
Sacred Pregnancy: A Loving Guide and Journal for Expectant Moms

Sacred Pregnancy: A Loving Guide and Journal for Expectant Moms  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 图书,进口原版,Health, Mind & Body(身心健康),Personal Health(个人健康),Women's Health,Pregnancy & Childbirth,
  品牌: Ina May GaskinAnna GettyAnni DaulterElena RegoAlexandra DeFurio

基本信息出版社:North Atlantic Books (2012年5月1日)平装:360页正文语种:英语ISBN:1583944443条形码:9781583944448商品尺寸:15.3 x 1.8 x 22.6 cm商品重量:680 gASIN:1583944443您想告诉我们您发现了更低的价格?

商品描述内容简介In today's western cultures, the typical pregnancy focuses on the baby to the exclusion of the woman herself, so that the entire experience has become more about preparing for the baby's arrival than looking closely at oneself to prepare emotionally for all of the changes that creating a new life brings.Sacred Pregnancywas written to help the pregnant woman journey within herself to prepare for the birth of her baby.

Sacred Pregnancyis a gorgeous four-color book especially created for mothers-to-be to reflect on the many personal milestones of the full gestation period of a pregnancy. With beautiful professional photos that correspond to each topic,Sacred Pregnancyalso features a journal space for the pregnant woman to record her thoughts and feelings. Each week the mother-to-be is given information on her baby, her body, and her spirit and is asked to reflect on these via the topic of the week, which touches on a variety of issues such as sexuality, fears about labor, becoming a mother, courage, rite of passage, adornment, body image, meditation, and sisterhood to name a few. Mothers-to-be are invited to look deeply at the issues unique to their journey and find a centered, peaceful place to live their pregnancy fully. Lastly,Sacred Pregnancyincludes place for the new mother to record her birth story and a large resource section on various birthing options and supports for pregnant women.媒体推荐"Pregnancy is such an amazing time in a woman's life and should be honored and valued.Sacred Pregnancyhelps empower women and encourages them to personally reflect on their internal process before having children. This is a beautiful gift to all pregnant women!"

—Ricki Lake, actress, and Abby Epstein, filmmaker,The Business of Being Born"Sacred Pregnancyprovides vital information in a framework that is crucial for women and families embarking on the tremendous adventure and responsibility of birthing new life. An important reference that you will keep next to your bed throughout your pregnancy."

—Alisa Donner, MSW, LCSW, cofounder, Pregnancy Awareness Month

"I wish I had readSacred Pregnancywhen I was pregnant instead of the dozen books I had to piece together to try to make sense of it all. Anni Daulter has created what should be the new standard for today's mom: birth journals, labor workbooks, pregnancy memoirs, and holistic wisdom. It is gentle and enlightening, and lays the foundation for what we know helps women have the labor and birth they want and deserve: support, self-knowledge, and empowerment."

—Mayim Bialik, actress

"I have never read such an in-depth, affirmative and warm book about our power as women in birth.Sacred Pregnancyis unique—instead of focusing outward on what we need, it draws us inward to honor the tools we inherently have. This book is a must-have journal and keepsake for the sacred mama-to-be in your life."

—Rachel Myers, Green Hugs, healthy-home and green-nest advocate

"Sacred Pregnancy

brought tears to my eyes. This book brings the outward and inward experiences of pregnancy together in such a powerful and beautiful way. Anni Daulter has documented such important milestones that happen to each and every pregnant woman during pregnancy and offers connective ways to go deep within each step of the way. Connection and healing are such important aspects of pregnancy that very often get overlooked in our fast-paced society.Sacred Pregnancyis a book that every pregnant woman should have access to during this special and empowering point in her life."

—Lisa DeNardo, mother of five and blogger at earthmama101.com

"Few women are so committed to advocating for a woman's right to birth her baby in a sacred and empowering way as Anni Daulter is. She has a tremendous gift to offer us all in her passion to protect the family dynamic as she shares the mysteries of the birth journey with us."

—Aleksandra Evanguelidi, LM, CPM, owner of The Sanctuary Birth & Family Wellness Center

"Sacred Pregnancyis a wonderful book and is absolutely beautiful and touching. It really speaks to vital pregnancy issues—I would recommend this as a gift for all pregnant moms."

—Shiva Rose, actress

"Sacred Pregnancyis an amazing book and it's so gorgeous! I wish this were available to me during any of my three pregnancies, as I think this will help women get more in touch with themselves throughout this beautiful process. I would happily recommendSacred Pregnancyto all expecting moms."

—Shanna Moakler, actress, TV personality, and mother of Alabama, Atiana, and Landon

"It's rare to find a pregnancy book that is nourishing, empowering, informative, and enjoyable, butSacred Pregnancymanages to do all of that and more. Anni Daulter challenges her readers to reframe and rethink the way society looks and talks about pregnancy. This book shines through as a reminder that we already have all that we need around us to have a positive and fulfilling pregnancy. A must read for any mother-to-be!"

