Phrenology in Europe and America

參考價格: 点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索分類: 图书,套装书,
品牌: Roger Cooter
基本信息出版社:Routledge图书馆装订:3500页正文语种:英语ISBN:0415236231条形码:9780415236232商品尺寸:24.9 x 14.6 x 22.5 cm商品重量:4.4 KgASIN:0415236231商品描述This unique set draws together a wealth of key materials in the debate over phrenology, both as a branch of mental physiology and as a contribution to the history of philosophy. This popular nineteenth-century science has attracted a great deal of recent scholarly interest, and is becoming recognized as one of the most significant social and intellectual manifestations of the nineteenth century. Encompassing views from sociologists, novelists, and many others, the articles here represent the variety of different perspectives throughout the period.