
Dictionary of Dreams(解梦宝典) (平装)

Dictionary of Dreams(解梦宝典) (平装)  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
  分類: 图书,娱乐,风水占卜,解梦,
  品牌: ,Gustavus Hindman Miller,,

基本信息出版社:Simon & Schuster; 第1版 (1985年8月1日)平装:617页开本:32开ISBN:0671762613条形码:9780671762612产品尺寸及重量:18.3 x 12.7 x 4.3 cm ; 477 gASIN:0671762613商品描述内容简介Book Description

What does it mean to dream of running, playing an accordian, catching frogs, riding a stallion, eating honey, dying; or to see an eagle, apples, a tunnel, a shoemaker, or a field of growing wheat in your dreams?

This comprehensive and thorough study of dreams unravels the cloak of mystery surrounding these and hundreds of other mundane or strange items, happenings, places, people, and feelings encountered in the dream world to reveal what they mean in our lives — unhappiness, financial loss, eventual success, or danger.

Make contact with your inner self through this perfect bedside companion.

Book Dimension

Height (cm) 19.3 Width (cm) 1.3媒体推荐Spot Reviews

The Best and Most Accurate Dream Book I've Ever Read, August 14, 2005

Reviewer: amy lynn (pennsylvania United States)

Based on my experiences with this book, I cannot praise it highly enough. I've read many dream books and none of them have ever been this accurate in predicting future events based on your dreams. Almost all, most of the dreams ive had - I looked up there meanings and on most of the dreams it has a diffrent thing that will happen than the exact object or person/thing you dream of. But it always comes true IN REAL LIFE. It has been bone chilling. This book is a dream bible to me and Ive had it for about 5 yrs now and have used it till its almost fallen apart. It not only has dream meanings but the preface has the whole story of dreams over the ages and exactly how they work and affect us in the waking life. Its fascinating. Some reviewers had a problem with some racist passages or writings in here, but you have to understand the meanings in this book have been studied and some are the old meanings or they stay true to the real meaning of the dream so they use defitions from older times. And it will say somthing about a person of color once in awhile during the book.( If you have a certain dream) and those definitions are few and far between. Other than that - THIS BOOK IS REAL. Take it from me and my own experiences.- It hits the nail on the head like no other book you will ever read. Just make sure you remember most of your dreams and look up the meanings and if you have a real vivid or strange dream make sure you circle and remember the meaning of it so you can go back and look it up when the meanings happen to you in real life , whether its the next day or a couple months down the line. But i guarentee it will happen - AT least thats what happened to me. Enjoy the book. Highly Recomended

PS- I started having all these dreams and i would circle the meaning in my book so i could keep track and see if that would happen in real life and the first couple months alot of the stuff happened but there were some outlandish things like finding money that said ill never have to be worried to pay my bills again and you will be ( prosperous) and At the time i could never beleive that because my life wasnt at the best at that exact time , the stuff it said i couldnt beleive so i dismissed it ,or i kept it in the back of my mind just in case, BUT about 5-6 months later ( those dreams i circles that i said ( yea right ) to or didnt beleive CAME TRUE. So if it dosent come true right away dont dismiss the book. There is definetely a coincidence between what we dream and what happens in real life to us. They still havent figured it out but they are doing more & more research every day to try to uncover the mystery of dreams. I cant say this book has been a coincidence because to many things have been accurate and right on target. I hope you get the same pleasure out of this book I have, Enjoy.

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