Phonics Comics: Duke and Fang - Level 3 (平装)

品牌: Judy KatschkeMarty Baumann
商品描述内容简介Phonics Comics: Duke and Fang - Level 3 In this 24-page 6x9 reader, you can read about Brad Benson who is constantly tormented by school-yard bully, Mike "Moose" Mandrake. Then one day, Brad's dog Duke laps up a mad veterinarian's spilled potion and a hysterical tale of made science begins--to Moose's dismay.专业书评Grade 2-4–In the first book, Brad, his dog, and a mad scientist find one another when a predictable accident turns Duke into a monster. The humor and wide-eyed characters pull this story along. However, the pictures dont always match up with the text, and the school bully who taunts Brad looks like an adult.Super Samlives on a distant planet where things happen for no reason. In a series of gross flukes, he gets superpowers.Sparkplugsincludes three hilarious stories about a robot family trying to find its place on Earth.Twisted Talesoffers the viewpoints of the witch in Hansel and Gretel, the Big Bad Wolf, and the troll under the bridge. The pictures are engaging and unique. These slim easy readers claim to support the No Child Left Behind Act. How they do this any differently from other beginning readers is unclear. A short list of story and sight words is included. The format and Saturday-morning-cartoon quality of the art will undoubtedly appeal to reluctant readers. However, with the exception ofSparkplugs, the books are additional purchases. Libraries looking to build a younger graphic-novel collection should stick with classics like Osamu Tezukas Astro Boy (Dark Horse) or new favorites Pinky & Stinky (Top Shelf) by James Kochalka.–Sadie Mattox, DeKalb County Public Library, Decatur, GA
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* Multisyllabic words and more advanced vocabulary
* Complex vowel sounds
* more challenging story lines
* Introduction to advanced sight words
Phonics Comics: Duke And Fange
Each cool 24-page comic book features three exciting, phonics-based stories. A new three-tiered leveling system make these perfect for beginning, intermediate, and advanced readers.