
Vegan Is Love: Having Heart and Taking Action

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  分類: 图书,进口原版,Children's Books(儿童图书),Animals(动物),
  品牌: Ruby Roth

基本信息出版社:North Atlantic Books (2012年4月24日)精装:44页正文语种:英语ISBN:1583943544条形码:9781583943540商品尺寸:29.1 x 0.9 x 23.6 cm商品重量:463 gASIN:1583943544您想告诉我们您发现了更低的价格?

商品描述内容简介InVegan Is Love,author-illustrator Ruby Roth introduces young readers to veganism as a lifestyle of compassion and action. Broadening the scope of her popular first bookThat’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals,Roth illustrates how our daily choices ripple out locally and globally, conveying what we can do to protect animals, the environment, and people across the world. Roth explores the many opportunities we have to make ethical decisions: refusing products tested on or made from animals; avoiding sea parks, circuses, animal races, and zoos; choosing to buy organic food; and more. Roth’s message is direct but sensitive, bringing into sharp focus what it means to “put our love into action.” Featuring empowering back-of-the-book resources on action children can take themselves, this is the next step for adults and kids alike to create a more sustainable and compassionate world.媒体推荐“Leaping and bounding toward a more peaceable world, this heart-centered book shows just how far our actions can go when we use love to fuel change.” 

—Jason Mraz, singer and songwriter


"An important and completely unique addition to children's literature,Vegan Is Loveis a gift for newer, greener, and more compassionate generations to come."

—Gene Baur, president and co-founder of Farm Sanctuary


“Roth’s work brings children a new viewpoint on animals that we desperately need in today’s world. Her message to stop attending dolphinariums is a great way to get children personally involved in making moral choices that are best for the animals. Dolphins belong in the sea, not in captivity.”

—Richard O’Barry, marine mammal specialist,The Cove; campaign director of SaveJapanDolphins.org


“Children love animals, andVegan Is Lovehelps to nurture their natural compassion. Please give this book to the teachers, parents, and children in your life, and you will do a world of good to create a compassionate world for all.”

—Lorri Houston, founder and president, Animal Acres Farm Sanctuary


“Ruby Roth’s short, sweet, and beautifully illustrated book is a must for parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and babysitters, as is her message that ‘The choice to be vegan is especially brave.’ And that goes for grown-ups, too."

—Joseph Connelly, founder and publisher,VegNewsmagazine


 “Vegan Is Lovebeautifully conveys compelling reasons to reevaluate the food we eat, clothes we wear, and entertainment we choose. Best of all, it offers children ways they can be part of the solution today.” 

—Brendan Brazier, professional triathlete, best-selling author ofThrive


“This book gives young people a comprehensive view of animal rights as a lifestyle in an easy-to-digest format. It is my dream that future generations will extend their compassion to all sentient beings as part of their daily practice. This book provides the tools they need to get started.”  

—Simone Reyes,Running Russell Simmons


“Ruby Roth is a magical truth-teller, artist, and conduit to kindness. If I had my druthers, every child in the world would have compulsory homework to read her work, as compassion should be the most perfunctory lesson we learn. My vegan son is so lucky to have Roth’s books to guide him—for every question he has, her books provide an answer.” 

—Chloe Jo Berman, founder of Girlie Girl Army


“Being a Wellness Warrior isn’t just for adults. Ruby Roth’s fabulous new book teaches children how veganism leads to personal and planetary health and happiness. Share your respect and compassion for our animal friends by readingVegan Is Loveto a little one you adore.”

—Kris Carr,New York Timesbest-selling author, motivational speaker, and wellness coach

"Beautifully written and illustrated. ...Vegan Is Love: Having Heart and Taking Actioncovers everything from why visiting zoos is not a way to support animals if we love them to why eating a plant-based diet is the healthiest thing for us and our world. ... I read the book to my kids and they were totally engrossed in the story and the pictures. ... The message Ruby Roth wants you all to take away from her new book is to ‘Love deeply, think critically, and act responsibly!'"

—Sarah Creighton, blogger,Veggie Kids

"Sure to provoke controversy and discussion, this illustrated introduction to vegan living occasionally leans too heavily on assumptions but generally offers a clear view of the topic. Presented in picture-book format, this nonfiction work features a different concept on each two-page spread. These concepts include clothing choices, animal testing and using animals in entertainment venues as well as eating habits, farming and environmental degradation. With each, Roth examines the impact of peoples' choices on the Earth and the animals that live on it. ... [Roth's] main thrust-that our choices influence the world around us-will remain true indefinitely."

—Kirkus Reviews

"[Vegan is Love] is not only a beautiful book from cover to cover with gorgeous illustrations and truthful messages, but it gives children the encouragement that they have the power to take things into their own hands. ... This book will captivate your child(ren) as it did mine."

—Catherine Love,RanVeganess

"[Vegan is Love] provides parents with an educational tool and vegan children with a rare opportunity to have a book that reflects their family's life and values. In this visually lush follow-up to her first children's book,That's Why We Don't Eat Animals, Roth introduces children to facets of veganism beyond the food we eat. Elaborately and beautifully illustrated,Vegan is Loveteaches children that, small though they may be, they have the power to create positive change through the choices they make. ...the message of love prevails."

—This Dish is Veg

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