

进口CD:维特Werther(CD)4779340C  点此进入淘宝搜索页搜索
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  分類: 音乐,古典,

商品描述Werther is a work of Massenet's maturity, premiered in February 1892, just three months before his 50th birthday By then he was a highly experienced and successful composer, with a sequence of acclaimed operas - Le Roi de Lahore, Hérodiade, Manon, Le Cid, Esclarmonde - to his credit, several of which enjoyed international fame But the origins of Werther go back quite some way Paul Milliet, one of the three librettists responsible for the skilful operatic adaptation of Goethe's novel, described how the idea came up in February 1882 while he was travelling to Milan with Massenet and Georges Hartmann, the composer's publisher and occasional librettist, to attend the first Italian performances of Hérodiade at La Scala At the end of a conversation about Goethe's novel and its operatic possibilities, it was agreed that Milliet should write a libretto for Massenet He subsequently set to work, in consultation with Hartmann, spending several years on the task, while the composer kept busy with other projects.

Massenet himself, in Mes Souvenirs (published in 1912, the year of his death), described how on a visit with Hartmann to Bayreuth in 1886 to hear Parsifal, the two then travelled to Wetzlar, the setting of Goethe's partly autobiographical story After they had looked around the house where the original Charlotte had lived, Hartmann presented the composer with a translation of the book In fact, Massenet, who meticulously dated his manuscripts, seems already to have begun writing Werther in the summer of 1885 He completed the vocal score on 14 March 1887, and was occupied with its orchestration until 2 July.

Werther was initially turned down by Léon Carvalho, director of the Opéra-Comique, as being too dismal Massenet then sat on the score for five years, awaiting more auspicious circumstances in which to unveil it These finally presented themselves in the shape of a request for a new work from Wilhelm Jahn, director of the Vienna Court Opera, where Manon had notched up more than 100 performances.

Composition of the score began earlier than these dates suggest, as soon as Massenet had some sort of text to work on His regular practice with any libretto would be to memorize it, then to compose it in his head, usually while out walking, and then only when he was satisfied to put it down on paper This is partly what gives his immaculate word-setting both its precision and its spontaneity Few composers have ever set the French language with such a sensitive feeling for its natural inflections and expressive possibilities.

Massenet's technical sophistication and flexibility are also demonstrated throughout the score by its fluidity of texture and structure As a work conceived for the Opéra-Comique, Werther was heir to a long tradition that included spoken dialogue linking the musical numbers, as in Bizet's Carmen (1875) Massenet's own Manon (1884) retained the use of mélodrame - spoken text over an orchestral accompaniment - but Werther is through-composed, with no spoken text at all; and though it remains essentially a "number opera", with the characters moving into set pieces at emotional high-points, the joins between these "numbers" and the linking material are so well disguised that the listener is scarcely aware of any alteration in the level of discourse.

Partly because of the masterly continuity of Werther, and partly because of its large-scale use of reminiscence motifs, critics right from the first tended to discern in it Wagnerian influences But French music criticism at the time was obsessed with the question of "Wagnerisme", and all sorts of scores of the period were found to bear his influence So it is with Werther, whose structural principles essentially represent a tightening-up of Massenet's own earlier procedures In his use of reminiscence themes, he is developing a technique employed by French composers as far back as Méhul at the beginning of the 19th century.

Werther went on to become one of the composer's most frequently staged works Film director Benoît Jacquot's 2011 production at the Royal Opera House was conducted by the company's music director, Antonio Pappano, an interpreter of great flexibility and dramatic insight As the Financial Times wrote, "the outstanding conducting of Antonio Pappano, working with a Royal Opera orchestra on top form, made sure that .. Massenet's opera blazed vividly into life." It was undoubtedly Pappano's unique artistry that laid the bedrock for a highly successful musical performance Rolando Villazón sang the title part, one of opera's great outsider figures and one of the Mexican tenor's signature roles, which he first assumed in Nice in 2006 and later at the Vienna Opera in 2008 as well as in Paris; the opera also marked his directorial debut in Lyon in 2011 Of Villazón's return to Covent Garden for this performance, the Guardian critic wrote: "His artistry is as astonishing as ever, fusing sound, sense and gesture in an uncompromising quest for veracity." Alongside him the French mezzo Sophie Koch sang the tragically conflicted Charlotte - for her, too, a kind of signature role in which she has been acclaimed in Vienna, Madrid and Paris as well as London The Japanese Eri Nakamura personified Charlotte's spirited younger sister Sophie, the Norwegian baritone Audun Iversen her unloved husband Albert, and the distinguished French baritone Alain Vernhes her solidly bourgeois father, the Bailiff.

Disc 1

1 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Prélude

2 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 1 Assez! Assez! M'écoutera-t-on cette fois?

3 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 1 Bravo pour les enfants!

4 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 1 Alors, c'est bien ici la maison du Bailli?.. Ô Nature, pleine de grâce

5 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 1 Jésus vient de naître!

6 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 1 Arrivez donc, Brühlmann!.. Ô spectacle idéal d'amour et d'innocence

7 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 1 Sophie! - Albert! Toi de retour!

8 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 1 Elle m'aime! Elle pense à moi! Quelle prière de reconnaissance et d'amour

9 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 1 Interlude orchestral Clair de lune

10 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 1 Il faut nous séparer

11 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 1 Mais vous ne savez rien de moi

12 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 1 Rêve! Extase! Bonheur!

13 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 1 Charlotte! Charlotte! Albert est de retour!

14 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 2 Vivat Bacchus! Semper vivat!

