE29 CHAPTER 2PROJECT INITIATION31 Introduction32 ProJect Identification33 System Request35 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections36 Feasibility Analysis39 Technical Feasibility39 Economic Feasibility40 Organizational Feasibility46 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections49 ProJect Selection52 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections53 Summary55 CHAPTER 3PROJECT MANAGEMENT61 Introduction62 Identifying Project Size62 Function Point Approach64 Creating and Managing the Workplan70 Identify Tasks70 The Project Workplan72 Gantt Chart72 PERT Chart74 Refining Estimates75 Scope Management77 Timeboxing78 Staffing the Project79 Staffing Plan79 Motivation82 Handling Conflict83 Coordinating Project Activities84 CASE Tools84 Standards85 Documentation86 Managing Risk87 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections89 Staffing the Project92 Coordinating Project Activities93 Summary93 PART TWOANALYSIS PHASE99 CHAPTER 4REQUIREMENTS DETERMINATION101 Introduction102 Requirements Determination103 what is a Requirement?103 Requirements Definition106 Determining Requirements107 Creating the Requirements Definition108 Requirements Analysis Techniques108 Business Process Automation109 Business Process Improvement110 Business Process Reen gineering113 Comparing Analysis Techniques114 Requirements-Gathering Techniques116 Requirements-Gathering in Practice117 Interviews118 JointApplication Development (JAD)125 Questionnaires128 Document Analysis131 Observation133 Selecting the Appropriate Techniques134 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections136 Requirements Analysis Techniques136 Requirements-Gathering Techniques136 Requirements Definition137 System Proposal138 Summary139 CHAPTER 5USE CASE ANALYSIS143 Introduction148 Use Cases149 Elements of a Use Case149 Building Use Cases151 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections155 Identifying the Major Use Cases155 Identifying the Major Steps for Each Use Case158 Identifying the Elements within Steps162 Confirming the Use Case162 Revising the Requirements Definition166 Summary166 CHAPTER 6PROCESS MODELING171 Introduction172 Data Flow Diagrams172 Reading Data Flow Diagrams172 Elements of Data Flow Diagrams174 Using Data Flow Diagrams to Define Business Processes176 Process Descriptions180 Creating Data Flow Diagrams180 Creating the Context Diagram182 Creating Data Flow Diagram Fragments182 Creating the Level 0 Flow Diagram184 Creating Level I Data Flow Diagrams (and Below)185 Validating the Data Flow Diagrams188 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections191 Creating the Context Diagram192 Creating Data Flow Diagram Fragments192 Creating the Level 0 Data Flow Diagram193 Creating Level I Data Flow Diagrams (and Below)194 Validating the Data Flow Diagrams198 Summary198 Appendix A: Process Modeling at Custom MetalWorks202 CHAPTER 7DATA MODELING211 Introduction212 The Entity Relationship Diagram212 Reading an Entity Relationship Diagram213 Elements of an Entity Relationship Diagram214 The Data Dictionary and Metadata219 Creating an Entity Relationship Diagram220 Building Entity Relationship Diagrams221 Advanced Syntax224 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections227 Validating and ERD230 Design Guidelines230 Normalization233 Balancing Entity Relationship Diagrams with Data Flow Diagrams238 Summary240 Appendix A: Data Modeling at Custom MetalWorks245 PART THREEDESIGN PHASE251 CHAPTER 8MOVING INTO DESIGN255 Introduction254 Transition from Requirements to Design254 System Acquisition Strategies257 Custom Development257 Packaged Softwa re258 Outsourcing260 Influences on Acquisition Strategy261 Business Need262 In-house Experience262 Project Skills263 Project Management263 Time Frame264 Selecting an Acquisition Strategy264 Alternative Matrix265 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections267 Summary269 CHAPTER 9ARCHITEcTuRE DESIGN273 Introduction274 Elements of an Architecture Design274 Architectural Components274 Server-Based Architectures275 Client-Based Architectures275 Client-Server Architectures276 Client-Server Tiers278 Comparing Architecture Options280 Creating an Architecture Design282 Operational Requirements283 Performance Requirements284 Security Requirements286 Cultural and Political