

进口CD:奥伯伦Oberon(CD)4783488C  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 音乐,古典,

商品描述"Weber was inspired to write some of his most magical music, full of what John Eliot Gardiner defines as 'fire, fantasy and finesse.' How to present Oberon effectively has long presented almost intractable problems, but here Gardiner on disc, pioneering a recording in the original English, opts for what might be counted an ideal answer, using a narrator to link numbers instead of Planche's dialogue The result in a superb performance is magnetic, letting one appreciate to the full the uniqueness of Weber's inspiration, with period instruments helping to clarify the fairy-light orchestral textures, plainly a model for Mendelssohn The singing cast is excellent, with the two main tenor roles splendidly taken - Oberon lyrically by the Australian tenor, Steve Davislim and Huon, with his big spectacular aria full of formidable florid writing, by Jonas Kaufmann Hillevi Martinpelto is freash and clear as Raiza, another challenging role, and Roger Allam is unobtrusively effective speaking the narration The Monteverdi Choir too plays an important part in bringing out the magic of the music, with beautifully balanced recording." The Penguin Guide Batch two of Decca's Opera Series, reissuing many of the greatest opera recordings of the last 50 years from Decca and Philips This series re-establishes Decca as THE OPERA COMPANY Original sleeve packaging The complete libretto (offered in original language and translated into English, French, and German), is readable not only as PDF download but also via Amazon Kindle and the iPad

Disque 1

1 Overture

2 Oberon - narration: in a garden full of beautiful flowers

3 Oberon - trio: light as fairy foot can fall

4 Oberon - narration: watching over oberon, his sleeping master

5 Oberon - aria: fatal vow!

6 Oberon - narration: puck, searching high and low

7 Oberon - vision: o why art thou sleeping, sir huon the brave?

8 Oberon - narration: the vision is gone

9 Oberon - ensemble: honour and joy

10 Oberon - narration: huon is sure that his vision...

11 Oberon - aria: from boyhood trained

12 Oberon - narration: so knight and squire take ship from France

13 Oberon - finale: haste, gallant knight

14 Oberon - glory

15 Oberon - narration: it is the wedding day...

16 Oberon - dance of the bayaderes

17 Oberon - narration: reiza whispers anxiously...

18 Oberon - melodrama and narration: summoned by the horn

19 Oberon - narration: while huon and reiza get ready to leave

20 Oberon - arriette: a lonely arab maid

21 Oberon - narration: all is now set fair...

22 Oberon - quartet: over the dark blue waters

23 Oberon - narration: but the lovers' troubles...

24 Oberon - solo & choir: spirits of air and earth and sea

Disque 2

1 Oberon - narration: on a barren island

2 Oberon - ruler of this awful hour

3 Oberon - narration: huon has lost the magic horn

4 Oberon - scene & arie: océan thou mighty monster

5 Oberon - narration: what reiza has seen...

6 Oberon - narration: alas poor mortal

7 Oberon - narration: oberon orders puck

8 Oberon - finale: and hark, the mermaids...oh is pleasant

9 Oberon - narration: rescued by corsairs

10 Oberon - lied: o araby dear

11 Oberon - narration: sherasimin is entranced

12 Oberon - duet: on the banks

13 Oberon - narration: puck has magicked...

14 Oberon - terzettino: and I must I then

15 Oberon - narration: but there is no response...

16 Oberon - cavatine: mourn thou poor heart

17 Oberon - narration: almanzor is bewitched

18 Oberon - rondo: I revel in hope

19 Oberon - narration: suddenly the curtains part...

20 Oberon - narration: huon tries to break free

21 Oberon - almanzor is rooted to the spot...finale: hark what notes

22 Oberon - narration: huon with true heroism

23 Oberon - march & finale

发行日期:2012年3月13日基本信息外文名:Oberon表演者:Steve Davislim,Hillevi Martinpelto,Jonas Kaufmann,Monteverdi Choir乐团:Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique指挥:John Eliot Gardiner作曲:Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst von WeberCD碟数:2格式:套装版权提供:DeccaISBN:0028947834885条形码:0028947834885ASIN:B008LSETPKJohn Eliot GardinerCarl Maria Friedrich Ernst von WeberOrchestre Révolutionnaire et RomantiqueSteve DavislimHillevi Martinpelto

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