
分類: 图书,计算机/网络,程序设计,C C++ C# VC VC++,
作者: (美)戴特尔(Deitel,H.M.)著,
出 版 社: 清华大学出版社
出版时间: 2007-8-1字数:版次: 1页数: 1216印刷时间: 2007/08/01开本:印次:纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9787302155829包装: 平装内容简介
本书是世界上使用最广泛的C语言教材,给出了C、C++和Java语言的 13000多行代码。Harvey M.Deitel博士和Paul J.Deitel是Deitel & Associates公司的创始人,这是一家致力于C、C++、Java、C#、Visual Basic.NET、Visaul C++.NET、XML、Python、Perl、Internet、Web、电子商务、无线与对象技术的公司。Deitel是很多畅销书的作者,包括C++ How to Program,4E、JavaHow to Program,5E、C# How to Program和 Internet & World Wide Web How to Program,2E。
1 Introduction to Computers,the Internet and the World Wide Web
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What Is a Computer?
1.3 Computer Organization
1.4 Evolution of Operating Systems
1.5 Personal,Distributed and Client/Server Computing
1.6 Machine Languages,Assembly Languages and High-Level Languages
1.7 FORTRAN,COBOL,Pascal and Ada
1.8 History Of C
1.9 C Standard Library
1.10 C++
1.11 Java
1.12 BASIC,Visual Basic,Visual C++,C#and.NET
1.13 Key Software Trend:Object Technology
1.14 Basics of a Typical C Program Development Environment
1.15 Hardware Trends
1.16 History of the Internet
1.17 History of the Wodd Wide Web
1.18 General Notes About C and this Book
2 Introduction to C Programming
3 Structured Program Development in C
4 C Program Control
5 C Functions
6 C Arrays
7 C Pointers
8 C Characters and Strings
9 C Formatted Input/Output
10 C Structures,Unions,Bit Manipulations and Enumerations
11 C File Processing
12 C Data Structures
13 C Preprocessor
14 Other C Topics
15 C++ as a "Better C"
16 C++ Classes and Data Abstraction
17 C++ Classes:Part Ⅱ
18 C++ Operator Overloading
19 C++ Inheritance
20 C++ Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
21 C++ Stream Input/Output
22 C++ Templates
23 C++ Exception Handling
24 Introduction to Java Applications and Applets
25 Beyond C and C++:Operators,Methods and Arrays in Java
26 Java Object-Based Programming
27 Java Object-Oriented Programming
28 Java Graphics and Java2D
29 Java Graphical User Interface Components
30 Java Multimedia:Images,Animation and Audio
31 Internet and Web Resources
A Internet and Web Resources
B C99 Internet and Web Resources
C Operator Precedence Charts
D ASCII Character Set
E Number Systems
F C Standard Library Resources