Phonics Comics: Otis C. Mouse - Egypt (平装)

品牌: Wendy WaxBradley Slocum
商品描述内容简介Exhilarating adventures, daring heroes, magic, time travel and much, much more! Each cool 24-page comic book feature three exciting, phonetically decodable stories. Developed and leveled with the help of reading specialists, these 6" x 9" paperbacks are easy to read and hard to put down! Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading leveled!Otis C. Mouse lives a happy life in New York City-until he accidentally gets whisked away to Egypt. His epic adventure begins with a whirlwind tour of the country's history and culture. Keep your eyes peeled for future adventures as Otis travels the world trying to get home. Where will he end up next? It's a tale of too many cities!专业书评Grade 1–3—These phonics readers in graphic-novel format are intended for children learning to read with adult assistance. The inside front and back covers have information for adults, include Guided Reading Levels, and feature lists of "Story Words" (challenging vocabulary) and "Sight Words" (frequently used words that do not need decoding). In the first book, Otis, a mouse living in New York City, flees a persistent cat and finds himself in a brown shoe heading for Egypt, where he has many adventures, before accidentally ending up on a boat bound for Greece. The subtitle may be over the heads of children but they will still enjoy the humor and adventures. InBattle at Mount Kamado, Master Fu asks Hiro and three other dragon students to search for one of the long-lost Power Jades. Their adventures include defeating ninjas and Evil Master Gomi to retrieve the treasure. The theme of this story is facing your fears, and, to ensure that the message is not lost, the cover caption proclaims, "Face Your Fears." Large, colorful cartoons and a good-size font make these books appropriate for beginning readers.—Marilyn Ackerman, Brooklyn Public Library, NY
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