

进口CD:巴赫平均律(5CD)(CD)19922-2  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 音乐,古典,
  品牌: Roger WoodwardJohann Sebastian Bach

商品描述《巴赫平均律》Bach Abd Woodward An Hour of Truth When a musician of the rank and status of Roger Woodward decides to record Bach's complete Well-Tempered Clavier at the age of 65,one could see a symbolic connection here,keeping in mind that Bach passed away at 65;the pianist senses responsibility for the continuation of tradition。Moreover,Woodward sees an additional obligation to add new life to the music through his unique style of interpretation。With this,he is in the best of company indeed: It had been pointed out repeatedly--since his release of BWV 903,the Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue--that Woodward's Bach is the most exciting since Glenn Gould。However,one ought not to misunderstand Woodward as iconoclast;his understanding of Bach is minted by tradition and above all respectful,especially showing such respect to those who set standards during the first century of recording technology。Although Woodward named it'a defining moment'when he received the first finished copies of his Well-Tempered Clavier,he hastens to point out that one has to see him as the eternal student whose search for truth in music cannot end。If one compares Woodward's reference recording of both books of Debussy's Préludes (Celestial Harmonies 13279-2)with his complete recording of both books of the Well-Tempered Clavier on 5 CDs,one winds up with the identical understanding of the works albeit having traveled in opposite directions。Was it Woodward's intention to find the structure (Woodward says“the geometry”)in Debussy,taking passion as a given,so is his way to Bach the reverse: He accepts the structure as a given and embarks on the search for passion。In both instances,one receives as the result a balanced however passionate interpretation where structure and expression exist with equal rights,as should be the case in all great music。It is something like the heart of great Flamenco: The ideal and complete merging of total discipline and precision with the passion which only can give true life to music。When Woodward was searching for the“sacred cantilena”in Chopin's Nocturnes (Celestial Harmonies 14260-2),he rests his search for a fleeting moment with the legato cantabile which can only be played as such on a modern grand piaNo.(here a Hamburg Steinway D,dating from the early 1980s)。Surely what Woodward said about Hans Otte and his 48-part magnum opus“Book of Hours”(Celestial Harmonies 13259-2)is equally true in the case of Bach: That some music doesn't open up through practice alone but ultimately only through reflection as it is philosophy in the end。

The complete edition of both books of the Well-Tempered Clavier on 5 CDs contains an 80-page essay by Roger Woodward,n Search of a Performance Practice,in German and English as well as the autographs of both books as high-quality facsimiles; for the first time,the lost pages have been replaced by contemporary music-set versions,based on the best available printed editions。It is thus the most complete publication of the Well-Tempered Clavier ever。Woodward had--whenever performance issues surfaced--throughout the recording process always consulted the autographs as the first and last instance。Finally,it is the first-ever recording of an Australian musician of the complete work for international release。

