
Dude, Where's My Country?

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  分類: 图书,进口原版,History(历史),
  品牌: Michael Moore

基本信息出版社:Penguin Books Ltd; New Ed edition (2004年6月1日)外文书名:哪里是我的国家平装:304页正文语种:英语ISBN:0141013001条形码:9780141013008商品尺寸:19.2 x 12.8 x 2.2 cm商品重量:159 gASIN:0141013001商品描述内容简介Mike's back, this time tackling The Pres and promising to kick the good old boy's butt from here to kingdom come. As if that's not enough he's aiming to smoke him out well in time for next year's elections...Other targets include Murdoch's media and particularly useful are ideas including a Green Party for men who eat red meat, a Pope who likes the ladies, and a handy guide to "Talking To Your Conservative Brother-in-Law".--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.媒体推荐Amazon.com

The people of the United States, according to author and filmmaker Michael Moore (Bowling for Columbine,Stupid White Men), have been hoodwinked. Tricked, he says, by Republican lawmakers and their wealthy corporate pals who use a combination of concocted bogeymen and lies to stay rich and in control. But while plenty of liberal scholars, entertainers, and pundits have made similar arguments in book form, Moore"sDude, Where"s My Country?stands out for its thoroughly positive perspective. Granted, Moore is angry and has harsh words for George W. Bush and his fellow conservatives concerning the reasoning behind going to war in Iraq, the collapse of Enron and other companies, and the relationship between the Bushes, the Saudi Arabian government, and Osama bin Laden. But his book is intended to serve as a handbook for how people with liberal opinions (which is most of America, Moore contends, whether they call themselves "liberals" or not) can take back their country from the conservative forces in power. Moore uses his trademark brand of confrontational, exasperated humor skillfully as he offers a primer on how to change the worldview of one"s annoying conservative blowhard brother-in-law, and he crafts a surprisingly thorough "Draft Oprah for President" movement. Refreshingly,Dude, Where"s My Country?avoids being completely one-sided, offering up areas where Moore believes Republicans get it right as well as some cutting criticisms of his fellow lefties. Such allowances, brief though they may be, make one long for a political climate where the shouting polemicists on both sides would see a few more shades of gray.Dude, Where"s My Country?is a little bit scattered, as Moore tries to cram opinions on Iraq, tax cuts, corporate welfare, Wesley Clark, and the Patriot Act into one slim volume--and the penchant to go for a laugh sometimes gets in the way of clear arguments. But such variety also gives the reader more Moore, providing a broader range of his bewildered, enraged, yet stalwartly upbeat point of view.--John Moe--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Publishers Weekly

Although it"s curious that Moore (Stupid White Men) chose not to narrate his latest indictment of the conservative right, Morin does an admirable job of conveying Moore"s ideas and subtle (and not-so-subtle) wit. At first, Morin"s performance seems well-meaning yet stiff, much like the child voices of the Charlie Brown TV specials—very clear but with the unnatural cadence that comes from reading a script. As time goes by, however, he grows more relaxed with the material. By the final disk, it"s obvious why Morin was chosen for the job. Between Moore"s text and Morin"s loosened-up delivery, listeners can almost imagine that they are hearing Moore"s own voice. In any case, Moore"s message is clear: he believes America is being hoodwinked by George W. Bush. Bush"s goal, he says, is to use our fear of terrorism to push through his own agenda, as well as the agendas of his rich friends and supporters. Moore makes provocative connections between the Bushes and the Bin Ladens and even the Bushes and the Taliban, but the one drawback of this audiobook is the lack of references. While the book form ofDudeis heavily footnoted, Moore points listeners to his Web site for his sources, where finding specific information can be difficult.

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.--This text refers to theAudio CDedition.


George W. must have added another Michael Moore voodoo doll to his collection after this diatribe. Through affable reader D. David Morin, Moore mercilessly excoriates the Bush administration and its cronies, adding insult to injury with his sometimes sophomoric humor. Morin affects the persona of a "regular guy" in his narration. But you can hear bubbles being burst and minds opened when Moore piles on the rhetoric. We need a prosaic Thomas Paine in this age of government run amok, and the controversial Moore does an admirable job. You"ll be sure to enjoy this audiobook unless, of course, you"re a Republican. D.J.B. © AudioFile 2004, Portland, Maine--Copyright © AudioFile, Portland, Maine--This text refers to theAudio CDedition.


The writings of the reenergized Left kicked into overdrive with Moore"sStupid White Men(2002). Always given to ranting, Moore at times gets dangerously close to Ann Coulter territory with this one. Like her, he"s angry (for the opposite reasons, of course); he has some big ideas (perhaps the Saudis were behind 9/11); and he doesn"t always get his facts completely straight (there are Poles stationed in Iraq). Unlike Coulter, however, Moore can be quite funny while pushing his agenda. In an opening salvo, he "asks" the president seven questions, including several about the relationship between the Bushes and the bin Laden family; he goes on to question the reasons for the war in Iraq, show how corporate malfeasance can be as devastating to the country as terror (he invites readers to his Web site to help him spend his tax cut), makes a strong case for America being more liberal than it seems, and begs Oprah to run for president. (If she declines, he suggests voting for Wesley Clark.) Least funny is the chapter where Moore adopts the voice of God. He makes his strongest points when he explains how incessant warnings about terror ruin lives, not save them. As is the case with Coulter, the fans will make this a best-seller, and those on the other side will enjoy attacking both book and author.Ilene Cooper

Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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