
Not on Our Watch: The Mission to End Genocide in Darfur and Beyond

Not on Our Watch: The Mission to End Genocide in Darfur and Beyond  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 图书,进口原版,History(历史),Africa(非洲),
  品牌: Don CheadleJohn Prendergast

基本信息出版社:Hyperion (2007年5月1日)外文书名:我们的视线之外平装:272页正文语种:英语开本:32ISBN:1401303358, 1905379455条形码:9781905379453商品尺寸:20.9 x 14.8 x 1.9 cm商品重量:286 g品牌:HyperionASIN:1401303358商品描述内容简介An Academy Award-nominated actor and a renowned human rights activist team up to change the tragic course of history in the Sudan -- with readers' helpWhile Don Cheadle was filmingHotel Rwanda, a new crisis had already erupted in Darfur, in nearby Sudan. In September 2004, then-Secretary of State Colin Powell termed the atrocities being committed there "genocide" -- and yet two years later things have only gotten worse. 3.5 million Sudanese are going hungry, 2.5 million have been displaced by violence, and 400,000 have died in Darfur to date.Both shocked and energized by this ongoing tragedy, Cheadle teamed up with leading activist John Prendergast to focus the world's attention.Not on Our Watch, their empowering book, offers six strategies readers themselves can implement: Raise Awareness, Raise Funds, Write a Letter, Call for Divestment, Start an Organization, and Lobby the Government. Each of these small actions can make a huge difference in the fate of a nation, and a people -- not only in Darfur, but in other crisis zones such as Somalia, Congo, and northern Uganda.专业书评From Publishers Weekly

Over the past five years, youth groups, religious organizations, politicians and individuals have responded to the crisis in Sudan in increased numbers. This book is a guide for these already involved, as well as those who are interested in taking action, or speaking out against the mass killings that continue to occur in the country's Darfur region. Coauthored by Cheadle, actor and star of the filmHotel Rwanda, and Prendergast, senior adviser of the International Crisis Group, the book is a pastiche of practical information, instructions, memoir and history. As a handbook for budding activists, it's informative and, at times, inspiring. The combination of charts, lists and first-person accounts create a simple and reasonable path to action. But as a source for information about the conflict in Sudan, the book falters. The history is neither clear nor succinct, and there is not much of it. Furthermore, although Cheadle and Prendergast's personal anecdotes are entertaining, they overshadow the few anecdotes about the Sudanese living through the crisis. The book's most interesting moment, besides the useful advice on how to get involved, is its delving into the government's excuses for inaction.(May 1)

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Famous for his Academy Award-nominated performance inHotel Rwanda, Cheadle teamed with human rights activist Prendergast to plead for greater awareness of the horrors of genocide in Darfur, Sudan, and issue a call to action. After a brief history of the tensions behind the genocide, Cheadle and Prendergast detail how they each got involved in the campaign to end genocide in Darfur. They offer profiles of individuals who have mounted efforts to end the genocide as well as suggestions for how all of us can get involved, including writing letters, joining activist organizations, raising funds and awareness, and lobbying the government.Vanessa Bush

Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

George Clooney

"Don and John are two of the great champions of ending this genocide. With this book they remind us that the individual can change the world for the better. And they also remind us that we all bear responsibility in this crime against humanity. I'm proud to call them my friends."


"A persuasive and authoritative call for action with an engaging personal touch."

Publishers Weekly

"The book is a pastiche of practical information, instructions, memoir, and history."

George Clooney

"Don and John are two of the great champions of ending this genocide. With this book they remind us that the individual can change the world for the better. And they also remind us that we all bear responsibility in this crime against humanity. I'm proud to call them my friends."

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