Multiple Streams of Internet Income: How Ordinary People Make Extraordinary Money Online, 2nd Edition (精装)

品牌: Robert G. Allen
商品描述内容简介Praise for the first edition ofMultiple Streams of Internet Income"If ever the world needed some help to succeed on the Internet, this is the moment. Robert Allen's new book is just in time to save the day."
—Jack Trout, President, Trout & Partners, ofDifferentiate or Die"Earning money . . . serious money, is no different than piloting a jet aircraft or baking an apple pie. You have to learn how and you must understand what you're doing. Robert Allen is a master flight instructor if you want your income to soar. He knows what ninety-eight percent of our population have proven they don't know. Read this book and follow his advice. In a relatively short period of time, you will become wealthy and be amazed at how much free time you have when you never have to worry about money."
—Bob Proctor, author of the bestsellerYou Were Born Rich"The only thing better than the promise in the title of Robert Allen's wonderfulMultiple Streams of Internet Incomeis the enlightening information in the book itself. And the only thing better than the book is the life a reader can lead after reading the book and taking the actions that are suggested. Of all the books I've read about earning money online, this one tops the list for a multiple stream of reasons."
—Jay Conrad Levinson, author of theGuerrilla Marketingseries"Robert Allen has done it again!Multiple Streams of Internet Incomeis an exciting look into the many creative things you can do with your money in today's new economy. I can't wait to use its wisdom!"
—Ken Blanchard, coauthor ofThe One Minute Manager® and Big Bucks!"Information is less expensive to manufacture, promote, and ship than hard products such as running shoes and CDs. Robert Allen shares how you can apply Internet technology to selling information: books, reports, articles, seminars, speeches, and consulting. There are a lot of fluff books on e-commerce. This one is detailed, accurate, and readable.Multiple Streams of Internet Incomeis not just a book, it's a complete and hands-on course in advanced commerce. Congratulations."
—Dan Poynter, author ofThe Self-Publishing Manual作者简介Robert G. Allenis an entrepreneur and the successful author ofNothing Down, the largest-selling real estate investment book in history; the #1New York TimesbestsellerCreating Wealth; and the national bestsellerMultiple Streams of Income(Wiley). He is also the coauthor (with Mark Victor Hansen) of the national bestsellerThe One Minute MillionaireandCracking the Millionaire Code.
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