
Essentials of Physics

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  分類: 图书,进口原版,Professional & Technical(专业与技术类),
  品牌: John D. CutnellKenneth W. Johnson

基本信息出版社:Wiley; 1 (2005年3月18日)精装:728页正文语种:英语ISBN:0471713988条形码:9780471713982商品尺寸:22.4 x 3 x 27.8 cm商品重量:1.8 KgASIN:0471713988商品描述内容简介In response to market demands, this new textbook provides a streamlined version of CUTNELL and JOHNSON'S market-leading text for the two semester algebra-based physics course. This slimmed-down version retains Cutnell and Johnson's consistency, dependability, and unparalleled problem solving support for students. Along with Cutnell and Johnson's extensive supplemental support for students and instructors, this new text presents students and instructors with an exciting and manageable alternative to traditional texts.目录Chapter 1.Introduction and Mathematical Concepts.1.1 The Nature of Physics.1.2 Units.1.3 The Role of Units in Problem Solving.1.4 Trigonometry.1.5 Scalars and Vectors.1.6 Vector Addition and Subtraction.1.7 The Components of a Vector.1.8 Addition of Vectors by Means of Components.Concept Summary.Chapter 2.Kinematics in One Dimension.2.1 Displacement.2.2 Speed and Velocity.2.3 Acceleration.2.4 Equations of Kinematics for Constant Acceleration.2.5 Applications of the Equations of Kinematics.2.6 Freely Falling Bodies.2.7 Graphical Analysis of Velocity and Acceleration.Concept Summary.Chapter 3.Kinematics in Two Dimensions.3.1 Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration.3.2 Equations of Kinematics in Two Dimensions.3.3 Projectile Motion.Concept Summary.Chapter 4.Forces and Newton’s Laws of Motion.4.1 The Concepts of Force and Mass.4.2 Newton’s First Law of Motion.4.3 Newton’s Second Law of Motion.4.4 The Vector Nature of Newton’s Second Law of Motion.4.5 Newton’s Third Law of Motion.4.6 Types of Forces: An Overview.4.7 The Gravitational Force.4.8 The Normal Force.4.9 Static and Kinetic Frictional Forces.4.10 The Tension Force.4.11 Equilibrium Applications of Newton’s Laws of Motion.4.12 Nonequilibrium Applications of Newton’s Laws of Motion.Concept Summary.Chapter 5.Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion.5.1 Uniform Circular Motion.5.2 Centripetal Acceleration.5.3 Centripetal Force.5.4 Banked Curves.5.5 Satellites in Circular Orbits.5.6 Apparent Weightlessness and Artificial Gravity.Concept Summary.Chapter 6.Work and Energy.6.1 Work Done by a Constant Force.6.2 The Work–Energy Theorem and Kinetic Energy.6.3 Gravitational Potential Energy.6.4 Conservative Versus Nonconservative Forces.6.5 The Conservation of Mechanical Energy.6.6 Nonconservative Forces and the Work–Energy Theorem.6.7 Power.6.8 Other Forms of Energy and the Conservation of Energy.6.9 Work Done by a Variable Force.Concept Summary.Chapter 7.Impulse and Momentum.7.1 The Impulse–Momentum Theorem.7.2 The Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum.7.3 Collisions in One Dimension.7.4 Collisions in Two Dimensions.7.5 Center of Mass.Concept Summary.Chapter 8.Rotational Kinematics.8.1 Rotational Motion and Angular Displacement.8.2 Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration.8.3 The Equations of Rotational Kinematics.8.4 Angular Variables and Tangential Variables.8.5 Centripetal Acceleration and Tangential Acceleration.8.6 Rolling Motion.Concept Summary.Chapter 9.Rotational Dynamics.9.1 The Action of Forces and Torques on Rigid Objects.9.2 Rigid Objects in Equilibrium.9.3 Center of Gravity.9.4 Newton’s Second Law for Rotational Motion About a Fixed Axis.9.5 Rotational Work and Energy.9.6 Angular Momentum.Concept Summary.Chapter 10.Simple Harmonic Motion and Elasticity.10.1 The Ideal Spring and Simple Harmonic Motion.10.2 Simple Harmonic Motion and the Reference Circle.10.3 Energy and Simple Harmonic Motion.10.4 The Pendulum.10.5 Damped Harmonic Motion.10.6 Driven Harmonic Motion and Resonance.10.7 Elastic Deformation.10.8 Stress, Strain, and Hooke’s Law.Concept Summary.Chapter 11.Fluids.11.1 Mass Density.11.2 Pressure.11.3 Pressure and Depth in a Static Fluid.11.4 Pressure Gauges.11.5 Pascal’s Principle.11.6 Archimedes’ Principle.11.7 Fluids in Motion.11.8 The Equation of Continuity.11.9 Bernoulli’s Equation.11.10 Applications of Bernoulli’s Equation.Concept Summary.Chapter 12.Temperature and Heat.12.1 Common Temperature Scales.12.2 The Kelvin Temperature Scale.12.3 Thermometers.12.4 Linear Thermal Expansion.12.5 Volume Thermal Expansion.12.6 Heat and Internal Energy.12.7 Heat and Temperature Change: Specific Heat Capacity.12.8 Heat and Phase Change: Latent Heat.Concept Summary.Chapter 13.The Transfer of Heat.13.1 Convection.13.2 Conduction.13.3 Radiation.13.4 Applications.Concept Summary.Chapter 14The Ideal Gas Law and Kinetic Theory.14.1 Molecular Mass, the Mole, and Avogadro’s Number.14.2 The Ideal Gas Law.14.3 Kinetic Theory of Gases.Concept