Phonics Comics: Teeny Genie - Level 1 (平装)

參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索品牌: Judy Katschke
商品描述内容简介It's phonics! It's comics! It's awesome! Perfect for early and developing readers, each paperback includes three exciting, easy-to-read stories! Exhilarating adventures, daring heroes, magic, time travel and much, much more! Each cool 24-page comic book feature three exciting, phonetically decodable stories. Developed and leveled with the help of reading specialists, these 6" x 9" paperbacks are easy to read and hard to put down! Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading leveled! .This pocket sized genie's powers pack a punch! delivered in a magic package to kids who need him. , Teeny Genies wacky magic helps kids one wish at a time.作者简介Written by Judy Katschke; Illustrated by CS Jennings.