
Saving Faith

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  分類: 图书,进口原版,Literature & Fiction(文学与虚构类),Genre Fiction(类型小说),Action & Adventure,
  品牌: David Baldacci

基本信息出版社:Pan Books (2003年11月21日)外文书名:拯救费思平装:464页正文语种:英语ISBN:0330419684条形码:9780330419680商品尺寸:17.6 x 10.8 x 3.2 cm商品重量:227 gASIN:0330419684商品描述内容简介David Baldacci's high-impact novel tells of an embattled group of men and women fighting the forces of lethal corruption that operate at the heart of the Secret State. Danny Buchanan is a top Washington lobbyist who once earned a vast fortune serving the interests of giant corporations. Appalled by the desperate poverty he witnessed on his global travels, he decided to use his political genius to help the world's poor. With the loyal aid of his assistant, the attractive and committed Faith Lockhart, Danny works tirelessly and in secret to redress the balance of power. But Robert Thornhill has rather different ideas of public service. A ruthless top-ranking veteran of covert CIA activity, he discovers the secret of Danny's political influence and is determined to destroy him...


拯救费思编辑推荐Amazon.com Review

It sounds like a movie pitch: "The story is like Tom Clancy crossed with John Grisham set in the Washington D.C. political world." But David Baldacci'sSaving Faithsuccessfully fuses elements from both of these chart-busters in this political thriller spiced with techno-wizardry.The villain is a classic spy caricature: cold-war CIA super-patriot Robert Thornhill wants to reclaim the glory days of the Central Intelligence Agency--when money flowed like the Mississippi during a flood, and the FBI watched helplessly from the sidelines. Working from his secret underground bunker, he blackmails Danny Buchanan, one of the great Washington lobbyists, to front an enormous bribery scheme that will force Congress to bend to the CIA's whims. But Thornhill's plan springs a leak: Buchanan's assistant Faith Lockhart discovers her boss's dirty dealings, and she intends to expose the whole mess to Thornhill's nemesis, the FBI. Thornhill's associates attempt to assassinate Faith, but their bullet kills her FBI escort instead. Faith finds herself on the run with Lee Adams, a fit-and-trim PI who had been shadowing her at the behest of Buchanan.If all this sounds a bit confusing, it is at times. Baldacci works hard to keep the tension steadily rising, but it is sometimes difficult to remember why Faith and Lee can't just stop running and go for help. Nevertheless, they are very likable heroes, and Baldacci's depiction of the world of lobbyists and the internecine warfare of the FBI and CIA (complete with state-of-the-art spy gadgets and transmission-proof chambers) elevates the novel with details that can come only from careful research.--Patrick O'Kelley--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Publishers Weekly

Baldacci's fifth high-concept premise in as many novels (The Simple Truth; Absolute Power; etc.) propels his hard-working new thriller: a renegade CIA faction attempts to reassert the agency's primacy over the FBI by manipulating members of Congress who fund both outfits. To do so, the CIA conspirators aim to take over a bribery scheme they've discovered. The scam was concocted by legendary lobbyist Danny Buchanan, who has been greasing the palms of lawmakers to gain their support of bills aiding the poor and hungry overseas. The spooks plan to assassinate Buchanan and his prot?g?, the lovely Faith Lockhart, and force the legislators, under threat of exposure, to support the CIA over the FBI. First, however, they'll have to kill the FBI person guarding Faith, for she has confessed everything to the bureau in hopes of working a deal for herself and Buchanan. But the CIA villains haven't reckoned on the resilience of the two lobbyists, nor on the grit of FBI agent Brooke Reynolds, nor on the skill of PI Lee Adams, who gets caught up in the attempted hit on Faith and her guardianA and who then goes on the run with the lobbyist. The novel evolves into a frantic, exciting chase, FBI after CIA after Lee/Faith, with a few nifty twists. Baldacci's characters continue to grow in complexityAthere's an exceptionally fine scene in which Lee, drunk, nearly rapes FaithAbut, alas, so does his plotting. This novel is overdone, with too many heroes and subplots and enough data withheld from readers to generate confusion. Baldacci's prose can still break the jaws of subvocalizers, too. The novel moves fast, though, and its players and suspense are strongAas should be sales. Main selection of the Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Club; simultaneous audiobook.

Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Library Journal

When lobbyist Danny Buchanan's bribery scheme gets him enmeshed with shady doings at the CIA, his partner, Faith, must run for her life.

Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From The Washington Post

"...the last quarter of the book...is so compelling it'll have you turning the pages long past your bedtime."--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


Bad guy Robert Thornhill, a deputy director of the CIA, hates the FBI because they have more money and clout than his own agency. So he comes up with a scheme to blackmail various members of Congress into supporting bills that will increase the CIA's power and, not incidentally, give his already considerable ego a major boost. Thornhill has a cadre of supportive CIA colleagues (including some nasty robo killers) to help carry out the scheme. And he's blackmailed lobbyist Danny Buchanan (a good guy) into helping him. Danny's longtime partner Faith Lockhart (another good "guy") suspects Danny is in over his head, so she tries to cut a deal with the FBI to save his skin. Meantime, Danny has enlisted the aid of Lee Adams (good guy number three) to keep Faith from squealing. Then Faith and Lee witness the murder of an FBI agent and become targets themselves. Of course, the danger stimulates the inevitable mutual-attraction hormones between Faith and Lee. Also part of the plot are two dogged FBI agents who get involved in lots of knife fights, stakeouts, and shoot-'em-ups trying to save the trio of good guys. Yes, the plot is too busy and more than a little improbable, but Baldacci makes it work with solid suspense, pithy dialogue, and plenty of hot but tender sex scenes. A must for action fans and a guilty pleasure for everyone else.Emily Melton--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Kirkus Reviews

Wayward politicos, bickering alphabet agencies, conspiracies rampant, gore galoreit must be time for another of Baldacci's ponderous potboilers (The Simple Truth, 1998, etc.). Beltway insiders know that as lobbyists go, Faith Lockhart is top of the line. Attractive, smart, energetic, she can charm with the best of them. It's true, of course, that lobbyists, even winsome ones, are not universally adored. Even so, the position adopted by Bob Thornhill, the CIA's ``most distinguished cold war soldier'' and current director of operations, seems extreme. He wants Faith killed. It seems she interferes with something he calls his grand plan, which apparently has to do with keeping America safe, though exactly how Faith qualifies as a threat isn't all that easy to grasp. At any rate, Thornhill sets a nasty trap for her, which Faith escapes thanks to the derring-do of p.i. Lee Adams. At first an accidental savior, Lee gets more invested in his new assignment when he falls in love. The two go on the lam, with Thornhill's spooks a hot breath behind them. The FBI is also on their trail, since one of its agents was gunned down in the trap meant to finish Faith, and the feebies can't decide just where it is that Faith fits in. But quick-thinking Lee rises to all challenges to keep saving Faith. Though representatives of both agencies blanket the airport, he spirits her out of D.C., and they flee to the safe house provident Faith bought years ago against a rainy day. There they consummate their love. But it's there too that the chase will end, setting the stage for a tableau of spooks vs. feebies blasting away in an updated version of the OK Corral. Graceless prose and shaky plotting dont help, but it's those tacky, comic-strip villains that really do in the suspense. --Copyright ©1999, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


'He is able to deliver eloquently what the public wants' (GUARDIAN)

Danny Buchanan is a top Washington lobbyist who once earned a vast fortune serving the interests of giant corporations. But Danny has had a Damascan conversion caused by the appalling poverty he has witnessed on his global travels and decides to use his political genius to help the world's poor. He begins to establish a secret network of politicians prepared to vote the way he wishes on international aid. But he is rumbled by a ruthless veteran of clandestine government activity who blackmails him. While never forgetting the appeal of Machiavellian political infighting, Baldacci always delivers the palm-sweating thriller goods in a fashion that ensures few will be able to put them down. (Kirkus UK)


The story is voiced by Chris Noth who lends cinematic impact and captures David Baldacci's cliff-hanger suspense. The spoken narration is assisted by musical scores that accompany the breathtaking action of the story.--This text refers to theAudio CDedition.

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