Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond: With Integrated Readings

分類: 图书,进口原版,ELT(英语学习),
品牌: Lee E. BrandonKelly Brandon
基本信息出版社:Heinle; 6th Revised edition (2010年1月31日)平装:496页正文语种:英语ISBN:0495898783条形码:9780495898788商品尺寸:27.4 x 21.2 x 2.8 cm商品重量:1.1 KgASIN:0495898783商品描述内容简介SENTENCES, PARAGRAPHS, AND BEYOND, International Edition is the first in the popular two-level Brandon series. Written in an informal, engaging tone, this easy-to-use text incorporates sentence-level grammar and mechanics with in-depth instruction in the writing process and patterns of writing. Reading instruction offers students the opportunity to analyze readings and practice the reading-based writing required in academic environments. Students will master common writing patterns while learning to use texts as a springboard for their own writing in the form of summary, reaction, or response. High-interest, distinctive readings are integrated throughout the Sixth Edition for analysis and as models of good writing. Clear, explicit writing prompts support each reading and focus on reading-based, cross-curricular, career-related, and general topics. In addition, the photo/art program promotes critical thinking, lively discussion, and analytical writing. Flexibility of instruction permits instructors to emphasize the paragraph or the essay, or to mix units.目录Student Overview. The Flow of Writing: Icon and Theme. Part I: Connecting Reading with Writing. Part II: Writing Sentences. Part III: Using the Writing Process. Part IV: Writing Paragraphs and Essays: Instruction, with Integrated Reading Selections Strategies for Self-Improvement. Writing Process Worksheet. PART I: CONNECTING READING WITH WRITING. 1. From Reading to Writing. Reading to Write. Reading Techniques. Written Responses to Reading. Types of Writing. Kinds of Support for Text-Based Writing. Basic Documentation. Documentation in Action. Essays and Applications: Yi-Fu Tuan, "American Space, Chinese Place"; Hadley McGraw, "Everyone Pays the Price". Journal Writing. Cross-Curricular and Career-Related Writing. Writer's Guidelines. PART II: WRITING SENTENCES. 2. Parts of Speech. Microtheme. Principles for Identification. Chapter Review. Chapter Review Exercises. 3. Subjects and Verbs. Microtheme. Subjects. Verbs. Location of Subjects and Verbs. Chapter Review. Chapter Review Exercises. 4. Kinds of Sentences. Microtheme. Clauses. Writing Sentences. Procedure for Sentence Analysis. Chapter Review. Chapter Review Exercises. 5. Combining Sentences. Microtheme. Coordination: The Compound Sentence. Subordination: The Complex Sentence. Coordination and Subordination: The Compound-Complex Sentence. Other Ways to Combine Ideas. Omissions: When Parts Are Missing. Variety in Sentences: Types, Order, Length, Beginnings. Chapter Review. Chapter Review Exercises. 6. Correcting Fragments, Comma Splices, and Run-Ons. Microtheme. Fragments. Comma Splices and Run-Ons. Techniques for Spotting Problem Sentences. Chapter Review. Chapter Review Exercises. 7. Verbs. Microtheme. Regular and Irregular Verbs. "Problem" Verbs. The Twelve Verb Tenses. Subject-Verb Agreement. Consistency in Tense. Active and Passive Voice. Strong Verbs. Subjunctive Mood. Chapter Review. Chapter Review Exercises. 8. Pronouns. Microtheme. Pronoun Case. Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement. Pronoun Reference. Chapter Review. Chapter Review Exercises. 9. Adjectives and Adverbs. Microtheme. Selecting Adjectives and Adverbs. Comparative and Superlative Forms. Using Adjectives and Adverbs Correctly. Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers. Chapter Review. Chapter Review Exercises. 