HAND ME DOWN DREAMS(子从父业 - 家庭对职业规划的影响)
分類: 图书,进口原版书,经管与理财 Business & Investing ,
作者: Mary H. Jacobsen著
出 版 社: Oxford University Press USA
出版时间: 1999-12-1字数:版次: 1页数: 215印刷时间: 2000/06/01开本:印次:纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9780609802649包装: 平装编辑推荐
Mary H. Jacobsen received her M.S.W. from Boston University's Graduate School of Social Work. She maintains a private psychotherapy practice in Arlington, Massachusetts, and has presented workshops on Hand-Me-Down Dreams for the past eight years.
We all know that hand-me-downs are often comfortable and easy to put on, but we are rarely happy in something--a jacket or a job--that we didn't choose. If you feel trapped or disappointed in your current career or job, or if you let your family's wishes, rather than your own natural talents, interests, and passions, guide your ultimate career choice, you are living someone else's dream. These "hand-me-down dreams" influence every aspect of our lives, including our work and how we do it.
How to Use This Book
Part One: Hand-Me-Down Dreams
1. What Are Hand-Me-Down Dreams?
2. The Cycle of Hand-Me-Down Dreams
3. The Impact of Living Someone Else's Dream
Part Two: Family Dynamics
4. What Is a Family System?
5. Redefining Family Love and Loyalty: Breaking the Cycle
6. When You Rebel Against or Cut Off Your Parents
7. The Influence of Sibling Order and Gender
8. Triangles: When Parents Choose "Special" Children
9. Fitting In: How Class, Race, or Feeling Different Influence Career Dreams
10. Abuse and Its Impact on Career or Job Choice
Part Three: Work, Success, and Money
11. How Family Values Work For and Against Us
12. Overcoming Beliefs That Block Change and Personal Success
13. Exorcising Family Ghosts That Haunt the Worknlace
Part Four:. Living Your Own Dream: 7 Steps to Reclaim Your Career
14. Step 1: Define Your Purpose in Exploring Family Influences
15. Step 2: Explore Your Family's Work History
16. Step 3: Evaluate Family Influences
17. Step 4: Rediscover Your True Self
18. Step 5: Name What You Want
19. Step 6: Identify and Overcome Barriers to Change
20. Step 7: Make Realistic Plans
Part Five: Looking Ahead
21. Helping Your Children to Follow Their Dreams
22. The Future
Appendix 1: How and When to Seek Professional Support
Appendix 2: Recommended Reading