The Lean Practitioners Handbook

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品牌: Mark Eaton
基本信息出版社:Kogan Page Ltd (2013年2月3日)平装:320页语种:英语ISBN:0749467738条形码:9780749467739ASIN:0749467738您想告诉我们您发现了更低的价格?
商品描述作者简介Mark Eaton is the MD and operations director of Amnis, a consultancy specializing in helping organizations to prepare for, implement and sustain improvement using a combination of Strategic Planning, Lean/Sigma and Change Management approaches. Mark is an Engineer by training but has spent the last 15 years involved in service improvement, business improvement and Lean in a variety of sectors. A frequent presenter at conferences, workshops and master classes he has also written the book Lean for Practitioners.