Summary.Chapter 15.Thermodynamics.15.1 Thermodynamic Systems and Their Surroundings.15.2 The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics.15.3 The First Law of Thermodynamics.15.4 Thermal Processes.15.5 Thermal Processes Using an Ideal Gas.15.6 Specific Heat Capacities.15.7 The Second Law of Thermodynamics.15.8 Heat Engines.15.9 Carnot’s Principle and the Carnot Engine.15.10 Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, and Heat Pumps.15.11 Entropy.15.12 The Third Law of Thermodynamics.Concept Summary.Chapter 16.Waves and Sound.16.1 The Nature of Waves.16.2 Periodic Waves.16.3 The Speed of a Wave on a String.16.4 The Mathematical Description of a Wave.16.5 The Nature of Sound.16.6 The Speed of Sound.16.7 Sound Intensity.16.8 Decibels.16.9 The Doppler Effect.16.10 Applications of Sound in Medicine.Concept Summary.Chapter 17.The Principle of Linear Superposition and Interference Phenomena.17.1 The Principle of Linear Superposition.17.2 Constructive and Destructive Interference of Sound Waves.17.3 Diffraction.17.4 Beats.17.5 Transverse Standing Waves.17.6 Longitudinal Standing Waves.Concept Summary.Chapter 18.Electric Forces and Electric Fields.18.1 The Origin of Electricity.18.2 Charged Objects and the Electric Force.18.3 Conductors and Insulators.18.4 Charging by Contact and by Induction.18.5 Coulomb’s Law.18.6 The Electric Field.18.7 Electric Field Lines.18.8 The Electric Field Inside a Conductor: Shielding.18.9 Gauss’ Law.Concept Summary.Chapter 19.Electric Potential Energy and the Electric Potential.19.1 Potential Energy.19.2 The Electric Potential Difference.19.3 The Electric Potential Difference Created by Point Charges.19.4 Equipotential Surfaces and Their Relation to the Electric Field.19.5 Capacitors and Dielectrics.Concept Summary.Chapter 20.Electric Circuits.20.1 Electromotive Force and Current.20.2 Ohm’s Law.20.3 Resistance and Resistivity.20.4 Electric Power.20.5 Alternating Current.20.6 Series Wiring.20.7 Parallel Wiring.20.8 Circuits Wired Partially in Series and Partially in Parallel.20.9 Internal Resistance.20.10 Kirchhoff’s Rules.20.11 The Measurement of Current and Voltage.20.12 Capacitors in Series and Parallel.20.13 RC Circuits.20.14 Safety and the Physiological Effects of Current.Concept Summary.Chapter 21.Magnetic Forces and Magnetic Fields.21.1 Magnetic Fields.21.2 The Force That a Magnetic Field Exerts on a Moving Charge.21.3 The Motion of a Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field.21.4 The Mass Spectrometer.21.5 The Force on a Current in a Magnetic Field.21.6 The Torque on a Current-Carrying Coil.21.7 Magnetic Fields Produced by Currents.21.8 Ampere’s Law.21.9 Magnetic Materials.Concept Summary.Chapter 22.Electromagnetic Induction.22.1 Induced Emf and Induced Current.22.2 Motional Emf.22.3 Magnetic Flux.22.4 Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction.22.5 Lenz’s Law.22.6 The Electric Generator.22.7 Mutual Inductance and Self-Inductance.22.8 Transformers.Concept Summary.Chapter 23.Alternating Current Circuits.23.1 Capacitors and Capacitive Reactance.23.2 Inductors and Inductive Reactance.23.3 Circuits Containing Resistance, Capacitance, and Inductance.23.4 Resonance in Electric Circuits.23.5 Semiconductor Devices.Concept Summary.Chapter 24.Electromagnetic Waves.24.1 The Nature of Electromagnetic Waves.24.2 The Electromagnetic Spectrum.24.3 The Speed of Light.24.4 The Energy Carried by Electromagnetic Waves.24.5 The Doppler Effect and Electromagnetic Waves.24.6 Polarization.Concept Summary.Chapter 25.The Reflection of Light: Mirrors.25.1 Wave Fronts and Rays.25.2 The Reflection of Light.25.3 The Formation of Images by a Plane Mirror.25.4 Spherical Mirrors.25.5 The Formation of Images by Spherical Mirrors.25.6 The Mirror Equation and the Magnification Equation.Concept Summary.Chapter 26The Refraction of Light: Lenses and Optical Instruments.26.1 The Index of Refraction.26.2 Snell’s Law and the Refraction of Light.26.3 Total Internal Reflection.26.4 Polarization and the Reflection and Refraction of Light.26.5 The Dispersion of Light: Prisms and Rainbows.26.6 Lenses.26.7 The Formation of Images by Lenses.26.8 The Thin-Lens Equation and the Magnification Equation.26.9 Lenses in Combination.26.10 The Human Eye.26.11 Angular Magnification and the Magnifying Glass.26.12 The Compound Microscope.26.13 The Telescope.26.14 Lens Aberrations.Concept Summary.Chapter 27.Interference and the Wave Nature of Light.27.1 The Principle of Linear Superposition.27.2 Young’s Double-Slit Experiment.27.3 Thin-Film Interference.27.4 The Michelson Interferometer.27.5 Diffraction.27.6 Resolving Power.27.7 The Diffraction Grating.27.8 X-Ray Diffraction.Concept Summary.Chapter 28.Special Relativity.28.1 Events and Inertial Reference Frames.28.2 The Postulates of Special ...

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