

特纳TURNER  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 图书,进口原版书,文学 Literature,

作者: JMW Turner 著

出 版 社: Oversea Publishing House

出版时间: 2004-9-1字数:版次: 1页数: 208印刷时间: 2004/09/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 铜版纸I S B N : 9781859959053包装: 精装内容简介

This lovely exhibition catalog, which accompanies a show at the Royal Academy of Arts in London on the finished watercolors of J.M.W. Turner, clearly demonstrates their importance to his oeuvre. Turner developed a loyal following of collectors through exhibitions of his watercolors at the Royal Academy around 1800 and the circulation of over 800 prints based on his paintings and watercolors. The legacy of his watercolors continued through the adamant support of critic John Ruskin and in their influence on the Pre-Raphaelites and others. Essays by Shanes, the founding editor of Turner Studies, and other Turner scholars explore many facets of his art. For example, Turner's working technique for his watercolors involved saturating the sheets of strong, rag paper with a single color and then scratching the paper for textured effects. A chronological catalog of all of the pictures in the exhibition is illustrated in color. This well-rounded examination of a great artist is highly recommended for all libraries with art collections. Sandra Rothenberg, Framingham State Coll. Lib., MA


JMW Turner was a prolific master born to a barber in Covent Garden in 1775. When he died in 1851, he left over 19,000 artworks. Selecting which to include in this book was a major feat in itself. Turner was a Romantic when it came to landscapes, with an inimitable flair for seascapes, and was a pioneer of new techniques to create tone and hue, deeply impressed by Goethe's theory of colours. It took a great art critic named John Ruskin to interpret his works in full. Turner was also a successful art gallery owner, professor of the Royal Academy and tireless traveller who invariably returned home to England laden with outstanding artworks from abroad, especially Venice. With a keen eye for dramatic angle, he also documented on canvas the Battle of Waterloo, the fire that devoured Parliament and other major historical events of his time. Today his works figure in the collections of the most famous museums in London, Los Angeles, New York and Washington DC.


The Life

The Masterworks

The Archbishop's Palace, Lambeth

Interior of IOng John's Palace, Eltham

Tom Tower, Christ Church, Oxford

St Anselm 's Chapel, with part of Thomas-a-Beckets crown, Canterbuy Cathedral

Fishermen at Sea

Woolverhampton, Staffordshire

Trancept of Ewenny Priory, Glamorganshire

Dolbadern Castle, North Wales

Caernarvon Castle, North Wales

Dutch Boats in a Gale: Fishermen Endeavouring to put their Fish on Board

Interior of Salisbuly Cathedral, looking towards the North Transept

Calais Pier, with French Poissardspreparingfor Sea: an English Packet arriving

Fall of the Reichenbach, in the valley of Oberhasli, Switzerland

The Shipwreck

The Thames near Walton Bridge

Sun rising through Vapour," Fishermen cleaning and selling Fish

Pope's Villa at Twickenham

The Fall of an Avalanche in the Grisons

Snow Storm: Hannibal and his Army crossing the Alps

Mer de Glace, in the valley of Chamouni, Switzerland

Crossing the Brook

Dido building Carthage," or, the Rise of the Cathaginian Empire

The Decline of the Carthaginian Empire

Mount Vesuvius in Eruption

Crook of Lune, looking towards Hornby Castle

The Field of Waterloo

Dort or Dordrecht, the Dort Packet-Boat from Rotterdam becalmed

First-Rate, taking in stores

England.Richmond Hill on the Prince Regent's Birthday


More Park, near W atford, on the Rivr Colne

Dover Castle

A Storm (Shipwreck)

Rye, Sussex

The Battle of Trafalgar


Richmond Hill

Prudhoe Castle, Northumberland

Forum Romanum, for Mr Soane 's Museum

The Seat of William Moffatt Esq., at Mortlake, Early (Summer's) Morning

Mortlake Terrace, the Seat of William Moffalt, Esq. Summer's Evening

Petworth Park, with Lord Egremont and his Dogs," Sample Study

Ulysees deriding Polyphemus- Homer's Odyssey

Northampton, Northamptonshire

Scio (Fontana de Melek, Mehmet Pasha)

Loch Coriskin

Mouth of the Seine, Quille-Bceuf

The Golden Bough

Venice, from the Porch of Madonna della Salute

The Burning of the House of Lords and Commons, 16th October 1834

Flint Castle, North Wales

Snow storm, Avalanche and Inundation - a Scene in the Upper Part of Val d'Aousta, Piedmont

Modern Italy-The Pifferari

The Fighting Temeraire , tugged to her Last Berth to be broken up

Ancient Rome: Agrippina landing with the Ashes of Germanicus

Venice: A Storm in the Piazzetta

Venice: the Grand Canal looking towards the Dogana

Slavers throwing overboard the Dead and Dying- T2phon coming on

The Lake of Geneva with the Dent d'Oche: tending the vines

The Blue Rzgi: Lake Lucerne, sunrise

Lake Lucerne: the Bay of Uri from above Brunnen

Snow Storm: Steam-Boat off a Harbour's Mouth making signals in Shallow Water, and going by the Lead.

The Pass of Faido

Rain, Steam, and Speed- the Great Western Railway


The Clyde

The Lauerzersee,

with the Mythens

Yacht approaching the Coast

Turner and his Critics

Selected Bibliography


List of Plates


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