
The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter--And How to Make the Most of Them Now

The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter--And How to Make the Most of Them Now  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 图书,进口原版,Health, Mind & Body(身心健康),Psychology & Counseling(心理问题与咨询),Developmental Psychology,
  品牌: Meg Jay

基本信息出版社:Twelve (2012年4月17日)精装:272页正文语种:英语ISBN:0446561762条形码:9780446561761商品尺寸:16.5 x 2.5 x 24.1 cm商品重量:463 gASIN:0446561762商品描述内容简介Our "thirty-is-the-new-twenty" culture tells us that the twentysomething years don't matter. Some say they are an extended adolescence. Others call them an emerging adulthood. But thirty isnotthe new twenty. In this enlightening book, Dr. Meg Jay reveals how many twentysomethings have been caught in a swirl of hype and misinformation that has trivialized what are actually the most defining years of adulthood. Drawing from more than ten years of work with hundreds of twentysomething clients and students, Dr. Jay weaves the science of the twentysomething years with compelling, behind-closed-doors stories from twentysomethings themselves. She shares what psychologists, sociologists, neurologists, reproductive specialists, human resources executives, and economists know about the unique power of our twenties and how they change our lives. The result is a provocative and sometimes poignant read that shows us why our twenties do matter. Our twenties are a time when the things we do--and the things we don't do--will have an enormous effect across years and even generations to come.媒体推荐"A clinical psychologist issues a four-alarm call for the 50 million 20-somethings in America.... A cogent argument for growing up and a handy guidebook on how to get there." (Kirkus Reviews)

"I strongly recommend THE DEFINING DECADEfor anyone in their 20s trying to figure out their life's direction. You'll learn how to search productively, how to avoid being indulgent, and how to turn good opportunities into great ones." (Po Bronson, author ofWhat Should I Do With My Life?, co-author ofNurtureshock)

"Before reading THE DEFINING DECADE I didn't know enough about the importance of our twenties to be concerned that I could mess it all up. Now that I do, I could worry myself into paralysis, or, as Meg Jay suggests, grab life by the helm--even if I still have no idea in hell where I'm going. Without a doubt,The Defining Decadewill leave you eager to embark on what I now see can be the most exciting odyssey of one's life." (Rachel Kauder Nalebuff, editor ofMy Little Red Book)

THE DEFINING DECADE is the book twentysomethings have been waiting for. It will not tell you what you should do with your life, but it will inspire, motivate, and educate you to figure it out. (Rachel Simmons, author ofThe Good Girl)

THE DEFINING DECADE is eye-opening, important, and a pleasure to read. I highly recommend it. (Wendy Mogel, author ofThe Blessing of a Skinned KneeandThe Blessing of a B Minus)

Meg Jay brings a sharp intellect, expertise on the life cycle, and extensive clinical experience to this powerful book. Age and time, she argues, are not malleable, even if people live longer and our culture believes that everything is possible. Reading this book will benefit clinicians, cultural commentators, and twentysomethings themselves. (Nancy Chodorow, author ofIndividualizing Gender and Sexuality:Theory and Practice


This fascinating, engaging book makes a convincing case that the twenties are the most transformative period of people's lives, and even better, shows readers how to get off the couch and live that decade well. It should be read by all young adults, their friends, their parents, their grandparents, their bosses, their siblings . . . really, by just about everyone! (Timothy D. Wilson, author ofRedirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change)

Expecting to experience the joy of freedom and self-discovery, many young men and women find instead confusion, loneliness, and anomie. Jay is just the sort of guide that these twentysomethings and their parents need: sensitive, thoughtful, and wise. (Kay Hymowitz, author ofManning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys)

"THE DEFINING DECADE is a rare gem: a fresh, original contribution to the study of adult development that's also a pleasurable, almost effortless read." (Daphne de Marneffe, PhD, author ofMaternal Desire: On Children, Love, and the Inner Life)

"Blending the latest social science research with real life accounts of twentysomething clients and students, Jay provides valuable and compelling insights and direction for twentysomethings, their parents, and parents of future twentysomethings." (Leslie C. Bell, PhD, author ofHard to Get: 20-Something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom.)

THE DEFINING DECADE is a must read for the twentysomething who is looking to build a meaningful, fulfilling, and rich life. Dr. Jay clearly illustrates some of the biggest mistakes we can make in our twenties. But more important she gives advice about how to make decisions that will set twentysomethings up for success in the workplace and intimate relationships in their thirties and beyond. (C. J. Pascoe, author ofDude, You're a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School)

THE DEFINING DECADE does an excellent job of conveying the latest social science on twentysomething relationships and helping young adults to understand why these relationships can be so confusing and challenging...Young adults looking for insights about love, life, and marriage should turn to Dr. Meg Jay's engaging and insightful new book. (W. Bradford Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia)

Meg Jay masterfully blends cutting-edge research and life stories of psychotherapy clients to make a compelling case that this age period is crucial for launching love and work. You will learn a lot from this book and it will spur you to seize control of your future now. (Avril Thorne, University of California, Santa Cruz)

Listen to me closely. If you know someone already in or entering the third decade of life, or their parents, or their therapist, you must give them this book. Meg Jay slams a cultural corrective on our desk. Pay attention. The twenties are the defining decade of human life where the foundation of every future is laid...No one should turn thirty without having read this book. (J. Anderson Thomson Jr., MD; staff psychiatrist, University of Virginia, department of Student Health; co-author,Facing Bipolar: The Young Adult's Guide to Facing Bipolar Disorder


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