10. Balancing Sentence Parts. Microtheme. Basic Principles of Parallelism. Signal Words. Combination Signal Words. Chapter Review. Chapter Review Exercises. 11. Punctuation and Capitalization. Microtheme. End Punctuation. Commas. Semicolons. Quotation Marks. Punctuation with Quotation Marks. Italics. Dashes. Colons. Parentheses. Brackets. Apostrophes. Hyphens. Capitalization. Chapter Review. Chapter Review Exercises. 12. Spelling and Phrasing. Microtheme. Steps to Efficient Spelling. Your Spell Checker. Spelling Tips. Frequently Misspelled Words. Confused Spelling and Confusing Words. Wordy Phrases. Chapter Review. Chapter Review Exercises. 13. Brief Guide for ESL Students. Using Articles in Relation to Nouns. Sentence Patterns. Verb Endings. Idioms. More Suggestions for ESL Writers. PART III: USING THE WRITING PROCESS. 14. The Writing Process: Stage One: Exploring/Experimenting/Gathering Information. The Paragraph Defined. Basic Paragraph Patterns. The Writing Process. Stage One Strategies. Writer's Guidelines. 15. The Writing Process: Stage Two: Writing the Controlling Idea/Organizing and Developing Support. Writing the Controlling Idea as a Topic Sentence. Writing an Outline. Writer's Guidelines. 16. The Writing Process: Stage Three: Writing/Revising/Editing. Writing Your First Draft. Revising Your Writing. Editing Your Writing. The Writing Process Worksheet. Writer's Guidelines. 17. Paragraphs and Essays. Writing the Short Essay. Examining a Paragraph and an Essay. Topics for Short Essays. Writer's Guidelines. PART IV: WRITING PARAGRAPHS AND ESSAYS: INSTRUCTION, WITH INTEGRATED READING SELECTIONS. 18. Descriptive Narration: Moving Through Space and Time. Writing Descriptive Narration. The Narrative Pattern. The Descriptive Pattern. Order for Descriptive Narration: Time and Space. Procedures for Writing Descriptive Narration. Finding Patterns in Photos. Practicing Patterns of Narration. Practicing Patterns of Description. Readings for Critical Thinking, Discussion, and Writing. Paragraph: Thomas S. Whitecloud, "Blue Winds Dancing". Essays: Helen Keller, "W-A-T-E-R"; Gary Soto, "The Jacket". Short Story: John Updike, "A & P". Student Paragraph and Essays: Joel Bailey, "King of Klutziness" [with stages]; Text-Based: Donald Sheppard, "Revenge and Punishment"; Charles C. Ortiz, "Not Invulnerable". Suggested Topics and Prompts for Writing Descriptive Narration. Writer's Guidelines. 19. Exemplification: Using Examples. Writing Exemplification. Finding Patterns in Photos. Practicing Patterns of Exemplification. Readings for Critical Thinking, Discussion, and Writing. Paragraph: Eric Schlosser, "Colorado Springs--Every Which Way". Essays: Peter Carlson, "When Those Tattoos Really Get Under the Skin"; Margo Kaufman, "My Way!"; Wil Haygood, "Underground Dads". Student Paragraph and Essay: Sarah Betrue, "Sweet and Sour Workplace" [with stages]; Text-Based: Eileen Baylor, "Hungering for Sounds of Silence". Suggested Topics and Prompts for Writing Exemplification. Writer's Guidelines. 20. Analysis by Division: Examining the Parts. Writing Analysis by Division. A Particular Use of Analysis by Division: The Restaurant Review. Finding Patterns in Photos. Practicing Patterns of Analysis by Division. Readings for Critical Thinking, Discussion, and Writing. Paragraphs: Ponchitta Pierce, "Who Are Our Heroes?"; Paul B. Hertneky, "Qualities of Good Bosses". Essays: Lin Rolens, "Female Mea Culpa"; Katherine S. Newman, "Low Wages, High Skills". Restaurant Review: "Delila's". Student Paragraph and Essay: Text-Based: Jessica Ruiz, "Summary of 'A Big Wheel' by Louis Grossberger"; Jerry Price, "More Than Book 'Em" [with stages]. Suggested Topics and Prompts for Writing Analysis by Division. Writer's Guidelines. 