The Chemistry of Cyclobutanes

分類: 图书,进口原版,Professional & Technical(专业与技术类),
品牌: Zvi Z. RappoportJoel F. Liebman
基本信息出版社:Wiley; 1 (2005年5月9日)丛书名:PATAI'S Chemistry of Functional Groups精装:1266页正文语种:英语ISBN:0470864001条形码:9780470864005商品尺寸:15.9 x 8.4 x 24.1 cm商品重量:2.1 KgASIN:0470864001商品描述内容简介The Chemistry of Cyclobutanes provides an in depth and comprehensive review of cyclobutanes and includes chapters on the theoretical and computational foundations; on analytical and spectroscopical aspects with dedicated chapters on Mass Spectrometry, NMR and IR/UV. There are also extensive application examples enabling the reader to collect both a theoretical and practical understanding.The Chemistry of Functional Groups Series was originally founded by Saul Patai (1918-1998) and in the 39 years of publishing has produced more than 100 volumes, providing outstanding reviews on all aspects of functional groups including analytical, physical and synthetic and applied chemistry.Saul Patai has been helped by outstanding editors, especially Zvi Rappoport who has now taken responsibility for the series to continue the tradition of producing high quality reviews with editors such as Y. Apeloig, I. Marek and J. Liebman.目录1 Cyclobutane-physical properties and theoretical studies (Kenneth B. Wiberg).
2 Antiaromaticity and aromaticity in carbocyclic four-membered rings (M. Eckert-Maksić and Z. B. Maksić).
3 Stereochemical aspects-conformation and configuration (Ulf Berg).
4 Thermochemistry of cyclobutane and its derivatives (Joel F. Liebman and Suzanne W. Slayden).
5 Acidity and basicity of cyclobutanes (Esther Quintanilla, Juan Z. Dávalos, Jos´e Luis M. Abboud and Ibon Alkorta).
6 NMR spectroscopy of cyclobutanes (Peter Rudolf Seidl and Jacques Fernandes Dias).
7 Mass spectrometry and gas-phase ion chemistry of cyclobutanes (Dietmar Kuck).
8 Synthesis of cyclobutanes (E. Lee-Ruff).
9 The application of cyclobutane derivatives in organic synthesis (Nan-Yan Fu, Siu-Hin Chan and Henry N. C. Wong).
10 Structural effects of the cyclobutyl group on reactivity and properties (Marvin Charton).
11 Rearrangements of cyclobutanes (J. M. Tanko).
12 Cyclobutyl, cyclobutyl-substituted and related carbocations (Hans-Ullrich Siehl).
13 Cation radicals in the synthesis and reactions of cyclobutanes (Nathan L. Bauld).
14 Highly unsaturated cyclobutane derivatives (Richard P. Johnson).
15 Cyclobutarenes (Amnon Stanger).
16 Organometallic derivatives (Holger Butenschön)
17 Photochemistry of cyclobutanes: Synthesis and reactivity (William M. Horspool).
18 Solvent-free photosynthesis of cyclobutanes: Photodimerization of crystalline olefins (Arunkumar Natarajan and V. Ramamurthy).
19 Chemistry of cubane and other prismanes (A. Bashir-Hashemi and Hiroyuki Higuchi).
20 Bicyclo[2.1.0]pentanes and bicyclo[2.2.0]hexanes (Barry K. Carpenter).
21 Fluorinated cyclobutanes and their derivatives (David M. Lemal and Xudong Chen).
22 Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers as UV-induced DNA lesions (Marcus G. Friedel, Johannes Gierlich and Thomas Carell).
23 Cubanes, fenestranes, ladderanes, prismanes, staffanes and other oligocyclobutanoids (Henning Hopf, Joel F. Liebman and H. Mark Perks).
Author index.
Subject index.