15 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 2 Trois mois! Voici trois mois que nous sommes unis!

16 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 2 Un autre est son époux!

17 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 2 J'aurais sur ma poitrine pressé la plus divine

18 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 2 Si, Käthchen reviendra, je vous dis!

19 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 2 Au bonheur dont mon âme est pleine.. Vous l'avez dit: mon âme est loyale et sincère

20 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 2 Frère, voyez le beau bouquet!.. Du gai soleil, plein de fiamme

21 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 2 Ai-je dit vrai?.. Ah! qu'il est loin ce jour plein d'intime douceur

22 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 2 N'est-il donc pas d'autre femme ici-bas

23 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 2 Oui, ce qu'elle m'ordonne.. Lorsque l'enfant revient d'un voyage

24 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 2 Mais venez donc! Le cortège s'approche

Disc 2

1 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 3 Prélude

2 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 3 Werther! Werther! Qui m'aurait dit la place.. Je vous écris

3 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 3 Des cris joyeux d'enfants

4 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 3 Bonjour, grande soeur! Je viens aux nouvelles

5 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 3 Va! Laisse couler mes larmes

6 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 3 Tiens, Charlotte, crois-moi, ne reste pas ici

7 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 3 Ah! mon courage m'abandonne!

8 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 3 Oui, c'est moi! Je reviens

9 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 3 Toute mon âmes est là! Pourquoi me réveiller, ô souffle du printemps?

10 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 3 N'achevez pas! Hélas!

11 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 3 Ah! Moi! Moi! dans ses bras!

12 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 3 Werther est de retour

13 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 4 Interlude orchestral La nuit de Noël

14 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 4 Werther! Rien!

15 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 4 À cette heure suprême je suis heureux!

16 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 4 Noël! Noël! Noël!

17 Werther, lyric drama in 4 acts: Act 4 Ah! ses yeux se ferment


The Bailiff's house July 178 ...

A short prelude introduces the first act, which takes place at the home of Charlotte's widowed father, the Bailiff Charlotte keeps house, being the eldest of eight children The Bailiff is practising a Christmas carol with the little ones His friends Schmidt and Johann look in, tease him a little for starting to rehearse carols in July, tell of the preparations for the great festive occasion in the next town, and remind the Bailiff that they will expect to see him later that evening at the inn Sophie, Charlotte's younger sister, enters; they discuss Werther, a melancholy young man who is to escort Charlotte to the ball that evening, and Albert, her absent fiancé.

Werther comes in after the friends have gone, as does Charlotte, who has dressed for the ball; they set out together The Bailiff strolls to the inn while Sophie remains alone All is quiet again when Albert returns from his journey, earlier than expected He converses with Sophie about his forthcoming marriage but asks her not to let anyone know he is back.

Werther returns from the ball with Charlotte by moonlight; they stop in front of the house and Werther, inspired by the romantic mood and feeling that his affection is reciprocated, declares his love for Charlotte She too is unable to escape the enchantment which surrounds them both At this point, the Bailiff arrives and, without seeing them, enters the house and announces that Albert is back Werther thus learns that Charlotte is engaged and that she has sworn to her mother on her deathbed that she will give Albert her hand The spell is broken; Charlotte enters the house while Werther cries in despair, "Another, her husband!"


At Wetzlar, September, the same year, a Sunday afternoon in autumn.

Schmidt and Johann are sitting outside the local inn and watching the villagers who have come to celebrate the pastor's golden wedding Charlotte and Albert, who have been married for three months, are also amongst the guests, as too is Werther, who is anguished at the idea that Charlotte belongs to another Albert, who thinks he knows the reason for Werther's despair, tries to console him by telling him he understands his torment Sophie runs in happily, but Werther evades her invitation to dance; he wants to be near Charlotte, and when he sees her he is compelled to speak to her of his love Charlotte rebuffs him and asks him - for the sake of her peace of mind - not to return until Christmas, then she leaves him alone Sophie returns and invites him to join the party, but Werther flees precipitously.


Albert's house Christmas Eve, 5 p.m.

Charlotte, alone at home, thinks of Werther and reads his letters, in which he broods over his desperate loneliness She now admits to herself that, in spite of all her struggles to forget him, she still loves Werther as much as he loves her Sophie tries to cheer Charlotte out of her dark mood and invites her to come home to her father and her brothers and sisters for the festivities Suddenly Werther himself appears, pale and haggard Together they evoke tender memories - reading Ossian and music-making Noting the young woman's confusion, Werther realizes that she loves him and tries to kiss her Charlotte fights against her passion and finally her sense of duty triumphs: she says farewell to Werther and goes out of the room Werther leaves A servant brings Albert a letter from Werther asking to borrow his pistols as he must go on a long journey Albert forces Charlotte to hand over the weapons to the messenger She does so, but when he leaves she takes her coat and rushes out of the house.


Werther's study Christmas Eve.

Charlotte comes to Werther and finds him lying mortally wounded on the floor In his despair Werther has shot himself In the last minutes of his life he asks her to forgive him She confesses her love to him - and while outside children are singing merry Christmas carols, Werther dies in Charlotte's arms.

发行日期:2012年4月3日基本信息外文名:Werther表演者:Sophie Koch乐团:Chorus and Orchestra of the Royal Opera指挥:Antonio Pappano作曲:Jules Émile Frédéric MassenetCD碟数:2格式:套装版权提供:DGIMPORTSISBN:0028947793403条形码:0028947793403ASIN:B008LSF9L8Rolando VillazónJules Émile Frédéric MassenetAntonio PappanoChorus and Orchestra of the Royal OperaSophie Koch

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