

D膜  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  分類: 图书,自然科学,物理学,理论物理学,

作者: (英)约翰逊 著

出 版 社: 世界图书出版公司

出版时间: 2010-1-1字数:版次: 1页数: 548印刷时间: 2010-1-1开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9787510005077包装: 平装



本书详细介绍膜理论的方方面面。尤其对初学者,它是J.Polchinski同类专著(String Theory, 已由世图引进)极好的补充。



List of inserts


1 Overview and overture

1.1 The classical dynamics of geometry

1.2 Gravitons and photons

1.3 Beyond classical gravity: perturbative strings

1.4 Beyond perturbative strings: branes

1.5 The quantum dynamics of geometry

1.6 Things to do in the meantime

1.7 On with the show

2 Relativistic strings

2.1 Motion of classical point particles

2.2 Classical bosonic strings

2.3 Quantised bosonic strings

2.4 The sphere, the plane and the vertex operator

2.5 Chan-Paton factors

2.6 Unoriented strings

2.7 Strings in curved backgrounds

2.8 A quick look at geometry

3 A closer look at the world-sheet

3.1 Conformal invariance

3.2 Revisiting the relativistic string

3.3 Fixing the conformal gauge

3.4 The closed string partition function

4 Strings on circles and T-duality

4.1 Fields and strings on a circle

4.2 T-duality for closed strings

4.3 A special radius: enhanced gauge symmetry

4.4 The circle partition function

4.5 Toriodal compactifications

4.6 More on enhanced gauge symmetry

4.7 Another special radius: bosonisation

4.8 String theory on an orbifold

4.9 T-duality for open strings: D-branes

4.10 D-brane collective coordinates

4.11 T-duality for unoriented strings: orientifolds

5 Background fields and world-volume actions

5.1 T-duality in background fields

5.2 A first look at the D-brane world-volume action

5.3 The Dirac-Born-Infeld action

5.4 The action of T-duality

5.5 Non-Abelian extensions

5.6 D-branes and gauge theory

5.7 BPS lumps on the world-volume

6 D-brane tension and boundary states

6.1 The D-brane tension

6.2 The orientifold tension

6.3 The boundary state formalism

7 Supersymmetric strings

7.1 The three basic superstring theories

7.2 The two basic heterotic string theories

7.3 The ten dimensional supergravities

7.4 Heterotic toroidal compactifications

7.5 Superstring toroidal compactification

7.6 A superstring orbifold: discovering the K3 manifold

8 Supersymmetric strings and T-duality

8.1 T-duality of supersymmetric strings

8.2 D-branes as BPS solitons

8.3 The D-brane charge and tension

8.4 The orientifold charge and tension

8.5 Type I from type IIB, revisited

8.6 Dirac charge quantisation

8.7 D-branes in type I

9 World-volume curvature couplings

9.1 Tilted D-branes and branes within branes

9.2 Anomalous gauge couplings

9.3 Characteristic classes and invariant polynomials

9.4 Anomalous curvature couplings

9.5 A relation to anomalies

9.6 D-branes and K-theory

9.7 Further non-Abelian extensions

9.8 Further curvature couplings

10 The geometry of D-branes

10.1 A look at black holes in four dimensions

10.2 The geometry of D-branes

10.3 Probing p-brane geometry with Dp-branes

10.4 T-duality and supergravity solutions

11 Multiple D-branes and bound states

11.1 Dp and Dp from boundary conditions

11.2 The BPS bound for the Dp-Dp' system

11.3 Bound states of fundamental strings and D-strings

11.4 The three-string junction

11.5 Aspects of D-brane bound states

12 Strong coupling and string duality

12.1 Type IIB/type IIB duality

12.2 SO(32) Type I/heterotic' duality

12.3 Dual branes from 10D string-string duality

12.4 Type IIA/M-theory duality

12.5 Es x Es heterotic string/M-theory duality

12.6 M2-branes and M5-branes

12.7 U-duality

13 D-branes and geometry I

13.1 D-branes as probes of ALE spaces

13.2 Fractional D-branes and wrapped D-branes

13.3 Wrapped, fractional and stretched branes

13.4 D-branes as instantons

13.5 D-branes as monopoles

13.6 The D-brane dielectric effect

14 K3 orientifolds and compactification

14.1 ZN orientifolds and Chan-Paton factors

14.2 Loops and tadpoles for ALE ZM singularities

14.3 Solving the tadpole equations

14.4 Closed string spectra

14.5 Open string spectra

14.6 Anomalies for N=1 in six dimensions

15 D-branes and geometry II

15.1 Probing p with D(p-4)

15.2 Probing six-branes: Kaluza-Klein monopoles and M-theory

15.3 The moduli space of 3D supersymmetric gauge theory

15.4 Wrapped branes and the enhangon mechanism

15.5 The consistency of excision in supergravity

15.6 The moduli space of pure glue in 3D

16 Towards M- and F-theory

16.1 The type IIB string and F-theory

16.2 M-theory origins of F-theory

16.3 Matrix theory

17 D-branes and black holes

17.1 Black hole thermodynamics

17.2 The Euclidean action calculus

17.3 D=5 Reissner-NordstrSm black holes

17.4 Near horizon geometry

17.5 Replacing T4 with K3

18 D-branes, gravity and gauge theory

18.1 The AdS/CFT correspondence

18.2 The correspondence at finite temperature

18.3 The correspondence with a chemical potential

18.4 The holographic principle

19 The holographic renormalisation group

19.1 Renormalisation group flows from gravity

19.2 Flowing on the Coulomb branch

19.3 An N=1 gauge dual RG flow

19.4 An N=2 gauge dual RG flow and the enhangon

19.5 Beyond gravity duals

20 Taking stock



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