Introductory Chemistry for Today

分類: 图书,进口原版,Professional & Technical(专业与技术类),
品牌: Michael R. SlabaughSpencer L. Seager
Brooks/Cole; 7th Revised edition (2011年2月10日)平装:496页正文语种:英语ISBN:0538734868条形码:9780538734868商品尺寸:27.2 x 21.4 x 1.8 cm商品重量:1 KgASIN:0538734868商品描述内容简介Distinguished by its superior allied health focus and integration of technology, Seager and Slabaugh's "Introductory Chemistry for Today, 7e, International Edition" continues to meet students' needs through diverse applications, examples, boxes, and outstanding technology tools. Prompts throughout the new edition lead students to OWL (web-based learning system) - two unique online programs that extend the lessons of the text and help students study smarter. In addition to the many resources found in OWL, the book and website contain questions modeled after the Nursing School and Allied Health Entrance Exams. "Introductory Chemistry for Today, 7e, International Edition" dispels students' inherent fear of chemistry and instills an appreciation for the role that chemistry plays in our daily lives through a rich pedagogical structure and an accessible writing style with lucid explanations. In addition, the book provides greater support in both problem-solving and critical-thinking skills - the skills necessary for student success. By demonstrating the importance of chemistry concepts to students' future careers and by providing important career information online, the authors not only help students set goals but also help them focus on achieving them.目录1. Matter, Measurements, and Calculations. 2. Atoms and Molecules. 3. Electronic Structure and the Periodic Law. 4. Forces Between Particles. 5. Chemical Reactions. 6. The States of Matter. 7. Solutions and Colloids. 8. Reaction Rates and Equilibrium. 9. Acids, Bases, and Salts. 10. Radioactivity and Nuclear Processes. 11. Organic Compounds: Alkanes. 12. Unsaturated Hydrocarbons. Appendix A: The International System of Measurements. Appendix B: Answers to Even-Numbered End-of-Chapter Exercises. Appendix C: Solutions to Learning Checks. Glossary. Index.