
进口CD:命运的力量La Forza Del Destino(CD)4783465C

进口CD:命运的力量La Forza Del Destino(CD)4783465C  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 音乐,古典,

商品描述"It is appropriate that the first recording of the first version of Forzashould come from St Petersburg, where the work had its premiere in 1862 However, whilst the premiere was predominantly an Italian affair, Gergiev's set is given entirely by Russian artists By and large, they fare splendidly, four of the five principals enjoying the weight of voice and command of the appropriate style to make their roles tell.Gorchakova evinces the weight of voice, also the broad sweep of tone and line, that her solos demand.Added to that there is a feeling for dramatic situation "Pace, pace", for instance is suitably filled with foreboding, the lustrous, dark timbre recalling that of Ponselle - and there can be no higher praise it is an interpretation of formidable achievement Grigorian is an exciting Alvaro; no other tenor today, and few in the past, could fulfil the exacting demands of the part as easily as he does: the confident spintothrust in the voice is just right He effortlessly rises to the generosity of phrase the role calls for and fills the many elegiac phrases with the feeling of melancholy they need Grigorian finds a worthy adversary in Putilin's Carlos his refulgent baritone is just the instrument for Carlos and he breathes the right fire in his implacable hatred of his imagined enemy Alvaro Borodina easily encompasses the high-lying (for a mezzo) demands of Preziosilla and sounds the right seductive and martial notes for the role The minor parts are well done Excellent recording - Gramophone Classical CD Guide Batch two of Decca's Opera Series, reissuing many of the greatest opera recordings of the last 50 years from Decca and Philips This series re-establishes Decca as THE OPERA COMPANY Original sleeve packaging The complete libretto (offered in original language and translated into English, French, and German), is readable not only as PDF download but also via Amazon Kindle and the iPad.

Disque 1

1 Sinfonia

2 La force du destin acte I - "buona notte, mia figlia"

3 La force du destin acte I - "temea restasse qui fino a domani!"

4 La force du destin acte I - "me pellegrina ed orfana"

5 La force du destin acte I - "ah! per sempre, o mio bell'angelo"

6 La force du destin acte I - "vil seddutor! infame figlia"

7 La force du destin acte II - "hola, hola, hola"

8 La force du destin acte II - "al suon del tamburo"

9 La force du destin acte II - "padre eterno, signor, pieta di noi"

10 La force du destin acte II - "viva la buona compagnia!"

11 La force du destin acte II - "son pereda, son ricco d'onore"

12 La force du destin acte II - "sta bene"

13 La force du destin acte II - "son giunta! grazie, o dio!"

14 La force du destin acte II - "chi siete?"

15 La force du destin acte II - "or siam soli"

16 La force du destin acte II - "e fermo il voto?"

17 La force du destin acte II - finale II: introduction (allegro assai)

18 La force du destin acte II - "il santo nome di dio signore"

Disque 2

1 La force du destin acte III - "attenti al gioco, attenti"

2 La force du destin acte III - "la vita e un inferno all'infelice"

3 La force du destin acte III - "al tradimento"

4 La force du destin acte III - "all'armi! all'armi!"

5 La force du destin acte III - "solenne in quest'ora"

6 La force du destin acte III - "morir! tremenda cosa!"

7 La force du destin acte III - "urna fatale del mio destino"

8 La force du destin acte III - "lorche pifferi e tamburi"

9 La force du destin acte III - "venite all'indovina"

10 La force du destin acte III - "a buon mercato"

11 La force du destin acte III - "pane, pan, per carita, pane"

12 La force du destin acte III - "toh, toh!"

13 La force du destin acte III - "rataplan!"

14 La force du destin acte III - "e come ricambiarri tante cure"

15 La force du destin acte III - "qual sangue sparst! orore!"

Disque 3

1 La force du destin acte IV - "fate la carita, fate la carita"

2 La force du destin acte IV - "ouf! pazienza non V'ha basti"

3 La force du destin acte IV - "giunge qualcun; aprite"

4 La force du destin acte IV - "fratello"

5 La force du destin acte IV - "pace, pace, mio dio!"

6 La force du destin acte IV - "chi preme questa terra e maledetto!"

7 La force du destin acte IV - "si dunque a me presso"

8 La force du destin acte IV - "miserere mei deus"

发行日期:2012年5月13日基本信息外文名:La Forza Del Destino表演者:Askar Abdrazarov,Galina Gorchakova,Nikolai Putilin,Olga Borodina乐团:Kirov Opera and orchestra of the Mariins指挥:Valery Gergiev作曲:Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco VerdiCD碟数:3格式:套装版权提供:DeccaISBN:0028947834656条形码:0028947834656ASIN:B008LSCGICVerdi Gorchakova Grigorian PutilinGiuseppe Fortunino Francesco VerdiValery GergievKirov Opera and orchestra of the MariinsAskar Abdrazarov

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