21. Process Analysis: Writing About Doing. Writing Process Analysis. Defining Directive and Informative Process Analysis. Working with Directive Process Analysis. Working with Informative Process Analysis. Combined Forms. Student Demonstration of Combined Forms: Patty Serrano, "Pupusas: Salvadoran Delight". Finding Patterns in Photos. Practicing Patterns of Process Analysis. Readings for Critical Thinking, Discussion, and Writing. Paragraph: Ann and Myron Sutton, "Nature on the Rampage". Essays: Joan Gould, "Binding Decisions"; Preston Gralla, "Fast, Sleek, and Shiny: Using the Internet to Help Buy New Cars". Student Paragraphs and Essay: Seham Hammat, "Making Faces" [with stages]; Text-Based: Labron Britton, "Summary of 'McDonald's--We Do It All for You'"; Career-Related: J. Kim Birdine, "The Skinny on Working for a Dermatologist". Suggested Topics and Prompts for Writing Process Analysis. Writer's Guidelines. 22. Cause and Effect: Determining Reasons and Outcomes. Writing Cause and Effect. Finding Patterns in Photos. Practicing Patterns of Cause and Effect. Readings for Critical Thinking, Discussion, and Writing. Paragraph: Les Christie, "Neighbors from Hell". Essays: Wayne Weiten and Margaret Lloyd, "The Roots of Happiness: An Empirical Analysis"; William Glaberson, "Seeking Justice after a Fatal Spin of the Cylinder"; Del Jones, "Study Says Flirtatious Women Get Fewer Raises". Student Paragraph and Essay: Louis Crissman, "My Dad, the Bank Robber" [with stages]; Text-Based: Donna Ramone, "Summary of 'Girls Form Backbone of Gangs'" Suggested Topics and Prompts for Writing Cause and Effect. Writer's Guidelines. 23. Comparison and Contrast: Showing Similarities and Differences. Writing Comparison and Contrast. Generating Topics and Working with the 4 P's. Point-by-Point Pattern Paragraph and Essay: Brittany Markovic, "Evaluating the Piper Cherokee and the Cessna 172"; Brittany Markovic, "The Piper Cherokee and the Cessna 172". Career-Related Writing. Finding Patterns in Photos. Practicing Patterns of Comparison and Contrast. Readings for Critical Thinking, Discussion, and Writing. Paragraph: Louise Dudley and Austin Faricy, "The Temple and the Cathedral" Essays: Ryan J. Smith, "From B'wood to the 'Hood"; Jose Antonio Burciaga, "A Mixed Tex-Cal Marriage". Student Paragraph and Essays: Charles Yang, "Chinese Parents and American Parents" [with stages]; Text-Based: Bill Walker, "The Orderly, the Disorderly, and the Illogical: A Two-Part Response to 'The Messy Are in Denial'"; Career-Related: Claudia Arambula, "Product Comparison and Contrast: Alberto VO5 or Joico?" Suggested Topics and Prompts for Writing Comparison and Contrast . Writer's Guidelines. 24. Argument: Writing to Persuade. Writing Argument. Finding Patterns in Photos. Practicing Patterns of Argument. Readings for Critical Thinking, Discussion, and Writing. Paragraph: Patricia Volk, "The Most Underrated Candy Bar". Paired Essays: Should Grandparents Have Visitation Rights? USA Today's Editorial Board, "Stop Violating Parents' Rights"; Richard S. Victor, "'Family' Includes Grandparents". Essays: John R. Lott Jr., "Letting Teachers Pack Guns Will Make America's Schools Safer"; Joyce Gallagher, "A Modest Proposal: Guys Shouldn't Drive Till 25"; Julie Barlow, "Should Teachers Let Failing Students Pass by Doing an 'Extra Credit' Assignment?". Student Essays: Text-Based: Carla Estrada, "Just Say No to Extra Credit for Rescuing Failing Students"; Michael Holguin, "Someone Is Listening" [with stages]. Suggested Topics and Prompts for Writing Argument. Writer's Guidelines.