—Avital Norman Nathman, blogger atThe Mamafesto: Where Motherhood & Feminism Collide

"Sacred Pregnancyis a wonderful read for a mom-to-be who is interested in the spiritual side of pregnancy. It is uplifting and beautifully photographed and illustrated.

—Julie Davine

"Sacred Pregnancyis a beautiful book that employs all five senses and makes your spirit rise in a 40-week exploration of self. The author goes beyond the basics of what's happening with your body and your baby and looks at each week through a holistic lens to include mind, spirit, and community. It is rich with resources to help you truly experience your journey through pregnancy as a sacred event. It's like having a friend who knows just the right thing to say to support you throughout your journey."

—Holly Keich, owner of Om Baby

"The months of pregnancy and new motherhood fly by, and most of us are left with a sense of 'What just happened?' Sacred Pregnancyinvites women to reflect, to write, to be completely conscious during this most amazing life experience. Not only will women learn from it, they will be inspired by it. This beautiful book will become a cherished keepsake. Every enlightened mother-to-be should have a copy."

—Peg Moline, Editor in Chief,Fit Pregnancymagazine

"I am in LOVE with this book. I think every woman should carry it throughout her pregnancy! This book addresses all of the fears, concerns, myths, joys, rites, and relationships that come with pregnancy. Each thoughtful chapter has a dedicated space for journaling on that particular topic, at once creating not just a beautiful book to read, but an amazing keepsake of such a magical time. Filled with poignant stories, facts, suggestions, and inspiration, it takes you on a spiritual journey throughout the 40 weeks of pregnancy, encouraging you to revel in the awe of the universe, your blossoming body, babies, and the awesome power of birth."

—Melanie Monroe, Ecobaby planning+concierge

"Finally, the baby book I've been waiting for! A refreshing contrast to the typical textbook-style baby books,Sacred Pregnancytakes a turn to focus on the mother's needs and her journey from conception to birth and what's important in between—her body, her baby, and her spirit. During such a miraculous time when the body is transforming, hormones are raging, and baby is growing by the minute, it is truly rejuvenating to find a book that concentrates on the balance within the pregnant woman. This is a breath of fresh air for any mother-to-be!"

—Martha Lee, blogger at PaulaDeen.com

"Sacred Pregnancy brings expecting mothers an inspiring gift that will prepare them for the labor experience with confidence and joy by connecting them with inner wisdom, community awareness, and human compassion."

—Ana Paula Markel, founder of BINI Birth, www.binibirth.com

"Sacred Pregnancyis an antidote and healing balm bringing us home in every image, every page, every resource to our deeper knowing that the journey bringing life forward is indeed a holy rite of passage deserving of our highest honor and respect. This is no ordinary book but rather a magical daily portal beckoning you with every transition and turn of the page to remember that this entire epilogue initiation of pregnancy, moment by moment, is to be treasured."

—ALisa Starkweather, founder of the Red Tent Temple Movement and Women's Belly and Womb Conferences

"Reading throughSacred Pregnancyallowed me to remember back to each of my pregnancies, the fears, the joys, and discoveries I had made each time. I wish I had something this wonderful to have logged all stages of each of my pregnancies since they were so different. The book's resources are so helpful, especially when there is so much information to weed through, and the desire to do everything perfectly is so strong for new mothers. I recommend this book to any mother-to-be who wants to know herself more deeply during this time."

—Tnah Louise, Bella Faccia Foto

"I believe thatSacred Pregnancywill succeed in bringing the spirit energy and the strength of the universal feminine energy back to pregnancy and birth. The glorious photos make visible a woman's inner and outer beauty during this huge life transition while the soothing affirmations allow her to move into her mothering space with joy and calm. In moving through the pregnancy experience week by week, the book helps a woman move more organically into growing her baby and allows pregnancy to take on less of a frightening urgency so that it slows down into a peaceful, mindful, and fulfilling process that mom and all around her can enjoy far deeper than has become the habit in our society."

—Ruth Blanding,Joy In Mommingblog

"Sacred Pregnancyis an invaluable resource for expecting moms. Anni's holistic and passionate understanding of all the physical and emotional nuances of pregnancy shines through her writing. Not only has this become an incredible resource for my wife as she experiences pregnancy number three, it's an amazing tool for me as an 'expecting father.' It has helped me understand my wife's journey so much more deeply and provided detailed ways I can support her (whether it's making a special tea or helping her create a comforting space). I recommend any expecting couple to read this book together."

—Christopher Gavigan, founder, The Honest Company

"Full of original ideas for food, movie, book, website, and other pairings for the weeks of pregnancy,Sacred Pregnancyis a one of a kind book. Exquisitely beautiful photographs and gorgeous design complement the loving tone of acceptance so richly present in its pages.Sacred Pregnancywill lift the spirits of all pregnant women!"

—Peggy O'Mara, founder, Mothering.com

"As a childbirth educator, birth doula, and midwife, I have worked with countless expecting families. I have longed for a book like Anni's to give them. This book captures everything that a pregnant woman needs to prepare herself for the most beautiful of all her life transitions and honors the trust of birth our culture typically misses."

—Katie McCall, CPM, author ofTyranny of the Cubicle

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