Glimpses of India's Statistical Heritage

分類: 图书,进口原版,Biographies & Memoirs(传记与自传),
品牌: J. K. GhoshS. K. MitraK. R. Parthasarathy
基本信息出版社:Wiley-Interscience; 1 (1993年7月20日)平装:293页正文语种:英语ISBN:0470220864条形码:9780470220863商品尺寸:16.1 x 2.1 x 24.6 cm商品重量:567 gASIN:0470220864商品描述内容简介Selected Papers of C.R. Rao (in five volumes) The statistical career of C.R. Rao, the most famous statistician from India, a Fellow of the Royal Society and founder of the Research-and Training School of the Indian Statistical Institute spans nearly half a century. The Selected papers reflect the trends of research in statistical methodology and data analysis during the last fifty years. These volumes constitute a rich and valuable source of reference for all statisticians who are interested in research, education or practice of statistical methods in any area of application.作者简介Professor J.K. Ghosh, currently the Director of the Indian Statistical Institute, is a world- renowned statistician with significant contributions in Statistical Inference, Sequential Analysis and Asymptotic Methods in statistics. He is a winner of the Bhatnagar Prize and a fellow of the Indian National Science Academy, Indian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (USA). Professor S.K. Mitra, Head of the Theoretical Statistics and Mathematics Unit at the Delhi Centre of the Indian Statistical Institute, is a distinguished scientist whose contributions in the fields of Sample Surveys, Linear Algebra and Linear Models are well known. He is the co-author with C.R. Rao of the books: (1) Generalized Inverse of Matrices and Its Applications (Wiley, New York, 1971) (2) Formula and Tables of Statistical Work (with C.R. Rao, A. Mathai and K.G. Ramamurthy) Statistical Publishing Society, Calcutta, 1966). He is a fellow of the Indian National Science Academy, Indian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (USA). Professor K.R. Parthasarathy is a distinguished probability theorist whose contributions in the field of quantum stochastic calculus and limit theorems for probability measures in metric spaces and groups are well known. He was formerly Professor at the Universities of Manchester and Bombay and the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. Currently he holds the position of Distinguished Scientist at the Delhi Centre of the Indian Statistical Institute. He is a Bhatnagar Prize winner and a fellow of all the three academies Of science in India. All the three are editors of Sankhy???, the Indian Journal of Statistics.