Disc: 1

01 Präludium Nr. 1 C-Dur BWV 846

02 Fuge Nr. 1 C-Dur BWV 846

03 Präludium Nr. 2 c-Moll BWV 847

04 Fuge Nr. 2 c-Moll BWV 847

05 Präludium Nr. 3 Cis-Dur BWV 848

06 Fuge Nr. 3 Cis-Dur BWV 848

07 Präludium Nr. 4 cis-Moll BWV 849

08 Fuge Nr. 4 cis-Moll BWV 849

09 Präludium Nr. 5 D-Dur BWV 850

10 Fuge Nr. 5 D-Dur BWV 850

11 Präludium Nr. 6 d-Moll BWV 851

12 Fuge Nr. 6 d-Moll BWV 851

13 Präludium Nr. 7 Es-Dur BWV 852

14 Fuge Nr. 7 Es-Dur BWV 852

15 Präludium Nr. 8 es-Moll BWV 853

16 Fuge Nr. 8 dis-Moll BWV 853

17 Präludium Nr. 9 E-Dur BWV 854

18 Fuge Nr. 9 E-Dur BWV 854

19 Präludium Nr. 10 e-Moll BWV 855

20 Fuge Nr. 10 e-Moll BWV 855

21 Präludium Nr.11 F-Dur BWV 856

22 Fuge Nr. 11 F-Dur BWV 856

23 Präludium Nr. 12 f-Moll BWV 857

24 Fuge Nr. 12 f-Moll BWV 857

Disc: 2

01 Präludium Nr. 13 Fis-Dur BWV 858

02 Fuge Nr. 13 Fis-Dur BWV 858

03 Präludium Nr. 14 fis-Moll BWV 859

04 Fuge Nr. 14 fis-Moll BWV 859

05 Präludium Nr. 15 G-Dur BWV 860

06 Fuge Nr. 15 G-Dur BWV 860

07 Präludium Nr. 16 g-Moll BWV 861

08 Fuge Nr. 16 g-Moll BWV 861

09 Präludium Nr. 17 As-Dur BWV 862

10 Fuge Nr. 17 As-Dur BWV 862

11 Präludium Nr. 18 gis-Moll BWV 863

12 Fuge Nr. 18 gis-Moll BWV 863

13 Präludium Nr. 19 A-Dur BWV 864

14 Fuge Nr. 19 A-Dur BWV 864

15 Präludium Nr. 20 a-Moll BWV 865

16 Fuge Nr. 20 a-Moll BWV 865

17 Präludium Nr. 21 B-Dur BWV 866

18 Fuge Nr. 21 B-Dur BWV 866

19 Präludium Nr. 22b-Moll BWV 867

20 Fuge Nr. 22 b-Moll BWV 867

21 Präludium Nr 23, H-Dur BWV 868

22 Fuge Nr. 23 H-Dur BWV 868

23 Präludium Nr. 24 h-Moll BWV 869

24 Fuge Nr. 24 h-Moll BWV 869

Disc: 3

01 Präludium Nr. 1 C-Dur BWV 870

02 Fuge Nr. 1 C-Dur BWV 870

03 Präludium Nr. 2 c-Moll BWV 871

04 Fuge Nr. 2 c-Moll BWV 871

05 Präludium Nr. 3 Cis-Dur BWV 872

06 Fuge Nr. 3 Cis-Dur BWV 872

07 Präludium Nr. 4 cis-Moll BWV 873

08 Fuge Nr. 4 cis-Moll BWV 873

09 Präludium Nr. 5 D-Dur BWV 874

10 Fuge Nr. 5 D-Dur BWV 874

11 Präludium Nr. 6 d-Moll BWV 875

12 Fuge Nr. 6 d-Moll BWV 875

13 Präludium Nr. 7 Es-Dur BWV 876

14 Fuge Nr. 7 Es-Dur BWV 876

15 Präludium Nr. 8 es-Moll BWV 877

16 Fuge Nr. 8 dis-Moll BWV 877

Disc: 4

01 Präludium Nr. 9 E-Dur BWV 878

02 Fuge Nr. 9 E-Dur BWV 878

03 Präludium Nr. 10 e-Moll BWV 879

04 Fuge Nr. 10 e-Moll BWV 879

05 Präludium Nr. 11 F-Dur BWV 880

06 Fuge Nr. 11 F-Dur BWV 880

07 Präludium Nr. 12 f-Moll BWV 881

08 Fuge Nr. 12 f-Moll BWV 881

09 Präludium Nr. 13 Fis-Dur BWV 882

10 Fuge Nr. 13 Fis-Dur BWV 882

11 Präludium Nr. 14 fis-Moll BWV 883

12 Fuge Nr. 14 fis-Moll BWV 883

13 Präludium Nr. 15 G-Dur BWV 884

14 Fuge Nr. 15 G-Dur BWV 884

15 Präludium Nr. 16 g-Moll BWV 885

16 Fuge Nr. 16 g-Moll BWV 885

Disc: 5

01 Präludium Nr. 17 As-Dur BWV 886

02 Fuge Nr. 17 As-Dur BWV 886

03 Präludium Nr. 18 gis-Moll BWV 887

04 Fuge Nr. 18 gis-Moll BWV 887

05 Präludium Nr. 19 A-Dur BWV 888

06 Fuge Nr. 19 A-Dur BWV 888

07 Präludium Nr. 20 a-Moll BWV 889

08 Fuge Nr. 20 a-Moll BWV 889

09 Präludium Nr. 21 B-Dur BWV 890

10 Fuge Nr. 21 B-Dur BWV 890

11 Präludium Nr. 22 b-Moll BWV 891

12 Fuge Nr. 22 b-Moll BWV 891

13 Präludium Nr. 23 H-Dur BWV 892

14 Fuge Nr. 23 H-Dur BWV 892

15 Präludium Nr. 24 h-Moll BWV 893

16 Fuge Nr. 24 h-Moll BWV 893

About the Artist

Currently resident in San Francisco, Roger Woodward performs with the Leipzig Gewandhaus, New York, Los Angeles and Israel Philharmonics, Orchestre de Paris, the Cleveland Orchestra, London orchestras and European Community Gustav Mahler Jugend-orchester, with conductors such as Claudio Abbado, Paavo Berglund, Pierre Boulez, Charles Dutoit, Eliahu Inbal, James Judd, Eric Leinsdorf, Lorin Maazel, Sir Charles Mackerras, Sir Roger Norrington, Kurt Masur, Zubin Mehta, Witold Rowicki, Walter Susskind, Georg Tintner, Edo de Waart, and Hans Zender.基本信息商品尺寸:14.1 x 12.6 x 1.4 cm商品重量:82 g外文名:Johann Sebastian Bach The Well Tempered Clavier表演者:Roger Woodward作曲:Johann Sebastian BachCD(2011年5月12日)碟数:5格式:套装版权提供:Celestial HarmoniesISBN:013711992229条形码:013711992229ASIN:B004ZI5U94

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