LIFE Picture Puzzle Around the World (平装)

品牌: Editors of Life
商品描述内容简介In recent hit books, "Life" has focused on themes including Vacations, Animals, Holidays, and Mysteries. Now, readers go on a tour of the whole wide world in a vibrant, colorful book that is a fun travelogue as well as a super-fun game book. Can readers spot the differences between this Eiffel Tower photo and that one? Can they find the changes in this version of the Great Wall of China? "Life's Picture Puzzle Around the World" is the perfect companion for readers going on a trip or vicariously traveling - and puzzling - from their armchairs at home.作者简介The editors at LIFE vigorously carry on the traditions of excellence in photography, in journalism, and in telling the story of our country and our world which began with LIFE magazine in 1936 by founding editor and publisher, Henry R. Luce. They have published books on a broad range of subjects, including New York Times bestsellersOne Nation,Picture PuzzleandThe American Journey of Barack Obama.