
The Blackwell Reader In Social Psychology

The Blackwell Reader In Social Psychology  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 图书,进口原版,Health, Mind & Body(身心健康),Psychology & Counseling(心理问题与咨询),Social Psychology & Interactions,
  品牌: Wolfgang StroebeMiles HewstoneTony Manstead

基本信息出版社:Wiley-Blackwell; 1 (1997年6月4日)平装:656页正文语种:英语ISBN:0631199985条形码:9780631199984商品尺寸:24.4 x 17 x 3.8 cm商品重量:1.1 KgASIN:0631199985商品描述内容简介The articles have been carefully chosen to illustrate key theoretical developments in the field, as well as popular research programmes.目录Part I: Introduction:.1. Introduction to a History of Social Psychology.Contemporary Social Psychology in Historical Perspective: D. Cartwright.2. Evolutionary Social Psychology.Sex Differences in Jealousy: Evolution, Physiology and Psychology: D. M. Buss.3. Developmental Social Psychology.The Development of Children's Preference for their own Country: A Cross-National Study: H. Tajfel et al.4. Methodology in Social Psychology: Putting Ideas to the Test.Experimentation in Social Psychology: A Reappraisal: K. J. Gergen.Part II: Construction of the Social World:.5. Basic Concepts and Approaches in Social Cognition.Forming Impressions of Personality: S. E. Asch. A Hypothesis- Confirming Bias in Labelling Effects: J. M. Darley and P. H. Gross.6. Processing Social Information for Judgements and Decisions.Cognitive Representation of Personality Impressions: Organizational Processes in First Impressions Formation: D. L. Hamilton et al.Reconstructing the Past: Some Cognitive Consequences of Person Perception: M. Snyder and S. W. Uranowitz.7. Attribution Theory: Basic Issues and Applications.Videotape and the Attribution Process: Reversing Actor's and Observers' Points of View: M. D. Storms.Attributions and Behaviour in Marital Interaction: T. N. Bradbury and F. D. Fincham.8. Attitudes: Structure, Measurement and Functions.Empirical Validation of Affect, Behaviour, and Cognition as Distinct Components of Attitude: S. J. Breckler.Prediction of Goal-Directed Behaviour: Attitudes, Intentions, and Perceived Behavioural Control: I. Ajzen and T. J. Madden.9. Principles of Attitude Formation and Strategies of Attitude Change.Decision Freedom as a Determinant of the Role of Incentive Magnitude in Attitude Change: D. E. Linder, J. Cooper and E. E. Jones.Personal Involvement as a Determinant of Argument-Based Persuasion: R. E. Petty, J. T. Cacioppo and R. Goldman.Part III: Emotion, Communication and Relationships:.10. Emotion.Cognitive, Social and Physiological Determinants of Emotional States: S. Schachter and J. E. Singer.Constants Across Cultures in the Face and Emotion: P. Ekman and W. V. Friesen.11. Interpersonal Communication. Secondary Baby Talk: Judgements by Institutionalized Elderly and their Caregivers: L. R. Caporeal, M. P. Lukazewski and G. H. Culbertson.Channel Consistency and Inconsistency in the Communications of Married Couples: P. Noller.12. Affiliation, Attraction and Close Relationships.Romantic Love Conceptualized as Attachment Process: C. Hazan and P. Shaver.Commitment and Satisfaction in Romantic Associations: A Test of the Investment Model: C. E. Rusbult.13. Prosocial Behaviour.From Jerusalem to Jericho: A Study of Situational and Dispositional Variables in Helping Behaviour: J. M. Darley and C. D. Batson.A Lady in Distress: Inhibiting Effects of Friends and Strangers on Bystander Intervention: B. Latane and J. Rodin.14. Aggressive Behaviour.Weapons as Aggression-Eliciting Stimuli: L. Berkowitz and A. LePage.Attribution of Apparent Arousal and Proficiency of Recovery from Sympathetic Activation Affecting Transfer to Aggressive Behaviour: D. Zillmann, R. C. Johnson and K. D. Day.Part IV: Social Groups:.15. Group Performance.Many Hands Make Light the Work: The Causes and Consequences of Social Loafing: B. Latane, K. Williams and S. Harkins. Productivity Loss in Brainstorming Groups: Towards the Solution of a Riddle: M. Diehl and W. Stroebe.16. Social Influence in Groups.Influence of a Consistent Minority on the Responses of a Majority in a Color Perception Task: S. Moscovici et al. Behavioural Study of Obedience: S. Milgram.17. Intergroup Relations.Intergroup Discrimination and Self-Esteem in the Minimal Group Paradigm: L. Lemyre and P. M. Smith. Intergroup Contact: The Typical Member and the Exception to the Rule: D. A. Wilder.Part V: Epilogue:.18. Applied Social Psychology.Social Support and Immune Function Among Spouses of Cancer Patients: R. S. Baron, C. E. Cutrona, D. Hicklin, D. W. Russell and D. M. Lubaroff.The Social Psychology of Eyewitness Accuracy: Misleading Questions and Communicator Expertise: V. L. Smith and P. C. Ellsworth.

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