Psychology: WITH Note-taking AND Practice Exams: Modules for Active Learning with Concept Modules

分類: 图书,进口原版,Health, Mind & Body(身心健康),Psychology & Counseling(心理问题与咨询),
品牌: Dennis CoonJohn O. Mitterer
基本信息出版社:Wadsworth Publishing Co Inc; 11th international ed (2011年2月10日)平装:848页正文语种:英语ISBN:049550498X条形码:9780495504986商品尺寸:27.4 x 22.2 x 3 cm商品重量:1.8 KgASIN:049550498X商品描述内容简介PSYCHOLOGY: MODULES FOR ACTIVE LEARNING, 11e, the best-selling text by renowned author and educator Dennis Coon and John O. Mitterer, combines the highly effective SQ4R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Reflect, Review) active learning system, an engaging style and appealing visuals, and detailed coverage of core topics and cutting-edge research in one remarkable, comprehensive text. Fully updated and reorganized, this edition includes new and revised content, extensive special features, and learning tools integrated throughout the text. While the text provides a thorough introduction to the study of psychology, its modular design and emphasis on how psychology relates to everyday life make it easy for students to explore, enjoy, and ultimately master a wide variety of topics.目录Introduction: The Psychology of Studying. The SQ4R Method--How to Tame a Textbook. Effective Note-Taking--Good Students, Take Note!. Study Strategies--Making a Habit of Success. Self-Regulated Learning--Academic All-Stars. Procrastination--Avoiding the Last-Minute Blues. Taking Tests--Are You "Test Wise"?. Using Electronic Media--Netting New Knowledge. 1. Introducing Psychology and Research Methods. Module 1.1: The Science of Psychology. Module 1.2: Critical Thinking and the Scientific Method in Psychology. Module 1.3: History and Contemporary Perspectives. Module 1.4: Psychologists and Their Specialties. Module 1.5: The Psychology Experiment. Module 1.6: Nonexperimental Research Methods. Module 1.7: Psychology in Action: Psychology in the Media. 2. Brain and Behavior. Module 2.1: Neurons and the Nervous System. Module 2.2: Brain Research. Module 2.3: Hemispheres and Lobes of the Cerebral Cortex. Module 2.4: Subcortex and Endocrine System. Module 2.5: Psychology in Action: Handedness--Are You Dexterous or Sinister?. 3. Human Development. Module 3.1: The Interplay of Heredity and Environment. Module 3.2: The Neonate and Early Maturation. Module 3.3: Social Development in Childhood. Module 3.4: Language Development in Childhood. Module 3.5: Cognitive Development in Childhood. Module 3.6: Adolescence, Young Adulthood, and Moral Development. Module 3.7: Challenges Across the Lifespan. Module 3.8: Psychology in Action: Effective Parenting--Raising Healthy Children. 4. Sensation and Perception. Module 4.1: Sensory Systems and Selective Attention. Module 4.2: Vision. Module 4.3: Hearing, the Chemical Senses and the Somesthetic Senses. Module 4.4: Perceptual Constancies and Perceptual Grouping. Module 4.5: Depth Perception. Module 4.6: Perception and Objectivity. Module 4.7: Extrasensory Perception. Module 4.8: Psychology in Action: Becoming a Better Eyewitness to Life. 5. States of Consciousness. Module 5.1: Altered States and Sleep. Module 5.2: Sleep Disturbances and Dreaming. Module 5.3: Hypnosis, Meditation, and Sensory Deprivation. Module 5.4: Psychoactive Drugs. Module 5.5: Psychology in Action: Exploring and Using Dream. 6. Conditioning and Learning. Module 6.1: Learning and Classical Conditioning. Module 6.2: Operant Conditioning. Module 6.3: Partial Reinforcement and Stimulus Control. Module 6.4: Punishment. Module 6.5: Cognitive Learning and Imitation. Module 6.6: Psychology in Action: Behavioral Self-Management--A Rewarding Project. 7. Memory. Module 7.1: Memory Systems. Module 7.2: STM and LTM. Module 7.3: Measuring Memory. Module 7.4: Forgetting. Module 7.5: Exceptional Memory and Improving Memory. Module 7.6: Psychology in Action: Mnemonics--Memory Magic. 8. Intelligence, Cognition, Language, and Creativity. Module 8.1: Intelligence. Module 8.2: Imagery, Concepts, and Language. Module 8.3: Problem Solving. Module 8.4: Creative Thinking and Intuition. Module 8.5: Psychology in Action: Culture, Race, IQ, and You. 9. Motivation and Emotion. Module 9.1: Overview of Motivation. Module 9.2: Hunger, Thirst, Pain, and Sex. Module 9.3: Arousal, Achievement, and Growth Needs. Module 9.4: Emotion and Physiological Arousal. Module 9.5: Emotional Expression and Theories of Emotion. Module 9.6: Psychology in Action: Emotional Intelligence--The Fine Art of Self-Control. 10. Personality. Module 10.1: Overview of Personality, Trait Theories. Module 10.2: Psychoanalytic Theory. Module 10.3: Behavioral and Social Learning Theories. Module 10.4: Humanistic Theories. Module 10.5: Personality Assessment. Module 10.6: Psychology in Action: Barriers and Bridges--Understanding Shyness. 11. Health, Stress, and Coping. Module 11.1: Health Psychology. Module 11.2: Stress, Frustration, and Conflict. Module 11.3: Defenses, Helplessness, and Depression. Module 11.4: Stress and Health. Module 11.5: Psychology in Action: Stress Management--Winning the Stress Game. 12. Psychological Disorders. Module 12.1: Normality and Psychopathology. Module 12.2: Personality Disorders and Anxiety-Based Disorders. Module 12.3: Psychosis, Delusional Disorders, and Schizophrenia. Module 12.4: Mood Disorders. Module 12.5: Psychology in Action: Suicide--Lives on the Brink. 13. Therapies. Module 13.1: Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Module 13.2: Insight Therapies. Module 13.3: Behavior Therapy. Module 13.4: Operant Therapies and Cognitive Therapies. Module 13.5: Group Therapy, Helping Skills, and Medical Therapies. Module 13.6: Psychology in Action: Self-Management and Seeking Professional Help. 14. Gender and Sexuality. Module 14.1: Sex, Gender, and Androgyny. Module 14.2: Sexual Behavior and Sexual Orientation. Module 14.3: Sexual Response, Attitudes, and Behavior. Module 14.4: Psychology in Action: Sexual Problems--When Pleasure Fades. 15. Social Behavior. Module 15.1: Affiliation, Friendship, and Love. Module 15.2: Groups, Social Influence, and Conformity. Module 15.3: Obedience and Compliance. Module 15.4: Attitudes and Persuasion. Module 15.5: Prejudice and Intergroup Conflict. Module 15.6: Aggression and Prosocial Behavior. Module 15.7: Psychology in Action: Multiculturalism--Living with Diversity. 16. Applied Psychology. Module 16.1: Environmental Psychology. Module 16.2: The Psychology of Law and Sports. Module 16.3: Industrial-Organizational Psychology. Module 16.4: Psychology in Action: Human Factors. Psychology--Taming Computers.