
Why Catholicism Matters: How Catholic Virtues Can Reshape Society in the 21st Century

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  分類: 图书,进口原版,Religion & Spirituality(宗教与精神生活),Christianity(基督教),Catholicism,
  品牌: Dr. William Donohue

基本信息出版社:Image (2012年5月29日)精装:304页正文语种:英语ISBN:030788533X条形码:9780307885333商品重量:549 gASIN:030788533X您想告诉我们您发现了更低的价格?

商品描述内容简介In recent years the Catholic Church has gone through turbulent times with the uncovering of horrible abuse--abuse that persisted and which could have been prevented by many within the Church’s own ranks. As a result many positive aspects of what the Catholic Church teaches and practices are now being overlooked, not just by the media, but by people in and out of the pews. This is not only unfortunate, but detrimental to society at large. As Donohue makes plain, the Church’s teachings remain the best guide to good living ever adopted. Moreover, the content of these teachings defy today's typical ideological categorizations; the Church is decidedly conservative in matters of morality and compellingly liberal in social and economic affairs.


Always willing to speak his mind and put up the good fight, Bill Donohue, the president of the Catholic League, reminds readers of the great wealth of charity and wisdom that exists in the Catholic tradition. InWhy Catholicism Matters, he explores the four Cardinal Virtues—Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance—and shows us how the Church’s best attributes can be applied to solve many of the biggest problems society must confront today and in the future. From questions of liberty and freedom, to the use of contraception and abortion, to the need for courage in age of terrorism and religious intolerance, Donohue examines how goodness and morality can affect the world in the centuries to come. 


“The good society lies in waiting,” Donohue writes, “but the right recipe has been around for two thousand years. The more we learn about the inspiring record of Catholic social teachings and their application to real-life problems, the more likely it is that all of us will see how unfounded the negative stereotypes of Catholicism really are. But first we need to be educated about the glorious record of these teaching. Then we will know why Catholicism Matters.”媒体推荐Bill Donohue’sWhy Catholicism Mattersoffers a fresh and compelling look at how the teachings of the Catholic Church continue to provide the best guide for a healthy, happy society.  Using the four cardinal virtues – prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance – as a springboard, this insightful book delves into the issues facing the Church and the broader community, and shows how the Church is at the cutting edge of providing solutions to those issues.  Why Catholicism Matters should eliminate the tired stereotype of the Church as being little more than a nagging nay-sayer.  On the contrary, it reveals that the Church, and Dr. Donohue himself, give an emphaticYES!  to all that is good, noble and uplifting in the human person.


 -Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York

One can rarely finish a commentary by Dr. William Donohue and remain unfazed. In these days of sharp attacks against the Catholic Church and her teachings and values, Bill can be counted on to weigh in, full-blast, and get the attention which our position too often finds ignored in the secular media. InWhy Catholicism Matters, readers of every persuasion will find much to inform, deliberate, and, invariably, take issue with. For that, and for his unapologetic commitment to our Faith, I am personally grateful to Dr. Bill Donohue.

-Edwin Cardinal O'Brien

Why Catholicism Mattersis an important contribution at a critical time.  As a preeminent voice defending the Church, Dr. Donohue eloquently explains the beauty and importance of Catholic faith.  On the canvas of the cardinal virtues, he presents a true and beautiful portrait of the Church that will benefit all people of faith."


-His Eminence Donald Cardinal Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington

TV audiences know Bill Donohue as a scrapper; a vigorous defender of the Catholic faith in his public role as leader of the Catholic League.  But he's also a gifted scholar and, as 'Why Catholicism Matters' demonstrates, a thoughtful, vivid and compelling writer.  This is a must-read book for anyone who wants to understand the role Catholics need to play in recovering key Christian virtues and renewing American society."


-Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia

With religious freedom under assault from many directions, what better moment to be reminded of Catholicism’s wisdom, glories, and multi-faceted contributions to the common good?  And who better to remind us than that tireless defender of the Catholic faith, Bill Donohue?  Donohue is a treasure and his book is a gem.


-Mary Ann Glendon, Author of The Forum and the Tower: How Scholars and Politicians Have Imagined the World  

Bill Donohue has spent much of his life defending the Catholic Church- in his latest work he joyously celebrates it. This tour of the Church's forgotten virtues and the many gifts She has given society reminds us all why the Faith remains the prime mover in our time.  It also demonstrates why Donohue matters! 

-Raymond  Arroyo, New York Times Bestselling Author, host of EWTN's' The World Over.'

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