Reading for Thinking

分類: 图书,进口原版,ELT(英语学习),
品牌: Laraine E. Flemming
基本信息出版社:Heinle; International ed (2008年12月28日)平装:672页正文语种:英语ISBN:0495796611条形码:9780495796619商品尺寸:22.8 x 19.2 x 2.6 cm商品重量:898 gASIN:0495796611商品描述内容简介Incorporating a wealth of practice exercises and high-interest readings, READING FOR THINKING, INTERNATIONAL EDITION focuses on improving reading skills at the micro- level and moving on to the macro-level. Over half of the book is devoted to evaluating, drawing inferences, and identifying tone, bias, and purpose. The Sixth Edition continues to focus on developing students' comprehension and critical-thinking skills. Flemming uses a carefully designed sequence of explanations and exercises that allows students to approach critical reading as a natural extension of essential comprehension skills, rather than a discrete set of new strategies. Armed with the ability to both analyze and evaluate a writer's work, students apply those twin intellectual tools to Flemming's trademark high-interest readings to determine purpose, analyze evidence, detect bias, recognize tone, and compare opposing points of view.目录1. BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT. Use SQ3R to Complete Textbook Assignments. Underline and Annotate While Reading. Paraphrase to Monitor Comprehension and Encourage Remembering. Paraphrasing and Plagiarism. Becoming Adept at Writing Summaries. Make Vocabulary-Building a Regular Part of Your Week. Use the Internet to Build Background Knowledge. Test 1: Using SQ3R. Test 2: Recognizing an Accurate Paraphrase. Test 3: Recognizing an Accurate Paraphrase. Test 4: Summarizing Chapter Sections. Test 5: Paraphrasing with Accuracy. 2. MORE ON DEVELOPING ACADEMIC VOCABULARY. Learn the Specialized Vocabulary of Each Course. Learn the Words That Appear and Reappear. Use Context to Build Detailed Definitions. Checking the Glossary. Pay Attention to Words Followed by Definitions. Record All Words Set Off from the Text. Using Context Clues for General Vocabulary. Contrast Clues. Restatement Clues. Example Clues. General Knowledge Clues. Learning Common Word Parts. Understanding the Author's Allusions. Digging Deeper: Mad for Words. Test 1: Learning the Language of Government. Test 2: Learning the Vocabulary of Psychology. Test 3: Using Context Clues. Test 4: Understanding Allusions. Test 5: Interpreting Allusions. 3. REVIEWING THE ESSENTIALS. Using Questions to Get to the Heart of a Paragraph. Start With the topic. Putting the Topic into Words. Using the Topic to Discover the Main Idea. Recognizing Topic Sentences. The Role of Introductory Sentences. More About Topic Sentence Locations. Paraphrasing Topic Sentences. The Function of Supporting Details. Digging Deeper: Peter Singer and Animal Rights. Test 1: Recognizing Topics and Topic Sentences. Test 2: Recognizing Topic Sentences and Accurate Paraphrases. Test 3: Recognizing and Paraphrasing Topic Sentences. Test 4: Taking Stock. 4. RECOGNIZING PATTERNS OF ORGANIZATION. Pattern 1: Definition. Pattern 2: Process. Pattern 3: Sequence of Dates and Events. Pattern 4: Simple Listing. Pattern 5: Classification. Pattern 6: Comparison and Contrast. Pattern 7: Cause and Effect. Combining Patterns. Digging Deeper: Oliver Wendell Holmes and Freedom of Speech. Test 1: Typical Topic Sentences. Test 2: Recognizing Organizational Patterns. Test 3: Recognizing Organizational Patterns. Test 4: Taking Stock. 5. UNDERSTANDING, OUTLINING, AND SYNTHESIZING LONGER READINGS. Understanding Longer Readings. Major and Minor Details. Thesis Statements and Major Details. Outlining Longer Readings. Synthesizing Sources. Synthesizing Longer Readings. Digging Deeper: Can We Trust Our Memories? Test 1: Underlining Thesis Statements. Test 2: Thesis Statements and Supporting Details. Test 3: Outlining Longer Readings. Test 4: Recognizing Synthesis Statements. Test 5: Creating a Synthesis. Test 6: Taking Stock. 6. THE ROLE OF INFERENCES IN COMPREHENSION AND CRITICAL READING. Drawing Inferences to Help Create Connections. Identifying Chain of Reference. Inferring Main Ideas. Drawing Inferences about Supporting Details. Implied Main Ideas in Longer Readings. Drawing Logical Conclusions. Digging Deeper: J. Robert Oppenheimer and The Manhattan Project. Test 1: Drawing Inferences About Pronouns and Other Noun Substitutes. Test 2: Recognizing the Implied Main Idea. Test 3: Recognizing Implied Main Ideas. Test 4: Drawing an Effective Inference. Test 5: Inferring Supporting Details. Test 6: Drawing Your Own Conclusions. Test 7: Recognizing Implied Main Ideas in Longer Readings. Test 8: Inferring Implied Main Ideas in Longer Readings. Test 9: Taking Stock. 7. DEFINING THE TERMS FACT AND OPINION. Facts Versus Opinions. Connotative Language Is a Clue. Informed Versus Uninformed Opinions. Fact and Opinion in Textbooks. Digging Deeper: Policing the Language. Test 1: Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion. Test 2: Checking for Relevance. Test 3: Checking for Relevance. Test 4: Taking Stock. 8. IDENTIFYING PURPOSE AND TONE. Understanding the Difference Between Informative Writing and Persuasive Writing. The Importance of Purpose. Predicting Purpose. The Main Idea Is the Clincher. The Effect of Purpose on Tone. Learning to Recognize Irony. Digging Deeper: Baseball Invades Japan. Test 1: Identifying Purpose and Tone. Test 2: Taking Stock. 9. RECOGNIZING AND EVALUATING BIAS. Bias and Context. Recognizing Bias in Informative Writing. Responding to Bias in Persuasive Writing. Bias and Careless Logic. Digging Deeper: Can the Term Guys Refer to Women and Girls? Test 1: Recognizing Bias. Test 2: Recognizing Careless Logic. Test 3: Taking Stock. 10. UNDERSTANDING AND EVALUATING ARGUMENTS. What's the Point of the Argument? Four Common Types of Support. Flawed Arguments. Identifying the Opposing Point of View. Digging Deeper: Eat French Fries at Your Peril. Test 1: Analyzing Arguments. Test 2: Analyzing Arguments. Test 3: Analyzing Arguments. Test 4: Taking Stock. Putting It All Together. Reading 1: Extreme Philanthropy. Reading 2: Tall Tales of Appalachia. Reading 3: Anonymous Source Is Not the Same as Open Source. Reading 4: Five Ways to Deal with Conflict and the Art of Apologizing. Reading 5: Culture and Communication. Sample Chapter: America Under Stress, 1967-1976.