Requirements291 Designing the Architecture293 Hardware and Software Specification295 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections297 Creating an Architecture Design297 Hardware and Software Specification300 Summary300 CHAPTER 10USER INTERFACE DESIGN305 Introduction306 Principles for User Interface Design306 Layout307 Content Awareness309 Aesthetics311 User Experience313 Consistency314 Minim ize Us er Effo rit314 User Interface Design Process315 Use Scenario Development316 Interface Structure Design317 Interface Standards Design319 Interface Design Prototyping321 Interface Evaluation323 Navigation Design325 Basic Principles325 Types of Navigation Controls326 Messages330 Input Design331 Basic Principles331 Types of Inputs334 Input Validation334 Output Design337 Basic Principles337 Types of outputs340 Media340 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections342 Use Scenario Development342 Interface Structure Design342 Interface Standards Design346 Interface Template Design346 DesignPrototyping347 Interface Evaluation348 Summary348 CHAPTER 11PROGRAM DESIGN357 Introduction358 Moving from Logical to Physical Process Models358 The Physical Data Flow Diagram358 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections362 Designing Programs363 Structure Chart366 Syntax366 Building the Structure Chart369 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections372 Design Guidelines376 Program Specification382 Syntax382 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections385 Summary388 CHAPTER 12DATA STORAGE DESIGN397 Introduction398 Data Storage Formats398 Files399 Databases401 Selecting a Storage Format407 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections409 Moving from Logical to Physical Data Models410 The Physical Entity Relationship Diagram410 Revisiting the CRUD Matrix414 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections414 Optimizing Data Storage416 Optimizing Storage Efficiency417 Optimizing Access Speed419 Estimating Storage Size424 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections426 Summary428 PART FOURIMPLEMENTATION PHASE435 CHAPTER 13MOVING INTO IMPLEMENTATION437 Introduction438 Managing the Programming Process438 Assigning Programming Tasks438 Coordinating A ctivities439 Managing the Schedule440 Testing441 Test Planning442 Unit Tests445 Integration Tests445 System Tests447 Acceptance Tests447 Developing Documentation447 Types of Documentation449 Designing Documentation Structure449 Writing Documentation Topics451 Identifying Navigation Terms452 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections454 Managing Programming454 Testing454 Developing User Documentation457 Summary458 CHAPTER 14TRANSITION TO THE NEW SYSTEM463 Introduction464 Making the Transition to the New System464 The Migration Plan465 Selecting a Conversion Strategy466 Preparing a Business Contingency Plan470 Preparing the Technology472 Preparing People for the New System473 Understanding Resistance to Change473 Revising Management Policies475 Assessing Costs and Benefits476 Motivating Adoption478 Enabling Adoption: Training480 Postimplementation Activities482 System Support482 System Maintenance483 Project Assessment486 Applying the Concepts at CD Selections488 Implementation Process488 Preparing the People489 Postimplementation Activities489 Summary489 CHAPTER 15THE MOVEMENT TO OBJECTS495 Introduction496 Basic Characteristics of Object-Oriented Systems497 Classes and Objects497 Methods and Messages498 Encapsulation and Information Hiding498 Inheritance499 Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding500 Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design502 Use Case Driven502 Architecture Centric503 Iterative and Incremental503 Benefits of Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design503 Unified Modeling Language Version 2.0504 The Rational Unified Process (RUP)506 Four Fundamental UML Diagrams506 Use Case Diagram507 Elements of a Use Case Diagram509 Creating a Use Case Diagram512 Class Diagram514 Elements of a Class Diagram515 Simplifying Class Diagrams520 Creating a Class Diagram521 Sequence Diagram525 Creating a Sequence Diagram526 Behavioral State Machine Diagram529 Elements of a Behavioral State Machine Diagram530 Creating a Behavioral State Machine Diagram531 Summary533 INDEX 541