Torah Yoga: Experiencing Jewish Wisdom Through Classic Postures 托拉瑜伽:通过经典心境体姿体验犹太人智慧

分類: 图书,进口原版书,健康与心理 Health, Mind & Body ,
作者: Diane Bloomfield著
出 版 社:
出版时间: 2004-3-1字数:版次: 1页数: 165印刷时间: 2004/03/01开本: 16开印次: 1纸张: 胶版纸I S B N : 9780787970574包装: 平装内容简介
Students of Torah may never have considered yoga, just as students of yoga may never have considered Torah. Yet Bloomfield, a yoga instructor and longtime student of the Torah, seamlessly connects the two as she teaches readers how to engage body and breath while meditating on Jewish wisdom. Like any good teacher, Bloomfield carefully lays out her lesson plan and instantly engages her reader. She approaches her seven topics for reflection with a thoroughness employed by the most rigorous yeshiva student. At the same time, her posture instruction is clear and easily understood. Quoting the yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar, Bloomfield reminds us that "Yoga was given for the human race, not the Hindus... [it] is for the culturing of self and that self-culture has no barrier." She universalizes the Torah references and demonstrates a keen ability to unlock the plethora of doors found within the Hebrew language. For instance, Egypt is not only the land of ancient slavery; as she points out, with the change of a few vowels, the same Hebrew letters spell the word for "narrow straits." The center letters of the word, when paired, connote limitations and pain, yet are surrounded by letters that, when combined, spell the word for waterâ?""a symbol of unlimited possibilities... a harbinger of new life." Readers of any faith or athletic inclination should do their souls a favor and investigate this illuminating guide.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Diane Bloomfield is the creator of Torah Yoga and teaches it throughout North America, Israel, and Western Europe. Visit for Diane's current teaching schedule and for more information about Diane and Torah Yoga.
Using This Book
1 The Hidden Light
Centering Meditation
Mountain Posture
Triangle Posture
Warrior Two Posture
Standing Forward Bend
Simple Sitting Twist
Bridge Posture
2 Constant Renewal
Opening Meditation
Seated Mountain Posture
Extended Child Posture
Downward Dog Posture
Locust Posture
Cobra Posture
3 Leaving Egypt
Opening Meditation
Extended Side Angle Stretch
Wide Legs Standing Forward Bend
Staff Posture
Head Beyond Knee Forward Bend
Reclining Mountain Posture
Knee-to-Chest Posture
Reclining Leg Stretch
Reclining Twist
Resting with Legs on Chair
4 The Essential Self
Opening Meditation
Chair Twist Posture
Supported Standing Forward Bend with Chair
Standing Forward Bend over One Leg
Revolved Triangle Posture
Hero Posture
Resting Fish Posture
5 Body Prayer and Alignment
Meet-Your-Spine Meditation
Upward Reaching Prayer Posture
Tree Posture
Warrior One Posture
Reclining Hero Posture
Camel Posture
Bow Posture
6 Daily Satisfaction
Centering Meditation
Cobbler Posture
Supported Cobbler Posture
Sitting Forward Bend
Seated Angle Posture
Supported Cross-Legged Forward Bend
7 Remembering to Rest
Opening Meditation
Supported Extended Child Posture
Resting Side Twist
Supported Fish Posture
Supported Bridge Posture
Gentle Inversion Posture
Relaxation Posture
Annotated Yoga Bibliography
The Author