John Rawls: Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers

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品牌: C. KukathasChandran Kukathas
基本信息出版社:Routledge丛书名:Critical Assessments of Leading Political Philosophers精装:1824页正文语种:英语ISBN:0415229952条形码:9780415229951商品尺寸:24.1 x 16.5 x 14 cm商品重量:3.7 KgASIN:0415229952商品描述This collection brings together the most important published papers on Rawls' work. In addition to a general introduction, the set includes introductions to each volume which help guide the reader through the material. The thematically organized volumes include: * Vol. 1: "Foundations and Method"* Vols. 2-3: "Principles of Justice I and II"* Vol. 4: Political Liberalism and the Law of Peoples